Source code for ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_pick_and_place

"""An ROS Panda pick and place gymnasium environment.

.. image:: /images/panda/panda_pick_and_place_env.png
   :alt: Panda pick and place environment

This environment is an extension of the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_reach.PandaReachEnv` task environment,
sharing most features such as the action spaces. Notable distinctions are detailed below.

Observation space:
    The observation space was extended with the 11 observations:

    - Object x position.
    - Object y position.
    - Object z position.
    - x distance between object and end-effector.
    - y distance between object and end-effector.
    - z distance between object and end-effector.
    - Object yaw rotation.
    - Object pitch rotation.
    - Object roll rotation.
    - Object translational velocity.
    - Object rotational velocity.

    In this environment the agent has to learn to lift a block up to reach the desired
    goal position. It was based on the :gymnasium-robotics:`FetchPickAndPlace-v2 <envs/fetch/pick_and_place/>`
    gymnasium environment.

.. admonition:: Configuration
    :class: important

    The configuration files for this environment are found in the
    :ros-gazebo-gym:`panda task environment config folder <blob/noetic/src/ros_gazebo_gym/task_envs/panda/config/panda_pick_and_place.yaml>`.
"""  # noqa: E501

import time
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import rospy
import tf2_ros
from gazebo_msgs.msg import ModelState
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Quaternion, TransformStamped, Vector3
from gymnasium import utils
from ros_gazebo_gym.common.helpers import get_orientation_euler, normalize_quaternion
from ros_gazebo_gym.core.helpers import ros_exit_gracefully
from ros_gazebo_gym.core.ros_launcher import ROSLauncher
from ros_gazebo_gym.exceptions import SetModelStateError, SpawnModelError
from ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.markers.cube_marker import CubeMarker
from ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.markers.frame_origin_marker import FrameOriginMarker
from ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_reach import PandaReachEnv
from rospy import ROSException, ROSInterruptException

    from panda_gazebo.srv import AddBox, AddBoxRequest
except ImportError:

# Specify topics and other script variables.
[docs]MOVEIT_ADD_BOX_TOPIC = "panda_moveit_planner_server/planning_scene/add_box"
[docs]CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "config/panda_pick_and_place.yaml"
################################################# # Panda pick and place environment Class ######## #################################################
[docs]class PandaPickAndPlaceEnv(PandaReachEnv, utils.EzPickle): """Classed used to create a Panda pick and place environment. Attributes: object_marker_class (:obj:`visualization_msgs.msg.Marker`): The RViz marker class used for displaying the object. Can be overwritten by child environments to change the visualization of the object. object_frame_name (str): The name used for the object tf frame. """ def __init__( self, config_path=CONFIG_FILE_PATH, gazebo_world_launch_file="start_pick_and_place_world.launch", *args, **kwargs, ): """Initializes a Panda pick and place task environment. Args: config_path (str, optional): Path where the environment configuration value are found. The path is resolved relative to the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_reach` class file. gazebo_world_launch_file (str, optional): Name of the launch file that loads the gazebo world. Currently only the launch files inside the `panda_gazebo <>`_ package are supported. Defaults to ``start_pick_and_place_world.launch``. *args: Arguments passed to the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.PandaReachEnv` super class. **kwargs: Keyword arguments that are passed to the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.PandaReachEnv` super class. """ rospy.logdebug("Initialize Panda pick and place environment.") utils.EzPickle.__init__( **locals() ) # Makes sure the env is pickable when it wraps C++ code. ROSLauncher.initialize() # Makes sure roscore is running and ROS is initialized. # Create storage variables. self._prev_time = rospy.get_time() self._prev_grip_position = np.zeros(3) self._prev_object_position = np.zeros(3) self._prev_object_rot = np.zeros(3) super().__init__( config_path=config_path, gazebo_world_launch_file=gazebo_world_launch_file, *args, **kwargs, ) # Setup MoveIt platform add service. moveit_add_box_srv_topic = f"{self.robot_name_space}/{MOVEIT_ADD_BOX_TOPIC}" try: rospy.logdebug("Connecting to '%s' service." % moveit_add_box_srv_topic) rospy.wait_for_service( moveit_add_box_srv_topic, timeout=CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, ) self._moveit_add_box_client = rospy.ServiceProxy( moveit_add_box_srv_topic, AddBox ) rospy.logdebug("Connected to '%s' service!" % moveit_add_box_srv_topic) except (rospy.ServiceException, ROSException, ROSInterruptException): rospy.logwarn( "Failed to connect to '%s' service!" % moveit_add_box_srv_topic ) self._setup_object() # IMPROVE: Currently the platform properties are hardcoded these can be made # dynamic by requesting them via a custom made Gazebo plugin. self._add_platform_to_moveit_scene() # Create object publishers. self.object_marker_class = CubeMarker self.object_frame_name = "cube" rospy.logdebug("Creating RViz object marker publisher.") self._object_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/ros_gazebo_gym/object", CubeMarker, queue_size=1, latch=True ) rospy.logdebug("RViz object marker publisher created.") rospy.logdebug("Creating RViz object frame marker publisher.") self._object_frame_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/ros_gazebo_gym/object_frame", FrameOriginMarker, queue_size=1, latch=True ) rospy.logdebug("RViz object frame marker publisher created.") rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration(1.0 / TARGET_OBJECT_POSE_PUBLISH_RATE), self._object_marker_pub_cb, ) rospy.logdebug("Panda pick and place environment initialized.") ################################################ # Task environment internal methods ############ ################################################ # NOTE: Here you can add additional helper methods that are used in the task env. def _object_marker_pub_cb(self, event=None): """Callback function that publishes a RViz marker representing the current object position. Args: event (:obj:`rospy.TimerEvent`): The timer event object. .. important:: The object size is currently hardcoded. Please change it when you change the object in the :obj:`panda_gazebo` package. """ # IMPROVE: Currently the object properties are hardcoded these can be made # dynamic by requesting them via a custom made Gazebo plugin. # Publish object frame tf. object_pose = self.object_pose tf_msg = TransformStamped() tf_msg.header.stamp = tf_msg.header.frame_id = "world" tf_msg.child_frame_id = self.object_frame_name tf_msg.transform.translation.x = object_pose.position.x tf_msg.transform.translation.y = object_pose.position.y tf_msg.transform.translation.z = object_pose.position.z tf_msg.transform.rotation.x = object_pose.orientation.x tf_msg.transform.rotation.y = object_pose.orientation.y tf_msg.transform.rotation.z = object_pose.orientation.z tf_msg.transform.rotation.w = object_pose.orientation.w tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster().sendTransform(tf_msg) # Publish object RViz marker. self._object_marker_msg = self.object_marker_class( frame_id=self.object_frame_name ) self._object_marker_pub.publish(self._object_marker_msg) # Also display marker for object frame position. object_frame_origin_marker_msg = FrameOriginMarker( frame_id=self.object_frame_name ) self._object_frame_marker_pub.publish(object_frame_origin_marker_msg) def _add_platform_to_moveit_scene(self): """Add the platform to the MoveIt planning scene.""" # IMPROVE: Currently the platform properties are hardcoded these can be made # dynamic by requesting them via a custom made Gazebo plugin. add_platform_req = AddBoxRequest( name=self._platform_name, pose=self._platform_pose, size=self._platform_size ) resp = self._moveit_add_box_client(add_platform_req) if not resp.success: rospy.logerr( "The platform was not added successfully to the MoveIt planning scene. " " As a result, MoveIt is unaware of the platform's existence and may " "plan states that are in collision." ) def _setup_object(self): # noqa: C901 """Makes sure the object is present in the gazebo simulation.""" rospy.logdebug("Setting initial object pose.") # Try to spawn object if not yet present. if not self.contains_object: init_obj_pose = Pose( position=Vector3( x=self._fixed_object_pose["x"], y=self._fixed_object_pose["y"], z=self._fixed_object_pose["z"], ), orientation=normalize_quaternion( Quaternion( x=self._fixed_object_pose["rx"], y=self._fixed_object_pose["ry"], z=self._fixed_object_pose["rz"], w=self._fixed_object_pose["rw"], ) ), ) try: self.gazebo.spawn_object( object_name=self._object_name, model_name=self._object_name, models_folder_path=Path(__file__) .joinpath( "../../../../../../" "rosdeps/panda_gazebo/panda_gazebo/resources/models" ) .resolve(), pose=init_obj_pose, ) # Wait till the object is found in the model state. start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < TARGET_OBJECT_SPAWN_TIMEOUT: rospy.logwarn_once( f"Waiting for '{self._object_name}' to be spawned." ) if self.contains_object: break if not self.contains_object: raise SpawnModelError( f"Object '{self._object_name}' was not spawned within the " f"'{TARGET_OBJECT_SPAWN_TIMEOUT}' second time limit." ) except SpawnModelError: err_msg = ( f"Shutting down {rospy.get_name()} since the task environment " f"target object `{self._object_name}` was not spawned successfully." ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_msg=err_msg, exit_code=1) def _set_init_obj_pose(self): """Sets the object to its (random) initial pose. Returns: bool: Success boolean. """ # Set a random object pose. if self._object_sampling_strategy.lower() == "global": # Retrieve x,y positions of the current and initial object pose. obj_pose = self.gazebo.model_states[self._object_name]["pose"] obj_xy_positions = np.array( [ self.gazebo.model_states[self._object_name]["pose"].position.x, self.gazebo.model_states[self._object_name]["pose"].position.y, ] ) # Sample an object initial object (x, y) position. while ( np.linalg.norm( np.array([obj_pose.position.x, obj_pose.position.y]) - obj_xy_positions ) < self._object_sampling_distance_threshold ): # Sample till is different enough from the current object pose. obj_xy_positions = self.np_random.uniform( [ self._object_sampling_bounds["x_min"], self._object_sampling_bounds["y_min"], ], [ self._object_sampling_bounds["x_max"], self._object_sampling_bounds["y_max"], ], size=2, ) # Set init object pose. obj_model_state = ModelState() obj_model_state.model_name = self._object_name obj_model_state.pose.position.x = obj_xy_positions[0] obj_model_state.pose.position.y = obj_xy_positions[1] obj_model_state.pose.position.z = obj_pose.position.z rospy.logdebug("Init object pose:") rospy.logdebug(obj_pose) try: retval = self.gazebo.set_model_state(obj_model_state) except SetModelStateError: err_msg = ( f"Shutting down '{rospy.get_name()}' since the state of the grasp " "object could not be set." ) ros_exit_gracefully(shutdown_msg=err_msg, exit_code=1) # Return result. if not retval: rospy.logwarn("setting initial object position failed.") return retval return True def _get_elapsed_time(self): """Returns the elapsed time since the last time this function was called.""" current_time = rospy.get_time() dt = current_time - self._prev_time self._prev_time = current_time return dt @property
[docs] def contains_object(self): """Checks whether the simulation contains the object. Returns: bool: Whether the object was found in the simulation. """ return self._object_name in self.gazebo.model_states
[docs] def object_position(self): """Retrieves the current object position.""" object_pose = self.object_pose return np.array( [ object_pose.position.x, object_pose.position.y, object_pose.position.z, ] )
[docs] def object_rot(self): """Retrieves the current object rotation.""" object_rot_resp = get_orientation_euler(self.object_pose) return np.array([object_rot_resp.y, object_rot_resp.p, object_rot_resp.r])
[docs] def object_pose(self): """Retrieves the current object pose.""" return self.gazebo.model_states[self._object_name]["pose"]
@property def _platform_pose(self): """Retrieves the current platform pose. .. warning:: Please be aware that the name of the platform has been hardcoded. As a result this function breaks when the platform is renamed in the gazebo world. """ return self.gazebo.model_states[self._platform_name]["pose"] ################################################ # Overload Reach environment methods ########### ################################################ def _get_params(self, ns="panda_pick_and_place"): # noqa: C901 """Retrieve task environment configuration parameters from parameter server. Args: ns (str, optional): The namespace on which the parameters are found. Defaults to "panda_pick_and_place". """ super()._get_params(ns=ns) try: # Retrieve control variables. self._platform_name = rospy.get_param(f"/{ns}/training/platform_name") self._platform_size = rospy.get_param(f"/{ns}/training/platform_size") self._object_name = rospy.get_param(f"/{ns}/training/object_name") self._object_sampling_strategy = rospy.get_param( f"/{ns}/object_sampling/strategy" ) self._object_sampling_distance_threshold = rospy.get_param( f"/{ns}/object_sampling/distance_threshold" ) self._visualize_object_bounds = rospy.get_param( f"/{ns}/object_sampling/visualize_object_bounds" ) self._fixed_object_pose = rospy.get_param( f"/{ns}/object_sampling/fixed_pose" ) self._object_sampling_bounds = rospy.get_param( f"/{ns}/object_sampling/bounds" ) except KeyError as e: rospy.logerr( f"Parameter '{e.args[0]}' could not be retrieved from the parameter " "server. Please make sure this parameter is present in the Panda task " f"environment configuration file '{self._config_file_path}' and try " "again." ) ros_exit_gracefully( shutdown_msg=f"Shutting down {rospy.get_name()}.", exit_code=1 ) def _get_obs(self): """Get robot state observation. Returns: tuple containing: - observation array (:obj:`list`): List of observations: - End effector x position - End effector y position - End effector z position - Object x position. - Object y position. - Object z position. - x distance between object and ee. - y distance between object and ee. - z distance between object and ee. - End effector joints positions - End effector joints velocities - Object yaw rotation. - Object pitch rotation. - Object roll rotation. - Object translational velocity. - Object rotational velocity. - achieved_goal (:obj:`object`): The goal that was achieved during execution. - desired_goal (:obj:`object`): The desired goal that we asked the agent to attempt to achieve. """ obs_dict = super()._get_obs() obs = obs_dict["observation"] desired_goal = obs_dict["desired_goal"] # Unpack required observations. ee_position = obs[:3] ee_state = obs[3:5] ee_vel = obs[5:] # Retrieve information about the object. if self.contains_object: # Retrieve gripper velocity. dt = self._get_elapsed_time() grip_velp = ( ee_position - self._prev_grip_position ) / dt # Velocity(position) = Distance/Time. # Get object position. object_position = self.object_position # Get object orientation. object_rot = self.object_rot # Get object velocity. object_velp = ( object_position - self._prev_object_position ) / dt # Velocity(position) = Distance/Time. object_velr = ( object_rot - self._prev_object_rot ) / dt # Velocity(rotation) = Rotation/Time. # Get relative position and velocity. object_rel_position = object_position - ee_position object_velp -= grip_velp else: object_position = object_rot = object_velp = object_velr = ( object_rel_position ) = np.zeros(3) # Save current gripper and object positions. self._prev_grip_position = ee_position self._prev_object_position = object_position self._prev_object_rot = object_rot # Get achieved goal. achieved_goal = object_position # Concatenate observations. obs = np.concatenate( [ ee_position, object_position.ravel(), object_rel_position.ravel(), ee_state, object_rot.ravel(), object_velp.ravel(), object_velr.ravel(), ee_vel, ], dtype=self._observation_space_dtype, ) achieved_goal = np.array(ee_position, dtype=self._observation_space_dtype) desired_goal = self.goal.astype(self._observation_space_dtype) return { "observation": obs, "achieved_goal": achieved_goal, "desired_goal": desired_goal, } def _init_env_variables(self): """Inits variables needed to be initialized each time we reset at the start of an episode. """ self._set_init_obj_pose() # Reset storage variables. self._prev_time = rospy.get_time() self._prev_grip_position = super()._get_obs()["observation"][:3] self._prev_object_position = self.object_position self._prev_object_rot = self.object_rot # Sample and visualize goal. self.goal = self._sample_goal() if self._visualize_target: self._visualize_goal()