File: panda_gazebo/SetJointCommands.srv
Raw Message Definition
# Service that can be used to control the robot joint positions/efforts using the
# panda_control_server.
# NOTE: This is done by publishing the joint commands to the right topics while sending
# the gripper width to the 'franka_gripper/move' action service.
string[] joint_names
float64[] joint_commands
string control_type # The control type you want to use for the robot arm. Options are `effort` and `position`.
bool grasping # If set to true, the gripper 'max_effort' will be set to 10N when not supplied. This will simplify grasping.
bool arm_wait # Wait till the arm control has completed
bool hand_wait # Wait till the hand control has completed
bool success
string message
Compact Message Definition
string[] joint_names
float64[] joint_commands
string control_type
bool grasping
bool arm_wait
bool hand_wait
bool success
string message