Source code for panda_autograsp.moveit_collision_objects

"""Module that contains a number of constraint object classes
that can be used to add constraint to the moveit planning
scene. It was created since the moveit_commander doesn't yet
contain a addCollisionObjects method. As a result using the
standard collision_object_msgs and shape_msgs was not ideal."""

# ROS messages and services
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped

# Constraint classes ############################
[docs]class Box(object): """Moveit Box collision object class. Attributes ------------ type : :py:obj:`str` Collision object type. name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. size : :py:obj:`tuple` The size of the box specified as (x, y, z). pose : :py:obj:`!geometry_msgs.PoseStamed` The pose of the collision object. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, size_x=1.0, size_y=1.0, size_z=1.0, x_pos=0.0, y_pos=0.0, z_pos=0.0, x_rot=0.0, y_rot=0.0, z_rot=0.0, w_rot=1.0, reference_frame="world", ): """ Parameters ---------- name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. size_x : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x-dimensions size of the box, by default 1.0 size_y : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y-dimensions size of the box, by default 1.0 size_z : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z-dimensions size of the box, by default 1.0 x_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. x_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. w_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The w orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 1.0. reference_frame : :py:obj:`str`, optional The frame in which the pose is expressed, by default world. """ # Set member variables self.type = "box" = name self.pose = PoseStamped() self.pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame self.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos self.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos self.pose.pose.position.z = z_pos self.pose.pose.orientation.x = x_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.y = y_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.z = z_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.w = w_rot self._size = (size_y, size_y, size_z)
@property def size(self): """Get the size of the collision object.""" return self._size @size.setter def size(self, value): if not isinstance(value, tuple) or len(value) != 3: # Validate if tuple raise Exception("Size should be a tuple of length 3 (x, y, z).") self._size = value
[docs]class Plane(object): """Moveit Cube collision object class. .. note:: This class uses the plane equation Ax+Bx+Cz + D = 0 to construct the plane. In this A,B,C represent the the coordinates of the plane normal (Orientation) and D the offset to the normal. Attributes ------------ type : :py:obj:`str` Collision object type. name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. normal : :py:obj:`list` Plane normal specified as (x, y, z). offset : :py:obj:`float` Plane offset relative to the normal. pose : :py:obj:`!geometry_msgs.PoseStamed` The pose of the collision object. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, normal_x=0.0, normal_y=0.0, normal_z=1.0, offset=0.0, x_pos=0.0, y_pos=0.0, z_pos=0.0, x_rot=0.0, y_rot=0.0, z_rot=0.0, w_rot=1.0, reference_frame="world", ): """ Parameters ---------- name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. normal_x : :py:obj:`float`, optional The normal vector x coordinate, by default 0.0. normal_y : :py:obj:`float`, optional The normal vector y coordinate, by default 0.0. normal_z : :py:obj:`float`, optional The normal vector z coordinate, by default 1.0. offset : py:obj:`float`, optional Plane offset relative to the normal, by default 0.0 x_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. x_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. w_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The w orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 1.0. reference_frame : :py:obj:`str`, optional The frame in which the pose is expressed, by default world. """ # Set member variables self.type = "plane" = name self.offset = offset self.reference_frame = reference_frame normal_tmp = (float(normal_x), float(normal_y), float(normal_z)) self._normal = tuple( ti / sum(normal_tmp) for ti in normal_tmp ) # Normalize tuple self.pose = PoseStamped() self.pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame self.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos self.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos self.pose.pose.position.z = z_pos self.pose.pose.orientation.x = x_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.y = y_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.z = z_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.w = w_rot
@property def normal(self): """The plane normal.""" return self._normal @normal.setter def normal(self, value): if not isinstance(value, tuple) or len(value) != 3: # Validate if tuple raise Exception("Size should be a tuple of length 3 (x, y, z).") normal_tmp = tuple(float(ti) for ti in value) # Create float self._normal = tuple( ti / sum(normal_tmp) for ti in normal_tmp ) # Normalize tuple
[docs]class Cylinder(object): """Moveit cylinder collision object class. Attributes ------------ type : :py:obj:`str` Collision object type. name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. height : :py:obj:`float` The height of the cylinder. radius : :py:obj:`float` The radius of the cylinder. x_pos : :py:obj:`float` The x position in link_name frame. y_pos : :py:obj:`float` The y position in link_name frame. z_pos : :py:obj:`float` The z position in link_name frame. x_rot : :py:obj:`float` The x orientation relative to the link_name frame. y_rot : :py:obj:`float` The y orientation relative to the link_name frame. z_rot : :py:obj:`float` The z orientation relative to the link_name frame. w_rot : :py:obj:`float` The w orientation relative to the link_name frame. pose : :py:obj:`!geometry_msgs.PoseStamped` The object pose. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, height=1.0, radius=1.0, x_pos=0.0, y_pos=0.0, z_pos=0.0, x_rot=0.0, y_rot=0.0, z_rot=0.0, w_rot=1.0, reference_frame="world", ): """ Parameters ---------- name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. height : :py:obj:`float`, optional The height of the cylinder, by default 1.0 radius : :py:obj:`float`, optional The radius of the cylinder, by default 1.0. x_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. x_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. w_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The w orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 1.0. reference_frame : :py:obj:`str`, optional The frame in which the pose is expressed, by default world. """ # Set member variables self.type = "cylinder" = name self.height = height self.radius = radius self.pose = PoseStamped() self.pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame self.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos self.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos self.pose.pose.position.z = z_pos self.pose.pose.orientation.x = x_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.y = y_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.z = z_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.w = w_rot
[docs]class Sphere(object): """Moveit sphere collision object class. Attributes ------------ type : :py:obj:`str` Collision object type. name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. radius : :py:obj:`float` The radius of the sphere. x_pos : :py:obj:`float` The x position in link_name frame. y_pos : :py:obj:`float` The y position in link_name frame. z_pos : :py:obj:`float` The z position in link_name frame. x_rot : :py:obj:`float` The x orientation relative to the link_name frame. y_rot : :py:obj:`float` The y orientation relative to the link_name frame. z_rot : :py:obj:`float` The z orientation relative to the link_name frame. w_rot : :py:obj:`float` The w orientation relative to the link_name frame. pose : :py:obj:`!geometry_msgs.PoseStamped` The object pose. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, radius=1.0, x_pos=0.0, y_pos=0.0, z_pos=0.0, x_rot=0.0, y_rot=0.0, z_rot=0.0, w_rot=1.0, reference_frame="world", ): """ Parameters ---------- name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. radius : :py:obj:`float`, optional The radius of the sphere, by default 1.0. x_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. x_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. w_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The w orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 1.0. reference_frame : :py:obj:`str`, optional The frame in which the pose is expressed, by default world. """ # Set member variables self.type = "sphere" = name self.radius = radius self.pose = PoseStamped() self.pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame self.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos self.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos self.pose.pose.position.z = z_pos self.pose.pose.orientation.x = x_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.y = y_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.z = z_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.w = w_rot
[docs]class Mesh(object): """Moveit mesh collision object class. Attributes ------------ type : :py:obj:`str` Collision object type. name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object. file_name : :py:obj:`str` The location of the mesh file. x_pos : :py:obj:`float` The x position in link_name frame. y_pos : :py:obj:`float` The y position in link_name frame. z_pos : :py:obj:`float` The z position in link_name frame. x_rot : :py:obj:`float` The x orientation relative to the link_name frame. y_rot : :py:obj:`float` The y orientation relative to the link_name frame. z_rot : :py:obj:`float` The z orientation relative to the link_name frame. w_rot : :py:obj:`float` The w orientation relative to the link_name frame. pose : :py:obj:`!geometry_msgs.PoseStamped` The object pose. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, file_name, x_pos=0.0, y_pos=0.0, z_pos=0.0, x_rot=0.0, y_rot=0.0, z_rot=0.0, w_rot=1.0, reference_frame="world", ): """ Parameters ---------- name : :py:obj:`str` The name of the object file_name : :py:obj:`str` The location of the mesh file. x_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_pos : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z position in link_name frame, by default 0.0. x_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The x orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. y_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The y orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. z_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The z orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 0.0. w_rot : :py:obj:`float`, optional The w orientation relative to the link_name frame, by default 1.0. reference_frame : :py:obj:`str`, optional The frame in which the pose is expressed, by default world. """ # Set member variables self.type = "mesh" = name self.file_name = file_name self.pose = PoseStamped() self.pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame self.pose.pose.position.x = x_pos self.pose.pose.position.y = y_pos self.pose.pose.position.z = z_pos self.pose.pose.orientation.x = x_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.y = y_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.z = z_rot self.pose.pose.orientation.w = w_rot