Source code for panda_gazebo.core.control_switcher

"""This class is responsible for switching the control type that is used for
controlling the Panda Robot robot arm and hand. It serves as a wrapper around the
services created by the ROS
`controller_manager <>`_ class.

Control types:
    * `trajectory <>`_
    * `position <>`_
    * `effort <>`_
import time
from itertools import compress

import rospy
from controller_manager_msgs.srv import (
from rospy.exceptions import ROSException, ROSInterruptException

from panda_gazebo.common import ControllerInfoDict
from panda_gazebo.common.helpers import (

# Global script vars.
[docs]ARM_CONTROLLERS = { "end_effector": "panda_arm_trajectory_controller", "trajectory": "panda_arm_trajectory_controller", "position": "panda_arm_joint_position_controller", "effort": "panda_arm_joint_effort_controller", }
[docs]HAND_CONTROLLERS = { "position": "franka_gripper", }
[docs]class ControllerSwitcherResponse: """Class used for returning the result of the :meth:`PandaControlSwitcher.switch` method. Attributes: success (bool): Specifies whether the switch operation was successful. prev_control_type (str): The previous used control type. """ def __init__(self, success=True, prev_control_type=""): """Initialise ControllerSwitcherResponse object. Args: success (bool, optional): Whether the switch operation was successful. Defaults to ``True``. prev_control_type (str, optional): The previous used control type. Defaults to ``""``. """ self.success = success self.prev_control_type = prev_control_type
[docs]class PandaControlSwitcher(object): """Used for switching the Panda robot controllers. Attributes: verbose (bool): Boolean specifying whether we want to display log messages during switching. arm_control_types (list): List of currently active arm control types. hand_control_types (list): List of currently active hand control types. """ def __init__(self, connection_timeout=10, verbose=True, robot_name_space=""): """Initialise PandaControlSwitcher object. Args: connection_timeout (str, optional): The timeout for connecting to the controller_manager services. Defaults to `10` sec. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to display debug log messages. Defaults to ``True``. robot_name_space (string, optional): The namespace the robot, and thus the 'controller_manager' is on. Defaults to ``""``. """ self.verbose = verbose self._controller_spawner_wait_timeout = 5 # Connect to controller_manager services. try: switch_controller_srv_topic = "%s/controller_manager/switch_controller" % ( robot_name_space ) rospy.logdebug( "Connecting to '%s' service." % (switch_controller_srv_topic) ) rospy.wait_for_service( switch_controller_srv_topic, timeout=connection_timeout ) self._switch_controller_client = rospy.ServiceProxy( switch_controller_srv_topic, SwitchController ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % switch_controller_srv_topic) list_controllers_srv_topic = "%s/controller_manager/list_controllers" % ( robot_name_space ) rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % list_controllers_srv_topic) rospy.wait_for_service( list_controllers_srv_topic, timeout=connection_timeout ) self._list_controller_client = rospy.ServiceProxy( list_controllers_srv_topic, ListControllers ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % list_controllers_srv_topic) load_controller_srv_topic = "%s/controller_manager/load_controller" % ( robot_name_space ) rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % load_controller_srv_topic) rospy.wait_for_service( load_controller_srv_topic, timeout=connection_timeout ) self._load_controller_client = rospy.ServiceProxy( load_controller_srv_topic, LoadController ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % load_controller_srv_topic) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException) as e: err_msg = ( "Shutting down '%s' because no connection could be established " "with the '%s' service and this service is needed " "when using 'position'." % ( rospy.get_name(), "/" + e.args[0].split(" /")[1], ) ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_message=err_msg, exit_code=1) def _list_controllers_state(self): # noqa: C901 """Get information about the currently running and loaded controllers. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing information about which controllers are currently running or loaded divided by control group arm/hand and other). """ list_controllers_resp = ListControllersRequest() ) # Check which Panda controllers are running. controllers_state = ControllerInfoDict() for controller in list_controllers_resp.controller: categorized = False # Add Panda controllers to controllers_state. for control_group, control_group_items in CONTROLLER_DICT.items(): for control_type, controller_names in control_group_items.items(): if in controller_names: categorized = True if controller.state == "running": controllers_state[control_group]["running"][ control_type ].append( elif controller.state == "initialized": controllers_state[control_group]["loaded"][ control_type ].append( elif controller.state == "stopped": controllers_state[control_group]["stopped"][ control_type ].append( # Add non Panda controllers to controllers_state. if not categorized: if controller.state == "running": controllers_state["other"]["running"][control_type].append( ) elif controller.state == "initialized": controllers_state["other"]["loaded"][control_type].append( ) elif controller.state == "stopped": controllers_state["other"]["stopped"][control_type].append( ) return dict_clean(controllers_state) def _load(self, controllers): """Load controllers. For this to work the parameters of the controllers have to be loaded onto the ROS parameter server. Args: controllers (union[str, list]): The name of the controller you want to load. Returns: bool: Success boolean or success boolean list. """ # Create load_controller request. if isinstance(controllers, str): # Send load controller request. resp = self._load_controller_client(LoadControllerRequest(name=controllers)) return [resp.ok] elif isinstance(controllers, list): # Loop through controllers and request to load them. resp = [] for controller in controllers: # Send load controller request. resp.append( self._load_controller_client( LoadControllerRequest(name=controller) ).ok ) return resp else: rospy.logwarn( "Controllers could not be loaded as the data type of the 'controllers' " f"variable was {type(controllers)} while the 'PandaControlSwitcher' " "only takes an argument of type 'str' or 'list'." ) return [False] @property
[docs] def arm_control_types(self): """Returns the currently active arm control types. Returns empty list when no control type is enabled. """ controllers_state = self._list_controllers_state() arm_state = controllers_state.get("arm", {}) return list(arm_state.get("running", {}).keys())
[docs] def hand_control_types(self): """Returns the currently active hand control types. Returns empty when no control type is enabled. """ controllers_state = self._list_controllers_state() hand_state = controllers_state.get("hand", {}) return list(hand_state.get("running", {}).keys())
[docs] def wait_for_control_type(self, control_group, control_type, timeout=None, rate=10): """Function that can be used to wait till all the controllers used for a given 'control_group' and 'control_type' are running. Useful four when you expect a launch file to load certain controllers. Args: control_group (str): The control group of which you want the switch the control type. Options are ``hand`` or ``arm``. control_type (str): The robot control type you want to switch to for the given 'control_group'. Options are: ``trajectory``, ``position`` and ``effort``. timeout (float, optional): The function timeout. Defaults to ``None`` meaning the function will wait for ever. rate (int, optional): The 'control_type' check rate. Defaults to `10` hz. Raises: TimeoutError: Thrown when the set timeout has passed. """ start_time = time.time() timeout = timeout if timeout else float("inf") while ( (control_group == "arm" and control_type not in self.arm_control_types) or (control_group == "hand" and control_type not in self.hand_control_types) ) and time.time() - start_time <= timeout: time.sleep(1.0 / rate) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: raise TimeoutError( f"Control type '{control_type}' for control_group '{control_group}' " f"was not spawned within the set timeout (i.e. {timeout})." )
[docs] def switch( # noqa: C901 self, control_group, control_type, load_controllers=True, timeout=3, verbose=None, ): """Switch Panda robot control type. This function stops all currently running controllers and starts the required controllers for a given control type. Args: control_group (str): The control group of which you want the switch the control type. Options are ``hand`` or ``arm``. control_type (str): The robot control type you want to switch to for the given 'control_group'. Options are: ``trajectory``, ``position`` and ``effort``. load_controllers (bool): Try to load the required controllers for a given control_type if they are not yet loaded. timeout (int, optional): The timeout for switching to a given controller. Defaults to ``3`` sec. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to display debug log messages. Defaults to verbose value set during the class initiation. Returns: :obj:`~panda_gazebo.core.control_switcher.ControllerSwitcherResponse`: Contains information about whether the switch operation was successful 'success' and the previously used controller 'prev_control_type'. """ resp = ControllerSwitcherResponse() verbose = self.verbose if verbose is None else verbose # Validate input arguments. control_type = control_type.lower() control_group = control_group.lower() if isinstance(control_group, list): if len(control_group) > 1: rospy.logwarn( "Please specify a single control group you want to switch the " "control type for." ) resp.success = False return resp else: control_group = control_group[0] if control_group not in CONTROLLER_DICT: rospy.logwarn( f"The '{control_group}' control group you specified is not valid. " "Valid control groups for the Panda robot are " f"{list(CONTROLLER_DICT.keys())}." ) resp.success = False return resp if control_type not in CONTROLLER_DICT[control_group]: rospy.logwarn( f"The '{control_type} control type you specified is not valid. Valid " "control types for the Panda robot are " f"{list(CONTROLLER_DICT[control_group].keys())}." ) resp.success = False return resp # Retrieve information about the currently running and loaded controllers. # NOTE: Here we wait a bit till we are sure the controller_spawner is ready. start_time = time.time() controllers_state = {} while ( control_group not in controllers_state or "running" not in controllers_state[control_group] ) and time.time() - start_time <= self._controller_spawner_wait_timeout: controllers_state = self._list_controllers_state() running_controllers = controllers_state.get(control_group, {}).get("running") prev_control_type = ", ".join(running_controllers.keys()) running_state = controllers_state.get(control_group, {}).get("running", {}) running_control_types = list(running_state.keys()) running_controllers = get_unique_list( flatten_list(list(running_state.values())) ) stopped_state = controllers_state.get(control_group, {}).get("stopped", {}) stopped_control_types = list(stopped_state.keys()) loaded_state = controllers_state.get(control_group, {}).get("loaded", {}) loaded_control_types = list(loaded_state.keys()) controllers = CONTROLLER_DICT[control_group][control_type] # Generate switch controller msg and load controllers if needed. switch_controller_msg = SwitchControllerRequest() switch_controller_msg.strictness = SwitchControllerRequest.STRICT switch_controller_msg.timeout = timeout switch_controller_msg.start_controllers = ( controllers if isinstance(controllers, list) else [controllers] ) if ( control_type in running_control_types ): # If control type controllers are already running. if verbose: rospy.logdebug( f"Panda {control_group} control type not switched to " f"'{control_type}' as the Panda robot was already using " f"'{prev_control_type}'." ) resp.success = True resp.prev_control_type = prev_control_type return resp elif control_type in stopped_control_types: # If controller was stopped. switch_controller_msg.stop_controllers = flatten_list( list(controllers_state[control_group]["running"].values()) ) elif ( control_type not in loaded_control_types ): # Try to load the controllers if not yet loaded. # Load the required controllers. if load_controllers: retval = self._load(controllers) failed_controllers = list( compress( controllers, [not val for val in retval], ) ) else: rospy.logwarn( f"The Panda {control_group} control group was not switched to " f"'{control_type}' because the " f"{controllers} controllers could " "not be loaded as 'load_controllers' was set to argument was set " "to 'False'." ) resp.success = False resp.prev_control_type = prev_control_type return resp # Check if all controllers were loaded successfully. if len(failed_controllers) == 0: switch_controller_msg.stop_controllers = running_controllers else: if ( control_group == "arm" and control_type not in self.arm_control_types ) or ( control_group == "hand" and control_type not in self.hand_control_types ): rospy.logwarn( f"The Panda {control_group} control griyo was not switched to " f"'{control_type}' as the {failed_controllers} controllers " "could not be loaded." ) resp.success = False else: resp.success = False resp.prev_control_type = prev_control_type return resp else: switch_controller_msg.stop_controllers = running_controllers # Send switch_controller msgs. rospy.logdebug( f"Switching Panda {control_group} control group to '{control_type}'." ) retval = self._switch_controller_client(switch_controller_msg) if retval.ok: rospy.logdebug( f"Switching Panda {control_group} control group to " f"'{control_type}' successful." ) else: if ( control_group == "arm" and control_type not in self.arm_control_types ) or ( control_group == "hand" and control_type not in self.arm_control_types ): rospy.logwarn( f"Switching Panda {control_group} control type to " f"'{control_type}' failed." ) else: retval.ok = True resp.success = retval.ok resp.prev_control_type = prev_control_type return resp