
Launches all the ROS nodes that are needed for a given ros_gazebo_gym gymnasium environment.

Module Contents



Class used to launch ROS launch files.

class ros_gazebo_gym.core.ros_launcher.ROSLauncher[source]

Bases: object

Class used to launch ROS launch files.


Whether the launch file was successfully launched. This only specifies if the launchfile was successfully executed not if it encountered errors.



classmethod initialize()[source]

Make sure a ros master is running and ROS is initialized.

classmethod list_processes()[source]

List all launched processes.

classmethod terminate(process_name)[source]

Terminate a launched process.


process_name (str) – The process name.

classmethod terminate_all()[source]

Terminate all launched processes.

classmethod launch(package_name, launch_file_name, workspace_path=None, log_file=None, critical=False, wait_time=2, outdated_warning=False, **kwargs)[source]

Launch a given launchfile while also installing the launchfile package and or dependencies. This is done by using the ros_gazebo_gym dependency index.

  • package_name (str) – The package that contains the launchfile.

  • launch_file_name (str) – The launchfile name.

  • workspace_path (str, optional) – The path of the catkin workspace. Defaults to None meaning the path will be determined.

  • log_file (str, optional) – The log file to write the stdout to. Defaults to None meaning the stdout will be written to console.

  • critical (bool, optional) – Whether the process is critical and an error message should be shown when the process is no longer running.

  • wait_time (int, optional) – The time to wait before checking if the was launched successfully and is still running. Defaults to 2.

  • outdated_warning (bool, optional) – Whether to show a update warning when the package is outdated. Defaults to False.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments you want to pass to the launchfile.


Exception – When something went wrong when launching the launchfile.