"""Contains a class that can be used for displaying a sampling region marker in RViz.
.. note::
This class overloads the :obj:`visualization_msgs.msgs.Marker` class in order to
pre-initialize some of its attributes. It further also adds the ability to specify
the marker scale using s``x``, ``y``, ``z`` max and min values.
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Vector3
from ros_gazebo_gym.common.helpers import normalize_quaternion
from rospy.exceptions import ROSInitException
from std_msgs.msg import ColorRGBA, Header
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
[docs]class SampleRegionMarker(Marker):
"""RViz goal sample region marker.
id (int): The marker object id.
type (str): The marker type.
action (float): The marker message action (add or remove).
color (:obj:`std_msgs.ColorRGBA`): The marker color.
lifetime (:obj:`:rospy.Duration`): The lifetime duration.
frame_locked (bool): Boolean specifying whether the marker frame is locked to
the world.
point (:obj:`geometry_msgs.Point`): The marker points.
text (str): The text that is used for text markers.
mesh_resource (str): Marker mess location.
mesh_use_embedded_materials (bool): Boolean specifying whether we want to use a
.. important::
The x, y, z min/max values take precedence over x y z position values, which
take precedence over position and scale values.
def __init__( # noqa: C901
"""Initialize SampleRegionMarker object.
x_min (float, optional): The min x position of the marker. Defaults to
y_min (float, optional): The min y position of the marker. Defaults to
z_min (float, optional): The min z position of the marker. Defaults to
x_max (float, optional): The max x position of the marker. Defaults to
y_max (float, optional): The max y position of the marker. Defaults to
z_max (float, optional): The max z position of the marker. Defaults to
frame_id (str, optional): The frame the position/orientation are relative
to. Defaults to ``None``.
*args: Arguments passed to the
:obj:`~visualization_msgs.msg.Marker` super class.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments that are passed to the
:obj:`~visualization_msgs.msg.Marker` super class.
Exception: Thrown when the ROS time is not initialised.
self.__pose = Pose()
self.__scale = Vector3()
self.__x_min = 0.0
self.__x_max = 0.0
self.__y_min = 0.0
self.__z_min = 0.0
self.__y_max = 0.0
self.__z_max = 0.0
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Overwrite attributes with defaults if not supplied in the constructor.
if "header" not in kwargs.keys():
# Pre-initialize header.
self.header = Header()
try: # Check if rostime was initialized.
self.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
except ROSInitException:
raise Exception(
"Goal sample region marker could not be created as the ROS time is "
"not initialized. Have you called init_node()?"
if not frame_id:
self.header.frame_id = "world"
self.header.frame_id = frame_id
if "pose" not in kwargs.keys():
self.pose = Pose(position=Vector3(x, y, z))
if "color" not in kwargs.keys():
self.color = ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15)
self.id = 1 if "id" not in kwargs.keys() else self.id
self.type = Marker.CUBE if "type" not in kwargs.keys() else self.type
self.action = Marker.ADD if "action" not in kwargs.keys() else self.action
self.lifetime = (
rospy.Duration(0) if "lifetime" not in kwargs.keys() else self.lifetime
# Set class properties if not none.
if x:
self.x = x
if y:
self.y = y
if z:
self.z = z
if x_min:
self.x_min = x_min
if x_max:
self.x_max = x_max
if y_min:
self.y_min = y_min
if y_max:
self.y_max = y_max
if z_min:
self.z_min = z_min
if z_max:
self.z_max = z_max
[docs] def x(self):
"""Retrieve the marker x position."""
return self.__x
def x(self, val):
"""Set the marker x position."""
self.__x = val
self.__pose.position.x = val
self.__x_min = self.__pose.position.x - self.__scale.x / 2
self.__x_max = self.__pose.position.x + self.__scale.x / 2
[docs] def y(self):
"""Retrieve the marker y position."""
return self.__y
def y(self, val):
"""Set the marker y position."""
self.__y = val
self.__pose.position.y = val
self.__y_min = self.__pose.position.y - self.__scale.y / 2
self.__y_max = self.__pose.position.y + self.__scale.y / 2
[docs] def z(self):
"""Retrieve the marker z position."""
return self.__z
def z(self, val):
"""Set the marker z position."""
self.__z = val
self.__pose.position.z = val
self.__z_min = self.__pose.position.z - self.__scale.z / 2
self.__z_max = self.__pose.position.z + self.__scale.z / 2
[docs] def x_min(self):
"""Retrieve the value of x_min."""
return self.__x_min
def x_min(self, val):
"""Set the value of x_min and update the x scale and position."""
self.__x_min = val
self.__scale.x = abs(self.__x_max - self.__x_min)
self.__pose.position.x = self.__scale.x / 2 + self.__x_min
[docs] def y_min(self):
"""Retrieve the value of y_min."""
return self.__y_min
def y_min(self, val):
"""Set the value of y_min and update the y scale and position."""
self.__y_min = val
self.__scale.y = abs(self.__y_max - self.__y_min)
self.__pose.position.y = self.__scale.y / 2 + self.__y_min
[docs] def z_min(self):
"""Retrieve the value of z_min."""
return self.__z_min
def z_min(self, val):
"""Set the value of z_min and update the z scale and position."""
self.__z_min = val
self.__scale.z = abs(self.__z_max - self.__z_min)
self.__pose.position.z = self.__scale.z / 2 + self.__z_min
[docs] def x_max(self):
"""Retrieve the value of x_max."""
return self.__x_max
def x_max(self, val):
"""Set the value of x_max and update the x scale and position."""
self.__x_max = val
self.__scale.x = abs(self.__x_max - self.__x_min)
self.__pose.position.x = self.__scale.x / 2 + self.__x_min
[docs] def y_max(self):
"""Retrieve the value of y_max."""
return self.__y_max
def y_max(self, val):
"""Set the value of y_max and update the y scale and position."""
self.__y_max = val
self.__scale.y = abs(self.__y_max - self.__y_min)
self.__pose.position.y = self.__scale.y / 2 + self.__y_min
[docs] def z_max(self):
"""Retrieve the value of z_max."""
return self.__z_max
def z_max(self, val):
"""Set the value of z_max and update the z scale and position."""
self.__z_max = val
self.__scale.z = abs(self.__z_max - self.__z_min)
self.__pose.position.z = self.__scale.z / 2 + self.__z_min
[docs] def scale(self):
"""Get marker scale."""
return self.__scale
def scale(self, val):
"""Set marker scale."""
if val:
self.__scale = val
self.__x_min = self.__pose.position.x - self.__scale.x / 2
self.__x_max = self.__pose.position.x + self.__scale.x / 2
self.__y_min = self.__pose.position.y - self.__scale.y / 2
self.__y_max = self.__pose.position.y + self.__scale.y / 2
self.__z_min = self.__pose.position.z - self.__scale.z / 2
self.__z_max = self.__pose.position.z + self.__scale.z / 2
[docs] def pose(self):
"""Retrieve marker pose."""
return self.__pose
def pose(self, val):
"""Set marker pose."""
if val:
self.__pose = Pose(
self.__x = self.__pose.position.x
self.__y = self.__pose.position.y
self.__z = self.__pose.position.z
self.__x_min = self.__pose.position.x - self.__scale.x / 2
self.__x_max = self.__pose.position.x + self.__scale.x / 2
self.__y_min = self.__pose.position.y + self.__scale.y / 2
self.__y_max = self.__pose.position.y - self.__scale.y / 2
self.__z_min = self.__pose.position.z - self.__scale.z / 2
self.__z_max = self.__pose.position.z + self.__scale.z / 2