Source code for panda_gazebo.core.moveit_server

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""A ros server that creates several of MoveIt services which can be used to control
the Panda robot or retrieve sensor data for the robot.

Main services:
    * ``panda_arm/set_ee_pose``
    * ``get_random_joint_positions``
    * ``get_random_ee_pose``
    * ``planning_scene/add_box``
    * ``planning_scene/add_plane``

Extra services:
    * ``panda_arm/get_ee``
    * ``panda_arm/set_ee``
    * ``panda_arm/get_ee_pose``
    * ``panda_arm/get_ee_pose_joint_config``
    * ``panda_arm/get_ee_rpy``
    * ``set_joint_positions``
    * ``get_controlled_joints``
    * ``panda_arm/set_joint_positions``
    * ``panda_hand/set_joint_positions``

Dynamic reconfigure service:
    This node also contains a dynamic reconfigure service that allows you to change
    the control max velocity and acceleration scaling factors. You can supply the
    initial values for this dynamic reconfigure server using the
    'panda_moveit_planner_server/max_velocity_scaling_factor' and
    'panda_moveit_planner_server/max_velocity_scaling_factor' topics.
import re
import sys

import moveit_commander
import numpy as np
import rospy
from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseStamped
from moveit_commander.exception import MoveItCommanderException
from moveit_msgs.msg import DisplayTrajectory
from rospy.exceptions import ROSException
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Header

from panda_gazebo.cfg import MoveitServerConfig
from panda_gazebo.common.helpers import (
from panda_gazebo.exceptions import InputMessageInvalidError, JointLimitsInvalidError
from panda_gazebo.srv import (

# The maximum number times the get_random_ee_pose service tries to sample from the
# bounding region before ignoring it.
[docs]class PandaMoveItPlannerServer(object): """Used to control or request information from the Panda Robot. This is done using the MoveIt :mod:`moveit_commander` module. Attributes: robot (:obj:`moveit_commander.robot.RobotCommander`): The MoveIt robot commander object. scene (:obj:`moveit_commander.planning_scene_interface.PlanningSceneInterface`): The MoveIt robot scene commander object. move_group_arm (:obj:`moveit_commander.move_group.MoveGroupCommander`): The MoveIt arm move group object. move_group_hand (:obj:`moveit_commander.move_group.MoveGroupCommander`): The MoveIt hand move group object. ee_pose_target (:obj:`geometry_msgs.msg.Pose`): The last set ee pose. joint_positions_target (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing the last Panda arm and hand joint positions setpoint. """ def __init__( # noqa: C901 self, arm_move_group="panda_arm", arm_ee_link="panda_link8", hand_move_group="panda_hand", load_gripper=True, load_set_ee_pose_service=True, load_extra_services=False, ): """Initialise PandaMoveItPlannerServer object. Args: arm_move_group (str, optional): The name of the move group you want to use for controlling the Panda arm. Defaults to ``panda_arm``. arm_ee_link (str, optional): The end effector you want MoveIt to use when controlling the Panda arm. Defaults to ``panda_link8``. hand_move_group (str, optional): The name of the move group you want to use for controlling the Panda hand. Defaults to ``panda_hand``. load_gripper (boolean, optional): Whether we also want to load the gripper control services. Defaults to ``True``. load_set_ee_pose_service (boolean, optional): Whether the set ee pose service should be loaded. This service is used by the :ros-gazebo-gym:`ros_gazebo_gym <>` package when the control type is set to ``trajectory``. Defaults, to ``True``. load_extra_services (bool, optional): Whether to load extra services that are not used by the :ros-gazebo-gym:`ros_gazebo_gym <>` package. Defaults to ``False``. """ self._load_gripper = load_gripper # Initialise MoveIt/Robot/Scene commanders rospy.logdebug("Initialise MoveIt Robot/Scene commanders.") try: moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() except Exception as e: if "invalid robot mode" in e.args[0]: err_msg = ( "Shutting down '%s' because robot_description was not found." % rospy.get_name() ) else: err_msg = "Shutting down '%s' because %s" % ( rospy.get_name(), e.args[0], ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_msg=err_msg, exit_code=1) # Initialise group commanders. try: rospy.logdebug("Initialise MoveIt Panda arm commander.") self.move_group_arm = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(arm_move_group) except Exception as e: if len(re.findall("Group '(.*)' was not found", e.args[0])) >= 1: err_msg = ( "Shutting down '%s' because Panda arm move group '%s' was not " "found." % ( rospy.get_name(), arm_move_group, ) ) else: err_msg = "Shutting down '%s' because %s" % ( rospy.get_name(), e.args[0], ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_msg=err_msg, exit_code=1) if self._load_gripper: try: rospy.logdebug("Initialise MoveIt Panda hand commander.") self.move_group_hand = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander( hand_move_group ) except Exception as e: if len(re.findall("Group '(.*)' was not found", e.args[0])) >= 1: rospy.logwarn( "Gripper services could not be loaded since the " f"'{hand_move_group}' was not found." ) self._load_gripper = False else: err_msg = "Shutting down '%s' because %s" % ( rospy.get_name(), e.args[0], ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_msg=err_msg, exit_code=1) self.move_group_arm.set_end_effector_link(arm_ee_link) # Create display trajectory publisher. self._display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( "move_group/display_planned_path", DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=10, ) # Retrieve parameters and create dynamic reconfigure server. # NOTE: Used to change the max velocity and acceleration scaling that is used # by the MoveIt control server. self._get_params() self._dyn_reconfigure_srv = Server(MoveitServerConfig, self._dyn_reconfigure_cb) ######################################## # Create node services services ######## ######################################## # Create main PandaMoveItPlannerServer services. rospy.loginfo("Creating '%s' services." % rospy.get_name()) if load_set_ee_pose_service: rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/panda_arm/set_ee_pose' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._arm_set_ee_pose_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/set_ee_pose" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], SetEePose, self._arm_set_ee_pose_callback, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/panda_arm/get_ee_pose_joint_config' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._arm_get_ee_pose_joint_config_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/get_ee_pose_joint_config" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetEePoseJointConfig, self._arm_get_ee_pose_joint_config, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/get_random_joint_positions' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._get_random_joints_positions_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/get_random_joint_positions" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetRandomJointPositions, self._get_random_joint_positions_callback, ) rospy.logdebug("Creating '%s/get_random_ee_pose' service." % rospy.get_name()) self._get_random_ee_pose_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/get_random_ee_pose" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetRandomEePose, self._get_random_ee_pose_callback, ) rospy.logdebug("Creating '%s/set_joint_positions' service." % rospy.get_name()) self._set_joint_positions_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/set_joint_positions" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], SetJointPositions, self._set_joint_positions_callback, ) if load_extra_services: rospy.logdebug("Creating '%s/panda_arm/get_ee' service." % rospy.get_name()) self._arm_get_ee = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/get_ee" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetEe, self._arm_get_ee_callback, ) rospy.logdebug("Creating '%s/panda_arm/set_ee' service." % rospy.get_name()) self._arm_set_ee = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/set_ee" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], SetEe, self._arm_set_ee_callback, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/panda_arm/get_ee_pose' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._arm_get_ee_pose_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/get_ee_pose" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetEePose, self._arm_get_ee_pose_callback, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/panda_arm/get_ee_rpy' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._arm_get_ee_rpy_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/get_ee_rpy" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetEeRpy, self._arm_get_ee_rpy_callback, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/get_controlled_joints' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._get_controlled_joints_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/get_controlled_joints" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], GetMoveItControlledJoints, self._get_controlled_joints_cb, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/panda_arm/set_joint_positions' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._arm_set_joint_positions_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_arm/set_joint_positions" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], SetJointPositions, self._arm_set_joint_positions_callback, ) if self._load_gripper: rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/panda_hand/set_joint_positions' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._hand_set_joint_positions_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/panda_hand/set_joint_positions" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], SetJointPositions, self._hand_set_joint_positions_callback, ) # Planning scene services. rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/planning_scene/add_box' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._scene_add_box_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/planning_scene/add_box" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], AddBox, self._scene_add_box_callback, ) rospy.logdebug( "Creating '%s/planning_scene/add_plane' service." % rospy.get_name() ) self._scene_add_plane_srv = rospy.Service( "%s/planning_scene/add_plane" % rospy.get_name().split("/")[-1], AddPlane, self._scene_add_plane_callback, ) rospy.loginfo("'%s' services created successfully." % rospy.get_name()) # Initialise service msgs. self.ee_pose_target = Pose() self.joint_positions_target = {} ######################################## # Retrieve controlled joints and joint # # state masks. ######################### ######################################## self._joint_states = None while self._joint_states is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self._joint_states = rospy.wait_for_message( "joint_states", JointState, timeout=1.0 ) except ROSException: rospy.logwarn( "Current joint_states not ready yet, retrying for getting " "'joint_states'." ) arm_joints = self.move_group_arm.get_active_joints() hand_joints = ( self.move_group_hand.get_active_joints() if self._load_gripper else [] ) controlled_joints = ( [arm_joints, hand_joints] if[0] in arm_joints else [hand_joints, arm_joints] ) self._controlled_joints_dict = { "arm": arm_joints, "hand": hand_joints, "both": flatten_list(controlled_joints), } # Retrieve joint state mask. # NOTE: Used to split joint_states into arm and hand self._arm_states_mask = [ joint in self._controlled_joints_dict["arm"] for joint in ] if self._load_gripper: self._hand_states_mask = [ joint in self._controlled_joints_dict["hand"] for joint in ] # Retrieve panda joint limits. self._joint_limits = load_panda_joint_limits() if not self._joint_limits: rospy.logerr( "Unable to load Panda joint limits. Ensure 'joint_limits.yaml' from " "'franka_description' is loaded in 'put_robot_in_world.launch'." ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_msg="Shutting down.", exit_code=1) ################################################ # Helper functions ############################# ################################################ def _get_params(self): """Retrieve optional 'moveit_server' parameters from the parameter server. .. note:: Can be used to specify parameters of the 'moveit_server'. You can for example set the 'max_velocity_scaling_factor' used by the :class:`~moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander` by setting the 'panda_moveit_planner_server/max_velocity_scaling_factor' and 'panda_moveit_planner_server/max_acceleration_scaling_factor' topics. """ self._max_velocity_scaling = rospy.get_param( "~max_velocity_scaling_factor", None ) self._max_acceleration_scaling = rospy.get_param( "~max_acceleration_scaling_factor", None ) def _link_exists(self, link_name): """Function checks whether a given link exists in the robot_description. Args: link_name (str): Name of link you want to check. Returns: bool: Boolean specifying whether the link exists. """ return link_name in self.robot.get_link_names() def _split_positions_moveit_setpoint(self, positions_moveit_setpoint): """Splits a combined MoveIt arm and hand joint position setpoint dictionary into separate dictionaries for each control group. Args: positions_moveit_setpoint (dict): Dictionary that contains the combined arm and hand joint positions setpoint. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing dictionaries for arm and hand joint positions setpoint respectively. """ return { "arm": { joint_name: joint_position for joint_name, joint_position in positions_moveit_setpoint.items() if joint_name in self._controlled_joints_dict["arm"] }, "hand": { joint_name: joint_position for joint_name, joint_position in positions_moveit_setpoint.items() if joint_name in self._controlled_joints_dict["hand"] }, } def _set_joint_value_target(self, group, positions): """Sets the joint value target for a control group. Args: group (str): The control group ("arm" or "hand"). positions (dict): The joint positions. Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise. str: The error message, or an empty string if successful. """ try: rospy.logdebug( f"{group.capitalize()} joint positions setpoint: {positions}" ) getattr(self, f"move_group_{group}").set_joint_value_target(positions) return True, "" except MoveItCommanderException as e: return False, e.args[0] def _execute(self, control_group="both", wait=True): # noqa: C901 """Plan and execute a trajectory/pose or orientation setpoints. Args: control_group (str, optional): The robot control group for which you want to execute the control. Options are ``arm`` or ``hand`` or ``both``. Defaults to ``both``. wait (boolean, optional): Whether to wait on the control to be executed. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - list: List specifying whether the arm and/or hand execution was successful. If ``control_group == "both"`` then ``["arm_success", "hand_success"]``. - str: The error message, or an empty string if successful. """ control_group = control_group.lower() if control_group not in ["arm", "hand", "both"]: rospy.logwarn( f"Control group '{control_group}' does not exist. Please specify a " "valid control group. Valid values are 'arm', 'hand' or 'both'." ) return [False] # Plan and execute trajectory. retval, groups, err_msg = [], [], None if control_group in ["arm", "both"]: groups.append(self.move_group_arm) if control_group in ["hand", "both"]: groups.append(self.move_group_hand if self._load_gripper else None) for group in groups: if group is None: rospy.logwarn("Hand commands not executed since gripper is not loaded.") retval.append(False) continue (plan_retval, _, _, error_code) = group.plan() if plan_retval: group_retval = group.go(wait=wait) if wait: group.stop() else: err_msg = translate_moveit_error_code(error_code) rospy.logwarn( f"No plan found for the current {group.get_name()} setpoints " f"since '{err_msg}'." ) group_retval = False retval.append(group_retval) return retval, err_msg def _create_positions_moveit_setpoints( # noqa: C901 self, set_joint_positions_req, control_group ): """Converts a :class:`~panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionsRequest` message into a :class:`~moveit_commander.move_group.MoveGroupCommander` hand and/or arm joint positions setpoint dictionary. Args: set_joint_positions_req (:class:`~panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionsRequest`): # noqa: E501 The service request message we want to convert. control_group (str): The control group for which we want to create the joint positions setpoint. Options are ``arm`` or ``hand`` or ``both``. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the arm and/or hand joint positions setpoint. Raises: :obj:`panda_gazebo.exceptions.InputMessageInvalidError`: Raised when no joint position setpoint dictionary could be created from the given input message. """ joint_names = set_joint_positions_req.joint_names joint_positions = list(set_joint_positions_req.joint_positions) controlled_joints = self._controlled_joints_dict[control_group] control_group_str = "arm and hand" if control_group == "both" else control_group # Raise error if no joint positions were given. if len(joint_positions) == 0: raise InputMessageInvalidError( message=("No joint positions were given."), log_message=( "No joint positions were given. Please specify at least one joint " "position." ), ) # Handle joint positions request without joint names. controlled_joints_size = len(controlled_joints) if len(joint_names) == 0: # Display warning if to many or to few joint positions were given. joint_positions_count = len(joint_positions) if joint_positions_count != controlled_joints_size: action = ( "extra joint positions were ignored" if joint_positions_count > controlled_joints_size else ( "missing joint positions were set to the current joint " "positions" ) ) rospy.logwarn( f"You specified {joint_positions_count} joint positions while the " f"Panda robot {control_group_str} contains " f"{controlled_joints_size} active joints. As a result, the " f"{action}." ) # Split joint positions into arm and hand joint positions and return. joint_positions_setpoint = dict(zip(controlled_joints, joint_positions)) if control_group != "both": return {control_group: joint_positions_setpoint} return self._split_positions_moveit_setpoint(joint_positions_setpoint) # Check if duplicate joint names were given. duplicate_joint_names = get_duplicate_list(joint_names) if duplicate_joint_names: rospy.logwarn( f"You specified duplicate joint names ({duplicate_joint_names}). " "As a result, the duplicate joint names are ignored." ) joint_names = get_unique_list(joint_names) # Apply gripper width to first hand joint. # NOTE: Only the first joint is controlled directly by MoveIT. if "gripper_width" in joint_names: gripper_width_index = joint_names.index("gripper_width") joint_positions[gripper_width_index] /= 2 joint_names[gripper_width_index] = self._controlled_joints_dict["hand"][0] # Validate joint_names. invalid_joint_names = [ joint_name for joint_name in joint_names if joint_name not in controlled_joints ] if invalid_joint_names: joint_names = [ joint_name for joint_name in joint_names if joint_name not in invalid_joint_names ] joint_positions = [ joint_position for joint_position, joint_name in zip(joint_positions, joint_names) if joint_name not in invalid_joint_names ] # Raise error if no valid joint names were given and log warning if invalid # joint names were given. word_forms = ( "Joint" if len(invalid_joint_names) == 1 else "Joints", "was" if len(invalid_joint_names) == 1 else "were", "it is" if len(invalid_joint_names) == 1 else "they are", ) logwarn_msg = ( f"{word_forms[0]} {invalid_joint_names} {word_forms[1]} ignored since " f"{word_forms[2]} invalid. Valid joint names for controlling the panda " f"{control_group_str} are {controlled_joints}." ) if len(joint_positions) == 0: raise InputMessageInvalidError( message=( "No valid joint names were given. Please specify at least one " "valid joint name." ), log_message=f"No valid joint names were given. {logwarn_msg}", ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) # Check if each joint name has a corresponding joint position. if len(joint_names) != len(joint_positions): joint_positions_count = len(joint_positions) joint_names_count = len(joint_names) joint_positions_str = ( "joint position" if joint_positions_count == 1 else "joint positions" ) joint_names_str = "joint" if joint_names_count == 1 else "joints" logwarn_msg = ( f"You specified {joint_positions_count} {joint_positions_str} while " "the 'joint_names' field of the 'panda_gazebo/SetJointPositions' " f"message contains {joint_names_count} {joint_names_str}. Please make " "sure you supply a joint position for each joint contained in the " "'joint_names' field." ) raise InputMessageInvalidError( message=( "Joint_names and joint_positions fields of the input message are " "of different lengths." ), log_message=logwarn_msg, joint_positions_command_length=joint_positions_count, joint_names_length=joint_names_count, ) # Split joint positions into arm and hand joint positions and return. joint_positions_setpoint = dict(zip(joint_names, joint_positions)) if control_group != "both": return {control_group: joint_positions_setpoint} return self._split_positions_moveit_setpoint(joint_positions_setpoint) def _get_valid_joint_limits(self, joint_limits_names, joint_limits_values): """Returns a dictionary containing the valid joint limits. Args: joint_limits_names (list): List containing the joint limit names. joint_limits_values (list): List containing the joint limit values. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the valid joint limits. """ # Check if limit names and limit values are of equal length. joint_positions_command_length = len(joint_limits_values) joint_names_length = len(joint_limits_names) if joint_positions_command_length != joint_names_length: rospy.logwarn( "Joint limits ignored as the number of joints ({}) is " "unequal to the number of limit values ({}).".format( joint_names_length, joint_positions_command_length ) ) return {} # Check if joint names are valid. valid_joint_names = flatten_list( [ [joint + "_min", joint + "_max"] for joint in self._controlled_joints_dict["both"] ] ) invalid_joint_names = [ name for name in joint_limits_names if name not in valid_joint_names ] if len(invalid_joint_names) != 0: singular = len(invalid_joint_names) == 1 warn_strings = ( ( "limit", invalid_joint_names[0], "was", "it is not a valid joint limit", ) if singular else ( "limits", ", ".join(invalid_joint_names), "were", "they are not valid joint limits", ) ) rospy.logwarn( f"Joint {warn_strings[0]} '{warn_strings[1]}' " f"{warn_strings[2]} ignored since {warn_strings[3]}. Valid " f"values are '{valid_joint_names}'." ) joint_limits_names = [ joint_name for joint_name in joint_limits_names if joint_name not in invalid_joint_names ] joint_limits_values = [ joint_limit for joint_limit_name, joint_limit in zip( joint_limits_names, joint_limits_values, ) if joint_limit_name not in invalid_joint_names ] # Ensure that joint limits have a min and max value. limited_joints = get_unique_list( [ name.replace("_min", "").replace("_max", "") for name in joint_limits_names ] ) required_joint_limits = flatten_list( [[joint + "_min", joint + "_max"] for joint in limited_joints] ) missing_joint_limits = [ required_joint_limit for required_joint_limit in required_joint_limits if required_joint_limit not in joint_limits_names ] if missing_joint_limits: ignored_joint_limit_joint = get_unique_list( [ missing_joint_limit.replace("_min", "").replace("_max", "") for missing_joint_limit in missing_joint_limits ] ) singular = len(ignored_joint_limit_joint) == 1 joint_or_joints = "joint" if singular else "joints" ignored_joint_limit_joint_str = ( f"'{ignored_joint_limit_joint[0]}'" if singular else ", ".join(ignored_joint_limit_joint) ) rospy.logwarn( f"Joint limits specified on {joint_or_joints} " f"{ignored_joint_limit_joint_str} were ignored as both a min and max " "limit need to be specified." ) joint_limits_names = [ name for name in joint_limits_names if name.replace("_min", "").replace("_max", "") not in ignored_joint_limit_joint ] joint_limits_values = [ joint_limit for joint_limit_name, joint_limit in zip( joint_limits_names, joint_limits_values, ) if joint_limit_name.replace("_min", "").replace("_max", "") not in ignored_joint_limit_joint ] return { name: value for name, value in zip( joint_limits_names, joint_limits_values, ) } def _get_random_joint_values(self, group): """Returns a dictionary containing random joint values for a given control group. Args: group (str): The control group for which you want to retrieve random joint values. Options are ``arm`` or ``hand``. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the random joint values. """ group = group.lower() if group not in ["arm", "hand"]: raise ValueError( f"Invalid group '{group}'. Valid values are 'arm' or 'hand'." ) # Retrieve random joint values. try: return dict( zip( self._controlled_joints_dict[group], getattr(self, f"move_group_{group}").get_random_joint_values(), ) ) except MoveItCommanderException: return None def _get_bounded_random_joint_values( # noqa: C901 self, joint_limits, max_attempts ): """Returns a dictionary containing bounded random joint values for given joint limits. Args: joint_limits (dict): Dictionary containing the joint limits. max_attempts (int): The maximum number of attempts to sample valid random joint values. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - **random_arm_joint_values** (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing the (bounded) random arm joint values. Is ``None`` if no valid random arm joint values could be sampled. - **random_hand_joint_values** (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing the (bounded) random hand joint values. Is ``None`` if the gripper is not loaded or no valid random hand joint values could be sampled. """ # Retrieve unbounded random joint values. rospy.logdebug("Retrieving unbounded random joint values.") random_arm_joint_values = self._get_random_joint_values("arm") random_hand_joint_values = ( self._get_random_joint_values("hand") if self._load_gripper else None ) if not joint_limits: return random_arm_joint_values, random_hand_joint_values # Notify the user if joint limits are not valid with the panda joint limits. rospy.logdebug("Checking if joint limits are valid.") invalid_joint_limits = [ joint_name for joint_name in joint_limits if ( joint_name.endswith("_min") and joint_limits[joint_name] < self._joint_limits[joint_name] ) or ( joint_name.endswith("_max") and joint_limits[joint_name] > self._joint_limits[joint_name] ) ] if invalid_joint_limits: verb = "is" if len(invalid_joint_limits) == 1 else "are" log_msg = ( f"Joint limits '{invalid_joint_limits}' {verb} not valid since they are " "outside the Panda joint limits specified in 'joint_limits.yaml'. " f"Valid joint limits are '{self._joint_limits}'." ) raise JointLimitsInvalidError( message=("Invalid joint limits were given."), log_message=log_msg, ) # If joint limits were given, retrieve bounded random joint values. joint_commands_valid = { "arm": False, "hand": not self._load_gripper, } move_groups = { "arm": self.move_group_arm, } random_joint_values = { "arm": random_arm_joint_values, } if self._load_gripper: move_groups["hand"] = self.move_group_hand random_joint_values["hand"] = random_hand_joint_values unique_joints = get_unique_list( [ joint_limit_names.replace("_min", "").replace("_max", "") for joint_limit_names in joint_limits.keys() ] ) for attempt in range(max_attempts): # Retrieve valid random joint values. rospy.logdebug( f"Retrieving valid random joint values. Attempt {attempt + 1} of " f"{max_attempts}." ) for joint in unique_joints: limb = ( "hand" if joint in self._controlled_joints_dict["hand"] else "arm" ) if joint_commands_valid[limb] or not random_joint_values[limb]: continue if joint_limits[joint + "_min"] != joint_limits[joint + "_max"]: random_joint_values[limb][joint] = np.random.uniform( joint_limits[joint + "_min"], joint_limits[joint + "_max"], ) else: joint_commands_valid[limb] = True # Check if joint values are valid. rospy.logdebug("Checking if joint values are valid.") for limb in ["arm", "hand"]: if joint_commands_valid[limb] or not random_joint_values[limb]: continue try: plan = move_groups[limb].plan( joint_state_dict_2_joint_state_msg(random_joint_values[limb]) ) joint_commands_valid[limb] = ( len(plan[1].joint_trajectory.points) != 0 ) except MoveItCommanderException: joint_commands_valid[limb] = False if all(joint_commands_valid.values()): break elif attempt == max_attempts - 1: rospy.logwarn( "Failed to sample valid random joint positions within the maximum " f"number of attempts ({max_attempts})." ) random_arm_joint_values, random_hand_joint_values = None, None break rospy.logwarn( "Failed to sample valid random joint positions from the bounding " "region. Trying again." ) return random_arm_joint_values, random_hand_joint_values ############################################### # Service callback functions ################## ############################################### def _dyn_reconfigure_cb(self, config, level): # noqa: C901 """Dynamic reconfigure callback function. Can be used to update the ``max_velocity_scaling_factor`` and ``max_acceleration_scaling_factor`` used by the MoveIt control server. Args: config (:obj:`dynamic_reconfigure.encoding.Config`): The current dynamic reconfigure configuration object. level (int): Bitmask that gives information about which parameter has been changed. Returns: :obj:`~dynamic_reconfigure.encoding.Config`: Modified dynamic reconfigure configuration object. """ rospy.logdebug( ( "Reconfigure Request: max_vel_scaling - {max_velocity_scaling_factor} " "max_acc_scaling - {max_acceleration_scaling_factor}" ).format(**config) ) if level == -1: # Update initial values to user supplied parameters. if self._max_velocity_scaling: if self._max_velocity_scaling < 0.0 or self._max_velocity_scaling > 1.0: rospy.logwarn( "Max velocity scaling factor was clipped since it was not " "between 0.01 and 1.0." ) self._max_velocity_scaling = np.clip(0.0, 1e-2, 1.0) config["max_velocity_scaling_factor"] = self._max_velocity_scaling if self._max_acceleration_scaling: if ( self._max_acceleration_scaling < 0.0 or self._max_acceleration_scaling > 1.0 ): rospy.logwarn( "Max acceleration scaling factor was clipped since it was not " "between 0.01 and 1.0." ) self._max_acceleration_scaling = np.clip(0.0, 1e-2, 1.0) config[ "max_acceleration_scaling_factor" ] = self._max_acceleration_scaling # Set initial scaling factors. self.move_group_arm.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor( config["max_velocity_scaling_factor"] ) self.move_group_arm.set_max_acceleration_scaling_factor( config["max_acceleration_scaling_factor"] ) if self._load_gripper: self.move_group_hand.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor( config["max_velocity_scaling_factor"] ) self.move_group_hand.set_max_acceleration_scaling_factor( config["max_acceleration_scaling_factor"] ) elif level == 0: # Update move group velocity settings. self.move_group_arm.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor( config["max_velocity_scaling_factor"] ) if self._load_gripper: self.move_group_hand.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor( config["max_velocity_scaling_factor"] ) elif level == 1: # Update move group acceleration settings. self.move_group_arm.set_max_acceleration_scaling_factor( config["max_acceleration_scaling_factor"] ) if self._load_gripper: self.move_group_hand.set_max_acceleration_scaling_factor( config["max_acceleration_scaling_factor"] ) return config def _arm_get_ee_pose_joint_config(self, get_ee_pose_joint_configuration): """Request a set of joint configurations that lead to a given end-effector (EE) pose. Args: set_ee_pose_req :obj:`geometry_msgs.msg.Pose`: The trajectory you want the EE to follow. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetEePoseResponse`: Response message containing ( success bool, message). """ max_attempts = ( get_ee_pose_joint_configuration.attempts if get_ee_pose_joint_configuration.attempts != 0.0 else MAX_RANDOM_SAMPLES ) # Make sure quaternion is normalized. if quaternion_norm(get_ee_pose_joint_configuration.pose.orientation) != 1.0: rospy.logwarn( "The quaternion in the set ee pose was normalized since MoveIt expects " "normalized quaternions." ) get_ee_pose_joint_configuration.pose.orientation = normalize_quaternion( get_ee_pose_joint_configuration.pose.orientation ) # Retrieve joint configurations. pose_target = get_ee_pose_joint_configuration.pose resp = GetEePoseJointConfigResponse() n_sample = 0 while ( n_sample < max_attempts ): # Continue till joint positions are valid or max samples size. rospy.logdebug("Retrieving joint configuration for given EE pose.") try: retval, plan, _, _ = self.move_group_arm.plan(pose_target) except MoveItCommanderException: retval = False # Check if joint config was retrieved. if retval: resp.joint_names = plan.joint_trajectory.joint_names resp.joint_positions = list(plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions) resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" break else: rospy.logwarn( "Failed to retrieve joint configuration for given EE pose. Trying " f"again ({n_sample})." ) n_sample += 1 # Return response. if n_sample >= max_attempts: rospy.logwarn( "Joint configuration could not be retrieved for given EE pose within " f"the maximum number of attempts ({max_attempts})." ) resp.success = False resp.message = "Joint configuration could not be retrieved for Ee pose" return resp def _arm_set_ee_pose_callback(self, set_ee_pose_req): """Request the Panda arm to control to a given end effector (EE) pose. Args: set_ee_pose_req :obj:`geometry_msgs.msg.Pose`: The trajectory you want the EE to follow. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetEePoseResponse`: Response message containing ( success bool, message). """ # Make sure quaternion is normalized. if quaternion_norm(set_ee_pose_req.pose.orientation) != 1.0: rospy.logwarn( "The quaternion in the set ee pose was normalized since MoveIt expects " "normalized quaternions." ) set_ee_pose_req.pose.orientation = normalize_quaternion( set_ee_pose_req.pose.orientation ) # Fill trajectory message. rospy.logdebug("Setting ee pose.") resp = SetEePoseResponse() self.ee_pose_target = set_ee_pose_req.pose # Send trajectory message and return response. try: self.move_group_arm.set_pose_target(self.ee_pose_target) retval, err_msg = self._execute(control_group="arm") self.move_group_arm.clear_pose_targets() # Check if setpoint execution was successful. if not all(retval): resp.success = False resp.message = ( "Ee pose could not be set since MoveIt " f"{lower_first_char(err_msg)}." ) else: resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn(e.args[0]) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp def _set_joint_positions_callback(self, set_joint_positions_req): # noqa: C901 """Request the Panda arm and hand to go to a given joint angle and gripper position. Args: set_joint_positions_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionRequest`): The joint positions you want to control the joints to. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionResponse`: Response message containing (success bool, message). """ rospy.logdebug("Setting joint position targets.") # Create moveit_commander command. resp = SetJointPositionsResponse() try: moveit_commander_commands = self._create_positions_moveit_setpoints( set_joint_positions_req, control_group="both" ) except InputMessageInvalidError as e: logwarn_msg = "Panda robot joint positions not set as " + lower_first_char( e.log_message ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp # Set joint positions setpoint. self.joint_positions_target = moveit_commander_commands success, failed_groups = True, [] for group in ["arm", "hand"]: if group == "hand" and not self._load_gripper: continue group_success, group_error_msg = self._set_joint_value_target( group, moveit_commander_commands[group] ) if not group_success: success = False failed_groups.append(group) rospy.logwarn( f"Setting {group} joint position targets failed since there was an " f"{lower_first_char(group_error_msg)}" ) # Print error message if an error occurred and return. if not success: failed_groups_str = ( " and ".join(failed_groups) if len(failed_groups) > 1 else failed_groups[0] ) resp.success = False resp.message = "Failed to set joint positions for %s." % failed_groups_str return resp # Execute setpoints. rospy.logdebug("Executing joint positions setpoint.") try: retval, err_msg = self._execute() if not all(retval): resp.success = False resp.message = ( f"Joint position setpoint could not executed since {err_msg}." ) else: resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn(e.args[0]) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp def _arm_set_joint_positions_callback(self, set_joint_positions_req): """Request the Panda arm to go to a given joint angle. Args: set_joint_positions_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionRequest`): The joint positions request message. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionResponse`: Response message containing (success bool, message). """ rospy.logdebug("Setting arm joint position targets.") # Create moveit_commander command. resp = SetJointPositionsResponse() try: moveit_commander_arm_commands = self._create_positions_moveit_setpoints( set_joint_positions_req, control_group="arm" )["arm"] except InputMessageInvalidError as e: logwarn_msg = "Arm joint Positions not set as " + lower_first_char( e.log_message ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp # Set joint positions setpoint. arm_joint_states = self.move_group_arm.get_current_joint_values() rospy.logdebug(f"Current arm joint positions: {arm_joint_states}") self.joint_positions_target = moveit_commander_arm_commands try: rospy.logdebug( "Arm joint positions setpoint: %s" % moveit_commander_arm_commands ) self.move_group_arm.set_joint_value_target(moveit_commander_arm_commands) except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Setting arm joint position targets failed since there was an %s" % (lower_first_char(e.args[0])) ) resp.success = False resp.message = "Failed to set arm setpoints." return resp # Execute setpoint. rospy.logdebug("Executing joint positions setpoint.") try: retval, err_msg = self._execute(control_group="arm") if not all(retval): resp.success = False resp.message = ( f"Arm joint position setpoint could not executed since {err_msg}." ) else: resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn(e.args[0]) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp def _hand_set_joint_positions_callback(self, set_joint_positions_req): """Set panda hand to a given joint position or gripper width. Args: set_joint_positions_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionRequest`): The joint positions request message. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetJointPositionResponse`: Response message containing (success bool, message). """ rospy.logdebug("Setting hand joint position targets.") # Create moveit_commander command. resp = SetJointPositionsResponse() try: hand_moveit_set_point = self._create_positions_moveit_setpoints( set_joint_positions_req, control_group="hand" )["hand"] except InputMessageInvalidError as e: logwarn_msg = "Hand joint Positions not set as " + lower_first_char( e.log_message ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp # Set joint positions setpoint. hand_joint_states = self.move_group_hand.get_current_joint_values() rospy.logdebug(f"Current hand joint positions: {hand_joint_states}") self.joint_positions_target = hand_moveit_set_point try: rospy.logdebug("Hand joint positions setpoint: %s" % hand_moveit_set_point) self.move_group_hand.set_joint_value_target(hand_moveit_set_point) except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Setting hand joint position targets failed since there was an %s" % (lower_first_char(e.args[0]),) ) resp.success = False resp.message = "Failed to set arm setpoints." return resp # Execute setpoints. rospy.logdebug("Executing joint positions setpoint.") try: retval, err_msg = self._execute(control_group="hand") if not all(retval): resp.success = False resp.message = ( "Hand joint position setpoint could not be executed since " f"{err_msg}." ) else: resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn(e.args[0]) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp def _arm_get_ee_pose_callback(self, _): """Request end effector pose. Args: get_ee_pose_req (:obj:`std_srvs.srv.Empty`): Empty request. Returns: :obj:`geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped`: The current end effector pose. """ rospy.logdebug("Retrieving ee pose.") ee_pose = self.move_group_arm.get_current_pose() resp = GetEePoseResponse() resp.pose = ee_pose.pose resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" return resp def _arm_get_ee_rpy_callback(self, _): """Request current end effector (EE) orientation. Args: get_ee_rpy_req (:obj:`std_srvs.srv.Empty`): Empty request. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.GetEeResponse`: Response message containing containing the roll (x), yaw (z), pitch (y) euler angles. """ rospy.logdebug("Retrieving ee orientation.") ee_rpy = self.move_group_arm.get_current_rpy() resp = GetEeRpyResponse() resp.r = ee_rpy[0] resp.y = ee_rpy[1] resp.p = ee_rpy[2] resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" return resp def _arm_get_ee_callback(self, _): """Request end effector (EE) name. Args: get_ee_req (:obj:`std_srvs.srv.Empty`): Empty request. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.GetEeResponse`: Response message containing the name of the current EE. """ rospy.logdebug("Retrieving ee name.") resp = GetEeResponse() resp.ee_name = self.move_group_arm.get_end_effector_link() resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" return resp def _arm_set_ee_callback(self, set_ee_req): """Request end effector (EE) change. Args: set_ee_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetEeRequest`): Request message containing the name of the end effector you want to be set. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.SetEeResponse`: Response message containing (success bool, message). """ rospy.logdebug(f"Setting ee to '{set_ee_req.ee_name}'.") resp = SetEeResponse() if self._link_exists(set_ee_req.ee_name): # Check if valid. try: self.move_group_arm.set_end_effector_link(set_ee_req.ee_name) except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn("Ee could not be set.") resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" else: rospy.logwarn( f"EE could not be as '{set_ee_req.ee_name}' is not a valid ee link." ) resp.success = False resp.message = f"'{set_ee_req.ee_name}' is not a valid ee link." return resp def _get_random_joint_positions_callback( # noqa: C901 self, get_random_position_req ): """Returns valid joint position commands for the Panda arm and hand. Args: get_random_position_req (:obj:`std_srvs.srv.Empty`): Empty request. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.GetRandomPositionsResponse`: Response message containing the random joints positions. .. important:: Please be aware that when the ``min`` and ``max`` boundaries of a joint are set to be equal the joint is assumed to be unbounded. """ resp = GetRandomJointPositionsResponse( success=True, message="Everything went OK" ) max_attempts = ( get_random_position_req.attempts if get_random_position_req.attempts != 0.0 else MAX_RANDOM_SAMPLES ) # Retrieve valid joint limits. joint_limits_values = get_random_position_req.joint_limits.values joint_limits_names = [ joint_name.lower() for joint_name in get_random_position_req.joint_limits.names ] if joint_limits_names and joint_limits_values: joint_limits = self._get_valid_joint_limits( joint_limits_names, get_random_position_req.joint_limits.values ) else: rospy.logwarn( "Joint limits ignored as either the joint names or the joint values " "were not specified." ) joint_limits = {} # Retrieve random joint values. try: ( random_arm_joint_values, random_hand_joint_values, ) = self._get_bounded_random_joint_values(joint_limits, max_attempts) except JointLimitsInvalidError as e: rospy.logwarn(e.log_message) resp.success = False resp.message = e.args[0] return resp # Return failure if no random joint positions could be retrieved. if random_arm_joint_values is None or ( self._load_gripper and random_hand_joint_values is None ): joint_type = "arm" if self._load_gripper: if random_arm_joint_values is None and random_hand_joint_values is None: joint_type = "hand and arm" elif random_hand_joint_values is None: joint_type = "hand" limit_string = " with the set joint limits" if joint_limits else "." resp.success = False resp.message = ( f"Random {joint_type} joint positions could not be retrieved" f"{limit_string}" ) return resp # Fill and return successful response. joint_order = ( [random_arm_joint_values, random_hand_joint_values] if self._arm_states_mask[0] else [random_hand_joint_values, random_arm_joint_values] ) joint_order = [ joint_values for joint_values in joint_order if joint_values is not None ] # Filter out None values resp.joint_names = flatten_list( [list(joint_values.keys()) for joint_values in joint_order] ) resp.joint_positions = flatten_list( [list(joint_values.values()) for joint_values in joint_order] ) return resp def _get_random_ee_pose_callback(self, get_random_ee_pose_req): """Returns a valid random end effector (EE) pose for the Panda arm, along with the joint positions corresponding to this EE pose. This function ensures that the EE pose is within a specified bounding region, if one is provided. Args: get_random_ee_pose_req :obj:`std_srvs.srv.Empty`: Empty request. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.GetRandomEePoseResponse`: Response message containing the random ee pose and accompanying joint positions. .. important:: Please be aware that when the ``min`` and ``max`` boundary of a EE coordinate are equal the dimension is assumed to be be unbounded. """ resp = GetRandomEePoseResponse() max_attempts = ( get_random_ee_pose_req.attempts if get_random_ee_pose_req.attempts != 0.0 else MAX_RANDOM_SAMPLES ) # Get a random ee pose. rospy.logdebug("Retrieving a valid random end effector pose.") try: random_ee_pose_unbounded = self.move_group_arm.get_random_pose() except MoveItCommanderException as e: rospy.logwarn("No random ee pose could be retrieved: %s" % e.args[0]) resp.success = False resp.message = "Random ee pose could not be retrieved." return resp # Retrieve corresponding joint positions. retval, plan, _, _ = self.move_group_arm.plan(random_ee_pose_unbounded) if not retval: rospy.logwarn( "Corresponding joint configuration could not be retrieved for the" "random ee pose." ) resp.success = False resp.message = ( "Joint configuration could not be retrieved for random ee pose" ) return resp # Return response if no bounding region is set. bounding_region = get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region if ( sum( [ bounding_region.x_max - bounding_region.x_min, bounding_region.y_max - bounding_region.y_min, bounding_region.z_max - bounding_region.z_min, ] ) == 0.0 ): resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" resp.ee_pose = random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose resp.joint_names = plan.joint_trajectory.joint_names resp.joint_positions = list(plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions) return resp x_bound_set = bounding_region.x_min != bounding_region.x_max y_bound_set = bounding_region.y_min != bounding_region.y_max z_bound_set = bounding_region.z_min != bounding_region.z_max # Return response if ee pose is within the bounding region. if ( ( not x_bound_set or bounding_region.x_min <= random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.position.x <= bounding_region.x_max ) and ( not y_bound_set or bounding_region.y_min <= random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.position.y <= bounding_region.y_max ) and ( not z_bound_set or bounding_region.z_min <= random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.position.z <= bounding_region.z_max ) ): resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" resp.ee_pose = random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose resp.joint_names = plan.joint_trajectory.joint_names resp.joint_positions = list(plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions) return resp # Try to find a valid ee pose if it is not within the bounding region. for n_sample in range(max_attempts): sampled_ee_position = np.random.uniform( [ get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region.x_min, get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region.y_min, get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region.z_min, ], [ get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region.x_max, get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region.y_max, get_random_ee_pose_req.bounding_region.z_max, ], size=3, ) # Check if ee pose is valid. # Use unbounded ee pose if the bounding region is unbounded (np.inf). random_ee_pose = Pose() random_ee_pose.position.x = ( sampled_ee_position[0] if x_bound_set else random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.position.x ) random_ee_pose.position.y = ( sampled_ee_position[1] if y_bound_set else random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.position.y ) random_ee_pose.position.z = ( sampled_ee_position[2] if z_bound_set else random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.position.z ) random_ee_pose.orientation = random_ee_pose_unbounded.pose.orientation try: retval, plan, _, _ = self.move_group_arm.plan(random_ee_pose) except MoveItCommanderException: retval = False # Return response if valid ee pose was found. if retval: resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" resp.ee_pose = random_ee_pose resp.joint_names = plan.joint_trajectory.joint_names resp.joint_positions = list(plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions) return resp rospy.logwarn( "Random end effector pose not within the set boundary region. " f"Trying again ({n_sample+1})." ) # Return failure if no valid ee pose was found. rospy.logwarn( "No valid random end effector pose could be found within the set " "boundary region within the set number of attempts (%s). " % max_attempts ) resp.success = False resp.message = "Valid random end effector pose could not be retrieved." return resp def _get_controlled_joints_cb(self, _): """Returns the joints that are currently being controlled by MoveIt. Args: get_controlled_joints_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.GetControlledJointsRequest`): The service request message specifying the control_type. Returns: :obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.GetControlledJointsResponse`: The response message that contains the ``controlled_joints`` list that specifies the joints that are currently controlled by MoveIt. """ # noqa: E501 resp = GetMoveItControlledJointsResponse() resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" try: resp.controlled_joints = self._controlled_joints_dict["both"] resp.controlled_joints_arm = self._controlled_joints_dict["arm"] resp.controlled_joints_hand = self._controlled_joints_dict["hand"] except InputMessageInvalidError: resp.success = False resp.message = "Controlled joints could not be retrieved." return resp def _scene_add_box_callback(self, add_box_req): """Add box to planning scene Args: add_box_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.AddBoxRequest`): The add box request. Returns: bool: Whether the box was successfully added. """ box_name = or "box" pose_header = Header(frame_id=add_box_req.frame_id or "world") box_pose = Pose( position=add_box_req.pose.position, orientation=normalize_quaternion(add_box_req.pose.orientation), ) pose_stamped = PoseStamped(header=pose_header, pose=box_pose) # Warn users if box is not visible in RViz. if add_box_req.size == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): rospy.logwarn( f"The size of box '{box_name}' was set to (0, 0, 0). The box will not " "be visible in RViz." ) # Send request. resp = AddBoxResponse() try: self.scene.add_box( box_name, pose_stamped, size=add_box_req.size, ) except Exception: resp.success = False resp.message = "Box could not be added" return resp # Return response. resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" return resp def _scene_add_plane_callback(self, add_plane_req): """Add plane to planning scene Args: add_plane_req (:obj:`panda_gazebo.srv.AddBoxRequest`): The add plane request. Returns: bool: Whether the plane was successfully added. """ plane_name = or "plane" pose_header = Header(frame_id=add_plane_req.frame_id or "world") plane_pose = Pose( position=add_plane_req.pose.position, orientation=normalize_quaternion(add_plane_req.pose.orientation), ) pose_stamped = PoseStamped(header=pose_header, pose=plane_pose) # Send request. resp = AddPlaneResponse() try: self.scene.add_plane( plane_name, pose_stamped, normal=normalize_vector(add_plane_req.normal, force=True), offset=add_plane_req.offset, ) except Exception as e: resp.success = False resp.message = "Plane could not be added because: %s" % e return resp # Return response. resp.success = True resp.message = "Everything went OK" return resp