## *********************************************************
## File autogenerated for the panda_gazebo package
## by the dynamic_reconfigure package.
## Please do not edit.
## ********************************************************/
from dynamic_reconfigure.encoding import extract_params
[docs]config_description = {'name': 'Default', 'type': '', 'state': True, 'cstate': 'true', 'id': 0, 'parent': 0, 'parameters': [], 'groups': [{'name': 'arm', 'type': '', 'state': True, 'cstate': 'true', 'id': 1, 'parent': 0, 'parameters': [{'name': 'joint1_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 0, 'description': 'Joint 1 effort control command', 'min': -87.0, 'max': 87.0, 'srcline': 12, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'joint2_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 1, 'description': 'Joint 2 effort control command', 'min': -87.0, 'max': 87.0, 'srcline': 13, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'joint3_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 2, 'description': 'Joint 3 effort control command', 'min': -87.0, 'max': 87.0, 'srcline': 14, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'joint4_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 3, 'description': 'Joint 4 effort control command', 'min': -87.0, 'max': 87.0, 'srcline': 15, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'joint5_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 4, 'description': 'Joint 5 effort control command', 'min': -12.0, 'max': 12.0, 'srcline': 16, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'joint6_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 5, 'description': 'Joint 6 effort control command', 'min': -12.0, 'max': 12.0, 'srcline': 17, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'joint7_effort', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 6, 'description': 'Joint 7 effort control command', 'min': -12.0, 'max': 12.0, 'srcline': 18, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}], 'groups': [], 'srcline': 124, 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/dynamic_reconfigure/parameter_generator_catkin.py', 'class': 'DEFAULT::ARM', 'parentclass': 'DEFAULT', 'parentname': 'Default', 'field': 'DEFAULT::arm', 'upper': 'ARM', 'lower': 'arm'}, {'name': 'hand', 'type': '', 'state': True, 'cstate': 'true', 'id': 2, 'parent': 0, 'parameters': [{'name': 'width', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.0, 'level': 7, 'description': 'Gripper width', 'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.08, 'srcline': 22, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}, {'name': 'speed', 'type': 'double', 'default': 0.2, 'level': 8, 'description': 'Gripper speed', 'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.2, 'srcline': 31, 'srcfile': '/src/panda_gazebo/cfg/dyn_reconf/EffortControlTestDynReconf.cfg', 'edit_method': '', 'ctype': 'double', 'cconsttype': 'const double'}], 'groups': [], 'srcline': 124, 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/dynamic_reconfigure/parameter_generator_catkin.py', 'class': 'DEFAULT::HAND', 'parentclass': 'DEFAULT', 'parentname': 'Default', 'field': 'DEFAULT::hand', 'upper': 'HAND', 'lower': 'hand'}], 'srcline': 246, 'srcfile': '/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/dynamic_reconfigure/parameter_generator_catkin.py', 'class': 'DEFAULT', 'parentclass': '', 'parentname': 'Default', 'field': 'default', 'upper': 'DEFAULT', 'lower': 'groups'}
all_level = 0
#def extract_params(config):
# params = []
# params.extend(config['parameters'])
# for group in config['groups']:
# params.extend(extract_params(group))
# return params
for param in extract_params(config_description):
min[param['name']] = param['min']
max[param['name']] = param['max']
defaults[param['name']] = param['default']
level[param['name']] = param['level']
type[param['name']] = param['type']
[docs] all_level = all_level | param['level']