
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on installing the ROS Gazebo Gym package and its dependencies. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Install system dependencies:

    The following system dependencies are required to run the ROS Gazebo Gym package:

    After these dependencies are installed, you can create a catkin workspace and clone the ROS Gazebo Gym package inside the src folder of the workspace.

  2. Build the package:

    After installing the ROS Gazebo Gym package and its dependencies, you can use the catkin_make or catkin-tools packages to build it.

  3. Install the ROS Gazebo Gym gymnasium environment dependencies.

Below, each of these steps is explained in more detail.

Install system dependencies

To install the system dependencies, follow these steps:

  1. Install ROS Noetic - Desktop full and Python 3.

  2. Create a catkin workspace:

mkdir -p ~/ros_gazebo_gym_ws/src
cd ~/ros_gazebo_gym_ws/src
  1. Clone the ROS Gazebo Gym package inside the src folder of the workspace:

git clone
  1. Install the ROS Gazebo Gym package dependencies using the rosdep package:

rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -r -y

Build the package

You can use the catkin_make or catkin-tools packages to build the ROS Gazebo Gym package. To build the package, execute the following commands inside the root of the catkin workspace:



catkin build

Install environment dependencies

Each of the robotics gymnasium environments in the ros_gazebo_gym package has its own dependencies. The ros_gazebo_gym package tries to install these dependencies automatically when the environment is imported for the first time. However, not all the dependencies might be installed. If this happens, you should run the aforementioned rosdep command and re-build the catkin workspace. A list of all the required environment dependencies can be found inside the documentation of each ROS Gazebo Gym robotics gymnasium environment (see Environments).