Source code for stable_gym.envs.mujoco.walker2d_cost.walker2d_cost

"""The Walker2dCost gymnasium environment."""

import gymnasium as gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from gymnasium import logger, utils
from gymnasium.envs.mujoco.walker2d_v4 import Walker2dEnv

[docs]EPISODES = 10 # Number of env episodes to run when __main__ is called.
[docs]RANDOM_STEP = True # Use random action in __main__. Zero action otherwise.
# TODO: Update solving criteria after training.
[docs]class Walker2dCost(Walker2dEnv, utils.EzPickle): r"""Custom Walker2d gymnasium environment. .. note:: Can also be used in a vectorized manner. See the :gymnasium:`gym.vector <api/vector>` documentation. Source: This is a modified version of the Walker2d Mujoco environment found in the :gymnasium:`gymnasium library <environments/mujoco/walker2d>`. This modification was first described by `Han et al. 2020 <>`_. Compared to the original Walker2d environment in this modified version: - The objective was changed to a velocity-tracking task. To do this, the reward is replaced with a cost. This cost is the squared difference between the Walker2d's forward velocity and a reference value (error). Additionally, also a control cost and health penalty can be included in the cost. - Three **optional** variables were added to the observation space; The reference velocity, the reference error (i.e. the difference between the walker2d's forward velocity and the reference) and the walker2d's forward velocity. These variables can be enabled using the ``exclude_reference_from_observation``, ``exclude_reference_error_from_observation`` and ``exclude_velocity_from_observation`` environment arguments. The rest of the environment is the same as the original Walker2d environment. Below, the modified cost is described. For more information about the environment (e.g. observation space, action space, episode termination, etc.), please refer to the :gymnasium:`gymnasium library <environments/mujoco/walker2d>`. Modified cost: A cost, computed using the :meth:`Walker2dCost.cost` method, is given for each simulation step, including the terminal step. This cost is defined as the error between the Walkers's forward velocity and a reference value. A control cost and health penalty can also be included in the cost. The cost is computed as: .. math:: cost = w_{forward\_velocity} \times (x_{velocity} - x_{reference\_x\_velocity})^2 + w_{ctrl} \times c_{ctrl} + p_{health} Solved Requirements: Considered solved when the average cost is less than or equal to 50 over 100 consecutive trials. How to use: .. code-block:: python import stable_gyms import gymnasium as gym env = gym.make("stable_gym:Walker2dCost-v1") Attributes: state (numpy.ndarray): The current system state. dt (float): The environment step size. Also available as :attr:`.tau`. reference_forward_velocity (float): The forward velocity that the agent should try to track. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, reference_forward_velocity=1.0, randomise_reference_forward_velocity=False, randomise_reference_forward_velocity_range=(0.5, 1.5), forward_velocity_weight=1.0, include_ctrl_cost=False, include_health_penalty=True, health_penalty_size=10, ctrl_cost_weight=1e-3, terminate_when_unhealthy=True, healthy_z_range=(0.8, 2.0), healthy_angle_range=(-1.0, 1.0), reset_noise_scale=5e-3, exclude_current_positions_from_observation=True, exclude_reference_from_observation=False, exclude_reference_error_from_observation=True, exclude_x_velocity_from_observation=False, action_space_dtype=np.float32, observation_space_dtype=np.float64, **kwargs, ): """Initialise a new Walker2dCost environment instance. Args: reference_forward_velocity (float, optional): The forward velocity that the agent should try to track. Defaults to ``1.0``. randomise_reference_forward_velocity (bool, optional): Whether to randomize the reference forward velocity. Defaults to ``False``. randomise_reference_forward_velocity_range (tuple, optional): The range of the random reference forward velocity. Defaults to ``(0.5, 1.5)``. forward_velocity_weight (float, optional): The weight used to scale the forward velocity error. Defaults to ``1.0``. include_ctrl_cost (bool, optional): Whether you also want to penalize the 2D walker if it takes actions that are too large. Defaults to ``False``. include_health_penalty (bool, optional): Whether to penalize the 2D walker if it becomes unhealthy (i.e. if it falls over). Defaults to ``True``. health_penalty_size (int, optional): The size of the unhealthy penalty. Defaults to ``10``. ctrl_cost_weight (float, optional): The weight used to scale the control cost. Defaults to ``1e-3``. terminate_when_unhealthy (bool, optional): Whether to terminate the episode when the 2D walker becomes unhealthy. Defaults to ``True``. healthy_z_range (tuple, optional): The range of healthy z values. Defaults to ``(0.8, 2.0)``. healthy_angle_range (tuple, optional): The range of healthy angles. Defaults to ``(-1.0, 1.0)``, reset_noise_scale (float, optional): Scale of random perturbations of the initial position and velocity. Defaults to ``5e-3``. exclude_current_positions_from_observation (bool, optional): Whether to omit the x- and y-coordinates of the front tip from observations. Excluding the position can serve as an inductive bias to induce position-agnostic behaviour in policies. Defaults to ``True``. exclude_reference_from_observation (bool, optional): Whether the reference should be excluded from the observation. Defaults to ``False``. exclude_reference_error_from_observation (bool, optional): Whether the error should be excluded from the observation. Defaults to ``True``. exclude_x_velocity_from_observation (bool, optional): Whether to omit the x- component of the velocity from observations. Defaults to ``False``. action_space_dtype (union[numpy.dtype, str], optional): The data type of the action space. Defaults to ``np.float32``. observation_space_dtype (union[numpy.dtype, str], optional): The data type of the observation space. Defaults to ``np.float64``. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`~gymnasium.envs.mujoco.walker2d_v4.Walker2dEnv` class. """
[docs] self.reference_forward_velocity = reference_forward_velocity
[docs] self._randomise_reference_forward_velocity = ( randomise_reference_forward_velocity )
[docs] self._randomise_reference_forward_velocity_range = ( randomise_reference_forward_velocity_range )
[docs] self._forward_velocity_weight = forward_velocity_weight
[docs] self._include_ctrl_cost = include_ctrl_cost
[docs] self._include_health_penalty = include_health_penalty
[docs] self._health_penalty_size = health_penalty_size
[docs] self._exclude_reference_from_observation = exclude_reference_from_observation
[docs] self._exclude_reference_error_from_observation = ( exclude_reference_error_from_observation )
[docs] self._exclude_x_velocity_from_observation = exclude_x_velocity_from_observation
[docs] self._action_space_dtype = action_space_dtype
[docs] self._observation_space_dtype = observation_space_dtype
[docs] self._action_dtype_conversion_warning = False
# Validate input arguments. assert not randomise_reference_forward_velocity or not ( exclude_reference_from_observation and exclude_reference_error_from_observation ), ( "You cannot exclude the reference and reference error from the observation " "if you randomize the reference forward velocity." )
[docs] self.state = None
[docs] # Initialise the Walker2dEnv class.
super().__init__( ctrl_cost_weight=ctrl_cost_weight, terminate_when_unhealthy=terminate_when_unhealthy, healthy_z_range=healthy_z_range, healthy_angle_range=healthy_angle_range, reset_noise_scale=reset_noise_scale, exclude_current_positions_from_observation=exclude_current_positions_from_observation, # noqa: E501 **kwargs, ) # Change action space dtype if necessary. if self._action_space_dtype != self.action_space.dtype: self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box( self.action_space.low, self.action_space.high, dtype=self._action_space_dtype, seed=self.action_space.np_random, ) # Extend observation space if necessary.
[docs] low = self.observation_space.low
[docs] high = self.observation_space.high
if not self._exclude_reference_from_observation: low = np.append(low, -np.inf) high = np.append(high, np.inf) if not self._exclude_reference_error_from_observation: low = np.append(low, -np.inf) high = np.append(high, np.inf) if not self._exclude_x_velocity_from_observation: low = np.append(low, -np.inf) high = np.append(high, np.inf)
[docs] self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box( low, high, dtype=self._observation_space_dtype, seed=self.observation_space.np_random, )
# Reinitialize the EzPickle class. # NOTE: Done to ensure the args of the Walker2dCost class are also pickled. # NOTE: Ensure that all args are passed to the EzPickle class! utils.EzPickle.__init__( self, reference_forward_velocity, randomise_reference_forward_velocity, randomise_reference_forward_velocity_range, forward_velocity_weight, include_ctrl_cost, include_health_penalty, health_penalty_size, ctrl_cost_weight, terminate_when_unhealthy, healthy_z_range, healthy_angle_range, reset_noise_scale, exclude_current_positions_from_observation, exclude_reference_from_observation, exclude_reference_error_from_observation, exclude_x_velocity_from_observation, action_space_dtype=action_space_dtype, observation_space_dtype=observation_space_dtype, **kwargs, )
[docs] def cost(self, x_velocity, ctrl_cost): """Compute the cost of a given x velocity and control cost. Args: x_velocity (float): The Walker2d's x velocity. ctrl_cost (float): The control cost. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - cost (float): The cost of the action. - info (:obj:`dict`): Additional information about the cost. """ velocity_cost = self._forward_velocity_weight * np.square( x_velocity - self.reference_forward_velocity ) cost = velocity_cost if self._include_ctrl_cost: cost += ctrl_cost # Add extra penalty if the 2D walker becomes unhealthy. health_penalty = 0.0 if self._include_health_penalty: if not self.is_healthy: health_penalty = self._health_penalty_size cost += health_penalty return cost, { "cost_velocity": velocity_cost, "cost_ctrl": ctrl_cost, "penalty_health": health_penalty, }
[docs] def step(self, action): """Take step into the environment. .. note:: This method overrides the :meth:`~gymnasium.envs.mujoco.walker2d_v4.Walker2dEnv.step` method such that the new cost function is used. Args: action (np.ndarray): Action to take in the environment. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - obs (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Environment observation. - cost (:obj:`float`): Cost of the action. - terminated (:obj:`bool`): Whether the episode is terminated. - truncated (:obj:`bool`): Whether the episode was truncated. This value is set by wrappers when for example a time limit is reached or the agent goes out of bounds. - info (:obj:`dict`): Additional information about the environment. """ # Convert action to correct data type if needed. if action.dtype != self._action_space_dtype: if not self._action_dtype_conversion_warning: logger.warn( "The data type of the action that is supplied to the " f"'ros_gazebo_gym:{}' environment ({action.dtype}) " "does not match the data type of the action space " f"({self._action_space_dtype.__name__}). The action data type will " "be converted to the action space data type." ) self._action_dtype_conversion_warning = True action = action.astype(self._action_space_dtype) obs, _, terminated, truncated, info = super().step(action) ctrl_cost = super().control_cost(action) cost, cost_info = self.cost(info["x_velocity"], ctrl_cost) # Add reference, x velocity and reference error to observation. if not self._exclude_reference_from_observation: obs = np.append(obs, self.reference_forward_velocity) if not self._exclude_reference_error_from_observation: obs = np.append(obs, info["x_velocity"] - self.reference_forward_velocity) if not self._exclude_x_velocity_from_observation: obs = np.append(obs, info["x_velocity"]) self.state = obs # Update info dictionary and change observation dtype. info.update(cost_info) info.update( { "reference": self.reference_forward_velocity, "state_of_interest": info["x_velocity"], "reference_error": info["x_velocity"] - self.reference_forward_velocity, } ) obs = obs.astype(self._observation_space_dtype) return obs, cost, terminated, truncated, info
[docs] def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): """Reset gymnasium environment. Args: seed (int, optional): A random seed for the environment. By default ``None``. options (dict, optional): A dictionary containing additional options for resetting the environment. By default ``None``. Not used in this environment. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - obs (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): Initial environment observation. - info (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing additional information. """ obs, info = super().reset(seed=seed, options=options) _, cost_info = self.cost(0.0, 0.0) # Randomize the reference forward velocity if requested. if self._randomise_reference_forward_velocity: self.reference_forward_velocity = self.np_random.uniform( *self._randomise_reference_forward_velocity_range ) # Add reference, x velocity and reference error to observation. if not self._exclude_reference_from_observation: obs = np.append(obs, self.reference_forward_velocity) if not self._exclude_reference_error_from_observation: obs = np.append(obs, 0.0 - self.reference_forward_velocity) if not self._exclude_x_velocity_from_observation: obs = np.append(obs, 0.0) self.state = obs # Update info dictionary and change observation dtype. info.update(cost_info) info.update( { "reference": self.reference_forward_velocity, "state_of_interest": 0.0, "reference_error": 0.0 - self.reference_forward_velocity, } ) obs = obs.astype(self._observation_space_dtype) return obs, info
[docs] def tau(self): """Alias for the environment step size. Done for compatibility with the other gymnasium environments. """ return self.dt
[docs] def t(self): """Environment time.""" return
[docs] def physics_time(self): """Returns the physics time.""" return self.t
if __name__ == "__main__": print("Setting up 'Walker2dCost' environment.")
[docs] env = gym.make("stable_gym:Walker2dCost", render_mode="human")
# Run episodes. episode = 0 path, paths = [], [] s, _ = env.reset() path.append(s) print(f"\nPerforming '{EPISODES}' in the 'Walker2dCost' environment...\n") print(f"Episode: {episode}") while episode + 1 <= EPISODES: action = ( env.action_space.sample() if RANDOM_STEP else np.zeros(env.action_space.shape) ) s, r, terminated, truncated, _ = env.step(action) path.append(s) if terminated or truncated: paths.append(path) episode += 1 path, reference = [], [] s, _ = env.reset() path.append(s) print(f"Episode: {episode}") print("\nFinished 'Walker2dCost' environment simulation.") # Plot results per episode. print("\nPlotting episode data...") for i in range(len(paths)): path = paths[i] fig, ax = plt.subplots() print(f"\nEpisode: {i+1}") path = np.array(path) t = np.linspace(0, path.shape[0] * env.dt, path.shape[0]) for j in range(path.shape[1]): # NOTE: Change if you want to plot less states. ax.plot(t, path[:, j], label=f"State {j+1}") ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)") ax.set_title(f"Walker2dCost episode '{i+1}'") ax.legend() print("Close plot to see next episode...") print("\nDone") env.close()