Source code for ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_push

"""An ROS Panda push gymnasium environment.

.. image:: /images/panda/panda_push_env.png
   :alt: Panda push environment

This environment is an extension of the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_pick_and_place.PandaPickAndPlaceEnv` task environment,
sharing most features such as observation and action spaces. Notable distinctions are detailed below.

    In this environment the agent has to learn to push a puck to a desired goal
    position. It was based on the :gymnasium-robotics:`FetchPush-v2 <envs/fetch/push/>`
    gymnasium environment.

.. admonition:: Configuration
    :class: important

    The configuration files for this environment are found in the
    :ros-gazebo-gym:`panda task environment config folder <blob/noetic/src/ros_gazebo_gym/task_envs/panda/config/panda_push.yaml>`.
"""  # noqa: E501

import rospy
from gymnasium import utils
from ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.panda_pick_and_place import PandaPickAndPlaceEnv

# Specify topics and other script variables.
[docs]CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "config/panda_push.yaml"
################################################# # Panda push environment class ################## #################################################
[docs]class PandaPushEnv(PandaPickAndPlaceEnv, utils.EzPickle): """Classed used to create a Panda push environment.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes a Panda Push task environment. Args: *args: Arguments passed to the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.PandaPushEnv` super class. **kwargs: Keyword arguments that are passed to the :class:`~ros_gazebo_gym.task_envs.panda.PandaPushEnv` super class. """ rospy.logwarn("Initialize Panda push environment.") utils.EzPickle.__init__( **locals() ) # Makes sure the env is pickable when it wraps C++ code. super().__init__( config_path=CONFIG_FILE_PATH, gazebo_world_launch_file="start_push_world.launch", *args, **kwargs, ) rospy.logwarn("Panda push environment initialized.") ################################################ # Overload Reach environment methods ########### ################################################ def _get_params(self): # noqa: C901 """Retrieve task environment configuration parameters from parameter server.""" super()._get_params(ns="panda_push") def _init_env_variables(self): """Inits variables needed to be initialized each time we reset at the start of an episode. """ self._set_init_obj_pose() # Sample and visualize goal. self.goal = self._sample_goal() self.goal[-1] = self.object_position[ -1 ] # Make sure object stays on the initial platform. if self._visualize_target: self._visualize_goal()