Source code for ros_gazebo_gym.core.gazebo_connection

"""Contains a small python utility class that makes it easier to interact with the
Gazebo simulator.

import time

import numpy as np
import rospy
from gazebo_msgs.msg import ModelStates
from gazebo_msgs.srv import (
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Vector3
from ros_gazebo_gym.common.helpers import (
from ros_gazebo_gym.core.helpers import ros_exit_gracefully
from ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions import (
from rosgraph_msgs.msg import Clock
from rospy import ServiceException
from rospy.exceptions import ROSException, ROSInterruptException
from rospy_message_converter import message_converter
from std_msgs.msg import Float64
from std_srvs.srv import Empty

# Specify gazebo service topics.
[docs]GAZEBO_PAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC = "/gazebo/pause_physics"
[docs]GAZEBO_UNPAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC = "/gazebo/unpause_physics"
[docs]GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC = "/gazebo/reset_simulation"
[docs]GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC = "/gazebo/reset_world"
[docs]GAZEBO_CLOCK_TOPIC = "/clock"
[docs]GAZEBO_SPAWN_SDF_MODEL_TOPIC = "/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model"
[docs]GAZEBO_SPAWN_URDF_MODEL_TOPIC = "/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model"
[docs]GAZEBO_MODEL_STATES_TOPIC = "/gazebo/model_states"
[docs]GAZEBO_GET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC = "/gazebo/get_model_state"
[docs]GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC = "/gazebo/set_model_state"
[docs]GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_TOPIC = "/gazebo/set_model_configuration"
[docs]GAZEBO_GET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC = "/gazebo/get_physics_properties"
[docs]GAZEBO_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC = "/gazebo/set_physics_properties"
# Script variables.
[docs]class GazeboConnection: """Class that contains several methods that can be used to interact with the Gazebo simulation. Attributes: pause_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that pauses the gazebo simulator. unpause_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that un-pauses the gazebo simulator. reset_simulation_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that resets the gazebo simulator. reset_world_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that resets the gazebo world. spawn_sdf_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that spawns a sdf model. spawn_urdf_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that spawns a urdf model. get_model_state_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service used to set get model states. set_model_state_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service used to set the model state of a object. set_link_state_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service used to set the link states. get_link_state_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service used to get the link states. set_model_configuration_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service that sets the configuration of a model. get_physics_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service used to retrieve the physics properties. set_physics_proxy (:obj:`rospy.impl.tcpros_service.ServiceProxy`): ROS service used to set the physics properties. """ def __init__( # noqa: C901 self, reset_world_or_sim="WORLD", max_retry=20, retry_rate=5, log_reset=True ): """Initiate the GazeboConnection instance. Args: reset_world_or_sim (str, optional): Whether you want to reset the whole simulation "SIMULATION" at startup or only the world "WORLD" (object positions). Defaults to "WORLD". max_retry (int, optional): How many times a command to the simulator is retried before giving up. Defaults to ``30``. retry_rate (int, optional): The rate at which the retry is done. Defaults to ``2`` (i.e. 0.5 seconds). log_reset (bool, optional): Whether we want to print a log statement when the world/simulation is reset. Defaults to ``True``. """ rospy.logwarn("Initialize GazeboConnection utility class...") self._reset_world_or_sim = reset_world_or_sim self._log_reset = log_reset self._max_retry = max_retry self._retry_rate = retry_rate self._physics_update_rate = Float64(PHYSICS_UPDATE_RATE) self.__time = 0.0 # Connect to link_state and model_state topics. rospy.Subscriber( GAZEBO_LINK_STATES_TOPIC, ModelStates, self._link_states_cb, queue_size=1 ) rospy.Subscriber( GAZEBO_MODEL_STATES_TOPIC, ModelStates, self._model_states_cb, queue_size=1 ) # Connect to gazebo services. try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_PAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_PAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.pause_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(GAZEBO_PAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC, Empty) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_PAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_PAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_UNPAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_UNPAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.unpause_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(GAZEBO_UNPAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC, Empty) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_UNPAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_UNPAUSE_PHYSICS_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.reset_simulation_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC, Empty ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn("Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.reset_world_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC, Empty) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_SPAWN_SDF_MODEL_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_SPAWN_SDF_MODEL_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.spawn_sdf_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_SPAWN_SDF_MODEL_TOPIC, SpawnModel ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SPAWN_SDF_MODEL_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SPAWN_SDF_MODEL_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug( "Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_SPAWN_URDF_MODEL_TOPIC ) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_SPAWN_URDF_MODEL_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.spawn_urdf_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_SPAWN_URDF_MODEL_TOPIC, SpawnModel ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SPAWN_URDF_MODEL_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SPAWN_URDF_MODEL_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_GET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_GET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.get_model_state_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_GET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC, GetModelState ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_GET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_GET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.set_model_state_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC, SetModelState ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_STATE_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_GET_LINK_STATE_TOPIC) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_GET_LINK_STATE_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.get_link_state_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_GET_LINK_STATE_TOPIC, GetLinkState ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_GET_LINK_STATE_TOPIC) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_GET_LINK_STATE_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug( "Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_TOPIC ) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.set_model_configuration_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_TOPIC, SetModelConfiguration ) rospy.logdebug( "Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_TOPIC ) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SET_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_TOPIC ) # Setup physics properties control service. try: rospy.logdebug( "Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_GET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC ) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_GET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.get_physics_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_GET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC, GetPhysicsProperties ) rospy.logdebug( "Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_GET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC ) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_GET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC ) try: rospy.logdebug( "Connecting to '%s' service." % GAZEBO_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC ) rospy.wait_for_service( GAZEBO_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC, timeout=SERVICES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTS, ) self.set_physics_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( GAZEBO_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC, SetPhysicsProperties ) rospy.logdebug( "Connected to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC ) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % GAZEBO_SET_PHYSICS_PROPERTIES_TOPIC ) # Connect to clock. rospy.Subscriber(GAZEBO_CLOCK_TOPIC, Clock, self._clock_cb, queue_size=1) # Reset the simulation. self.reset_sim() # We always pause the simulation, important for legged robots learning. self.pause_sim() rospy.logwarn("GazeboConnection utility class initialised.")
[docs] def pause_sim(self): """Pause the simulation.""" rospy.logdebug("PAUSING service found...") paused_done, counter, warned = False, 0, False while not paused_done and not rospy.is_shutdown(): if counter < self._max_retry: try: rospy.logdebug("PAUSING service calling...") self.pause_proxy() paused_done = True rospy.logdebug("PAUSING service calling...DONE") except rospy.ServiceException: if not warned: rospy.logerr( "/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed retrying " f"{self._max_retry} times." ) warned = True counter += 1 time.sleep(1 / self._retry_rate) else: rospy.logerr( f"Maximum retries done ({self._max_retry}), please check Gazebo " "pause service and try again." ) ros_exit_gracefully( shutdown_msg=f"Shutting down {rospy.get_name()}", exit_code=1 ) rospy.logdebug("PAUSING finished")
[docs] def unpause_sim(self): """Unpauses the simulation.""" rospy.logdebug("UNPAUSING start") unpaused_done, counter, warned = False, 0, False while not unpaused_done and not rospy.is_shutdown(): if counter < self._max_retry: try: rospy.logdebug("UNPAUSING service calling...") self.unpause_proxy() unpaused_done = True rospy.logdebug("UNPAUSING service calling...DONE") except rospy.ServiceException: if not warned: rospy.logerr( "/gazebo/unpause_physics service call failed retrying " f"{self._max_retry} times." ) warned = True counter += 1 time.sleep((1 / self._retry_rate)) else: rospy.logerr( f"Maximum retries done ({self._max_retry}), please check Gazebo " "unpause service and try again." ) ros_exit_gracefully( shutdown_msg=f"Shutting down {rospy.get_name()}", exit_code=1 ) rospy.logdebug("UNPAUSING finished")
def _reset_simulation(self): """Calls the ROS reset simulation service.""" rospy.wait_for_service(GAZEBO_RESET_SIM_TOPIC) try: self.reset_simulation_proxy() except rospy.ServiceException: print(f"{self.reset_simulation_proxy.resolved_name} service call failed") def _reset_world(self): """Resets the world (NOT THE WHOLE SIMULATION).""" rospy.wait_for_service(GAZEBO_RESET_WORLD_TOPIC) try: self.reset_world_proxy() except rospy.ServiceException: print(f"{self.reset_world_proxy.resolved_name} service call failed")
[docs] def reset_sim(self): """Reset the simulation or the world. .. note:: Implemented like this since in some simulations, when reset the simulation the systems that work with TF break. In this case we ONLY resets the object position, not the entire simulation. """ if self._reset_world_or_sim == "SIMULATION": if self._log_reset: rospy.logwarn("SIMULATION RESET") self._reset_simulation() elif self._reset_world_or_sim == "WORLD": if self._log_reset: rospy.logwarn("WORLD RESET") self._reset_world() elif self._reset_world_or_sim == "NO_RESET_SIM": rospy.logerr("NO RESET SIMULATION SELECTED") else: rospy.logerr("WRONG Reset Option:" + str(self._reset_world_or_sim))
############################################# # Properties/functions for retrieving/ ###### # setting gazebo environment properties ##### #############################################
[docs] def get_model_state(self, model_name): """Retrieve the current state of a model. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model for which you want to retrieve the state. Returns: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: The pose of the model. Raises: :obj:`ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions.GetModelStateError`: Thrown when the model state retrieval failed. """ model_state = self.get_model_state_proxy(model_name, "world") if model_state.success: return np.array( [ model_state.pose.position.x, model_state.pose.position.y, model_state.pose.position.z, model_state.pose.orientation.x, model_state.pose.orientation.y, model_state.pose.orientation.z, ] ) else: logwarn_msg = f"Model state of '{model_name}' model could not be retrieved." rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise GetModelStateError( message=logwarn_msg, details=model_state.status_message )
[docs] def set_model_state(self, model_state): """Sets the state of a model. Args: model_state (:obj:`gazebo_msgs.msg.SetModelState`): The model_state object. Returns: bool: Boolean specifying whether the model state was set successfully. Raises: :obj:`ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions.SetModelStateError`: Thrown when the model state could not be set. """ rospy.logdebug("setting '%s' model state." % model_state.model_name) retval = if not retval.success: logwarn_msg = "Model state model could not be set." rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SetModelStateError(logwarn_msg) return retval.success
[docs] def set_model_configuration( self, model_name, joint_names, joint_positions, pause=True ): """Sets the configuration of a model. Args: model_name (string): Model to set the configuration for. joint_names (list): The joint names for which you want to set the configuration. joint_positions (list): The joint positions you want to set. pause (bool, optional): Pause the simulation while setting the model pose. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: bool: Boolean specifying whether the model configuration was set successfully. Raises: :obj:`ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions.SetModelConfigurationError`: Thrown when the model configuration could not be set. """ rospy.logdebug("setting '%s' model state." % model_name) if len(joint_names) != len(joint_positions): logwarn_msg = ( "Model configuration model could not be set since the 'joint_names' " "and 'joint_position' are unequal in length." ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SetModelConfigurationError(logwarn_msg) # Set joint position. if pause: self.pause_sim() retval = SetModelConfigurationRequest( model_name=model_name, joint_names=joint_names, joint_positions=joint_positions, ) ) if pause: self.unpause_sim() if not retval.success: logwarn_msg = "Model configuration model could not be set." rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SetModelConfigurationError(logwarn_msg) return retval.success
[docs] def get_physics_properties(self): """Retrieve physics properties from gazebo. Returns: :obj:`gazebo_msgs.srv.GetPhysicsPropertiesResponse`: Physics properties message. Raises: :obj:`ros_gazebo_gym.errors.GetPhysicsPropertiesError`: Thrown when something goes wrong while trying to retrieve the physics properties. """ physics_properties_msg = self.physics_properties if not physics_properties_msg.success: logwarn_msg = "Physics properties could not be retrieved." rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise GetPhysicsPropertiesError( message=logwarn_msg, details=physics_properties_msg.status_message ) return physics_properties_msg
[docs] def set_physics_properties(self, **kwargs): """Change physics properties of the gazebo physics engine. These properties have to be supplied as a keyword argument. .. tip:: You can use the :obj:`GazeboConnection.set_physics_proxy` If you want to send a :obj:`gazebo_msgs.srv.SetPhysicsProperties` message directly. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments specifying the physics properties you want to set. Raises: SetPhysicsPropertiesError: Thrown when something goes wrong while setting the physics properties. """ physics_properties_dict = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary( self.physics_properties ) del ( physics_properties_dict["pause"], physics_properties_dict["success"], physics_properties_dict["status_message"], ) physics_properties_msg = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message( "gazebo_msgs/SetPhysicsProperties", deep_update(physics_properties_dict, fixed=True, **kwargs), kind="request", ) retval = if not retval.success: logwarn_msg = "Physics engine could not be updated." rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SetPhysicsPropertiesError( message=logwarn_msg, details=retval.status_message )
def _update_gravity_call(self, x, y, z): """Updates the simulator gravity. Args: x (float): Gravity vector x coordinate. y (float): Gravity vector y coordinate. z (float): Gravity vector z coordinate. Raises: :obj:`ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions.SetPhysicsPropertiesError`: Thrown when the physics properties could not be set. """ self.pause_sim() # Retrieve current physics properties. try: get_physics_properties = self.physics_properties except ServiceException: logwarn_msg = ( "Failed to retrieve physics properties when trying to update gravity. " "As a result, gravity was not updated." ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) return # Create set physics properties request message. set_physics_request = SetPhysicsPropertiesRequest() for key in [ attr for attr in dir(get_physics_properties) if not attr.startswith("_") ]: # Set all properties to the current physics properties. try: setattr(set_physics_request, key, getattr(get_physics_properties, key)) except AttributeError: pass set_physics_request.gravity = Vector3(x=x, y=y, z=z) rospy.logdebug(str(set_physics_request.gravity)) # Send physic change request. result = self.set_physics_proxy(set_physics_request) rospy.logdebug( "Gravity Update Result==" + str(result.success) + ",message==" + str(result.status_message) ) self.unpause_sim()
[docs] def change_gravity(self, x, y, z): """Changes the gravity vector Args: x (float): Gravity vector x coordinate. y (float): Gravity vector y coordinate. z (float): Gravity vector z coordinate. """ self._update_gravity_call(x, y, z)
[docs] def spawn_object( # noqa: C901 self, object_name, model_name, models_folder_path, pose=None, ): """Spawns a object from the model directory into gazebo. Args: object_name (str): The name you want the model to have. model_name (str): The model type (The name of the xml file you want to use). models_folder_path (str): The folder in which you want to search for the models. pose (:obj:`geometry_msgs.msg.Pose`, optional): The pose of the model, by default :py:class:`geometry_msgs.msg.Pose`. Returns: bool: A boolean specifying whether the model was successfully spawned. Raises: :obj:`ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions.SpawnModelError`: When model was not spawned successfully. """ if not pose: # Use default pose if none was given. pose = Pose() pose.orientation = normalize_quaternion(pose.orientation) # Check if model is already present. if object_name in self.model_states.keys(): rospy.logwarn( f"A model with model name '{model_name}' already exists. Please check " "if this is the right model." ) return False # Find model xml. rospy.logdebug("Looking for '%s' model file." % model_name) model_xml, extension = find_gazebo_model_path(model_name, models_folder_path) if not model_xml: # If model file was not found. logwarn_msg = ( f"Spawning model '{model_name}' as '{object_name}' failed since the " "sdf/urd model file was not found. Please make sure you added the " f"model sdf/urdf file to the '{models_folder_path}' folder." ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SpawnModelError(message=logwarn_msg) # Load content from the model xml file. xml_file = open(model_xml, "r") model_xml_content = # Create spawn model request message. rospy.logdebug("Spawning '%s' model as '%s'." % (model_name, object_name)) spawn_model_req = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=object_name, model_xml=model_xml_content, initial_pose=pose, reference_frame="world", ) # Request model spawn from sdf or urdf spawn service. rospy.logdebug("Spawning model '%s' as '%s'." % (model_name, object_name)) spawn_done = False counter = 0 if extension == "sdf": # Use sdf service. while not spawn_done and not rospy.is_shutdown(): if counter < self._max_retry: try: rospy.logdebug("SPAWNING service calling...") retval = spawn_done = True rospy.logdebug("SPAWNING service calling...DONE") return retval except rospy.ServiceException as e: logwarn_msg = ( f"Spawning model '{model_name}' as '{object_name}' failed " f"since {lower_first_char(e.args[0])}." ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SpawnModelError( message=logwarn_msg, details={"exception": e} ) else: while not spawn_done and not rospy.is_shutdown(): if counter < self._max_retry: try: rospy.logdebug("SPAWNING service calling...") retval = spawn_done = True rospy.logdebug("SPAWNING service calling...DONE") return retval except rospy.ServiceException as e: logwarn_msg = ( f"Spawning model '{model_name}' as '{object_name}' failed " f"since {lower_first_char(e.args[0])}." ) rospy.logwarn(logwarn_msg) raise SpawnModelError( message=logwarn_msg, details={"exception": e} )
def _link_states_cb(self, data): """Link states subscriber callback function. Args: data (:obj:`gazebo_msgs.msg.ModelStates`): The data that is returned by the subscriber. """ self.link_states = model_state_msg_2_link_state_dict(data) def _model_states_cb(self, data): """Model states subscriber callback function. Args: data (:obj:`gazebo_msgs.msg.ModelStates`): The data that is returned by the subscriber. """ self.model_states = model_state_msg_2_link_state_dict(data) def _clock_cb(self, data): """Gazebo clock subscriber callback function. Args: data (:obj:`gazebo_msgs.msg.ModelStates`): The data that is returned by the subscriber. """ self.__time = data.clock.to_time() @property
[docs] def physics_properties(self): """Retrieves the physics properties from gazebo.""" return self.get_physics_proxy(GetPhysicsPropertiesRequest())
[docs] def time(self): """Retrieves the Gazebo time.""" return self.__time