Source code for joint_positions_dynamic_reconfigure_server

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Small node that spins up a dynamic reconfigure server that can be used to change the
panda arm joint positions and gripper width.
import actionlib
import rospy
from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
from franka_gripper.msg import MoveAction, MoveGoal
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Float64MultiArray

from panda_gazebo.cfg import JointPositionsConfig

# Constants for topic names
[docs]ARM_TOPIC = "/panda_arm_joint_position_controller/command"
[docs]JOINT_STATES_TOPIC = "joint_states"
[docs]GRIPPER_ACTION_NAME = "franka_gripper/move"
[docs]class JointPositionsDynamicReconfigureServer: """A small node that spins up a dynamic reconfigure server that can be used to change the panda arm joint positions and gripper width. """ def __init__(self): """Initialise JointPositionsDynamicReconfigureServer object.""" rospy.loginfo("Starting dynamic reconfigure server...") self.srv = Server(JointPositionsConfig, self.callback) # Create joint positions publisher. self.arm_pub = rospy.Publisher(ARM_TOPIC, Float64MultiArray, queue_size=10) # Create gripper width publisher. self.gripper_move_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( GRIPPER_ACTION_NAME, MoveAction ) self.gripper_connected = self.gripper_move_client.wait_for_server( timeout=rospy.Duration(secs=5) )
[docs] def callback(self, config, level): """Dynamic reconfigure callback function. Args: config (dict): Dictionary containing the new configuration. level (int): Level of the dynamic reconfigure server. Represents the variable that was changed or if -1 that the server was just started. """ if level == -1: self._initialize_joint_states(config) else: self._log_reconfigure_request(config) if level < 7: self._publish_joint_positions(config) elif level in [7, 8]: if self.gripper_connected: self._send_gripper_command(config) else: rospy.logwarn_once( "Gripper commands not applied since the gripper command " "action was not found." ) return config
def _initialize_joint_states(self, config): """Set initial joint states. Args: config (dict): Dictionary containing the new configuration. """ rospy.loginfo("Waiting for initial joint states...") joint_states = rospy.wait_for_message(JOINT_STATES_TOPIC, JointState) position_dict = dict(zip(, joint_states.position)) set_values = list(position_dict.values()) config.update( **dict(zip([key for key in config.keys() if key != "groups"], set_values)) ) rospy.loginfo("Initial joint states retrieved.") rospy.loginfo("Dynamic reconfigure server started.") def _log_reconfigure_request(self, config): """Log reconfigure request. Args: config (dict): Dictionary containing the new configuration. """ rospy.loginfo( ( "Reconfigure Request: {joint1_position}, {joint2_position}, " "{joint3_position}, {joint4_position}, {joint5_position}, " "{joint6_position}, {joint7_position}, {width}, {speed}" ).format(**config) ) def _publish_joint_positions(self, config): """Publish joint positions. Args: config (dict): Dictionary containing the new configuration. """ self.arm_pub.publish(Float64MultiArray(data=list(config.values())[:7])) def _send_gripper_command(self, config): """Send gripper command. Args: config (dict): Dictionary containing the new configuration. """ move_goal = MoveGoal(width=config["width"], speed=config["speed"]) self.gripper_move_client.send_goal(move_goal) result = self.gripper_move_client.wait_for_result() if not result: rospy.logerr("Something went wrong while setting the gripper commands.")
if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("joint_positions_reconfig_server", anonymous=False) try: JointPositionsDynamicReconfigureServer() rospy.spin() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerr("ROS node interrupted.") except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(f"Unexpected error occurred: {e}")