Build the documentation

Install requirements

Building the SLC documentation requires sphinx and several sphinx plugins, the stable_learning_control python package, and some LATEX system dependencies. Most of the above can be installed using the following pip command inside the ./stable_learning_control folder:

pip install .[docs]

To install the LATEX system dependencies, you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-science

Build the documentation

To build the HTML documentation, go into the docs/ directory and run the make html command. This command will generate the html documentation inside the docs/build/html directory. If the documentation is successfully created, you can also use the make linkcheck command to check for broken links.


Ensure you are in the Conda environment where you installed the stable_learning_control package with its dependencies.


Sometimes the make linkcheck command doesn’t show the results on the stdout. You can also find the results in the docs/build/linkcheck folder.


The documentation is automatically built and deployed to the Github Pages site by the Docs workflow when a new version is released. You must create a new release to deploy documentation to the Github Pages. Additionally, you can manually deploy the documentation through the GitHub action interface by running the Docs workflow.