File: panda_gazebo/SetGripperWidth.srv
Raw Message Definition
# Service that can be used to control the robot hand gripper width using the panda_control_server.
# NOTE: It serves as a small wrapper around the 'franka_gripper/move' action but automatically
# sets the speed to the maximum speed. It further clips gripper width such that it is within
# the set max/min boundaries.
float64 width # Gripper width - ignored when the gripper is grasping.
bool grasping # The gripper simply moves if this is `false` ignoring the 'max_effort'.
float64 max_effort # The max effort used by the gripper.
bool wait
duration timeout # Action server timeout. If set to 0, no timeout is used and action waits indefinitely.
bool success
string message
Compact Message Definition
float64 width
bool grasping
float64 max_effort
bool wait
duration timeout
bool success
string message