
The SLC framework requires several system and Python dependencies to work. In this section, we will explain how to install these dependencies. The package was only tested on Ubuntu but should also work on other Linux distributions and Macs. Installing the package on Windows may be possible, but this still needs to be tested.

Install system dependencies

The SLC package uses mpi4py to distribute training over multiple CPUs. To work, a Message Passing Library should be on your system. The Open MPI library can be used for Mac and Linux systems. On Linux, this library can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev

For mac this command can be used:

brew install openmpi


The Microsoft MPI package can be used for Windows.


The MPI functionality is not yet fully implemented for the SLC algorithms. As a result, the MPI library is not yet required to run the SLC package. However, it is still recommended to install the MPI library as it will be required in the future.

Installing Python

We recommend installing Python through Anaconda. Anaconda is a library that includes Python and many valuable packages for Python, as well as an environment manager called Conda that simplifies package management. Download and install Anaconda3 (at the time of writing, Anaconda3-5.3.1) according to the Anaconda documentation. Then create a Conda Python env for organizing packages used in the SLC package:

conda create -n slc python=3.10

To use Python from the environment you just created, activate the environment with:

conda activate slc

Alternatively, you can use Python’s venv package to create a virtual environment.

You Should Know

If you’re new to Python environments and package management, this stuff can quickly get confusing or overwhelming, and you’ll probably hit some snags along the way. Especially, you should expect problems like, I just installed this thing, but it says it's not found when I try to use it!. You can read through some clear explanations about package management, why it’s a good idea, and what commands you’ll typically have to execute to use it correctly. FreeCodeCamp has a good explanation worth reading. There’s a shorter description of Towards Data Science which is also helpful and informative. Finally, if you’re incredibly patient, you may want to read the (dry but very informative) documentation page from Conda.

Installing Stable Learning Control

After you successfully setup your python environment, you can install the SLC package and its dependencies in this environment. The SLC has two versions you can install:

  • torch: A version which uses Pytorch as the backend of the RL algorithms.

  • tf2: A experimental version which uses TensorFlow 2.0 as the backend of the RL algorithms.


We choose PyTorch as the default backend as it is easier to work with than TensorFlow. However, at the time of writing, it is slightly slower than the TensorFlow backend. This is caused because the agents used in the SLC package use components not yet supported by TorchScript (responsible for creating a fast compiled version of PyTorch script). As PyTorch has shown to be faster in most implementations, this will likely change in the future. You can track the status of this speed problem here.

Install the Pytorch version

We use the pip package manager to install the SLC package and its dependencies. After you installed pip you can install the SLC package using the following bash command:

pip install -e .

This command will install the SLC package with the Pytorch backend in your Conda environment.


If you are using Conda, you may come across issues while installing or utilizing the SLC package, such as installation errors or script freezing. To effectively resolve these problems, it is recommended to install the mpi4py package from within Conda instead of using pip. This can be accomplished by executing the following command:

conda install mpi4py

Install the TensorFlow version


As stated above, the Pytorch version was used during our experiments. As a result, the TensorFlow version is less well-tested than the Pytorch version and has limited support. It should therefore be considered experimental, as no guarantees can be given about the correctness of these algorithms.

If you still want to use the TensorFlow 2.0 version, you can install the SLC package with the the following command:

pip install -e .[tf2]


If you want to use the GPU version of TensorFlow, you must ensure you performed all the steps described in the TensorFlow installation guide. It is also essential to know that depending on the version of TensorFlow and PyTorch you use, you might have to install different versions of CUDA and cuDNN (see the TensorFlow and Pytorch documentation). As a result, some combinations of TensorFlow and Pytorch are not compatible with each other. You are therefore advised to create two separate Conda environments, one for Pytorch and one for TensorFlow. Additionally, if you did choose to use venv instead of Conda, you must ensure the correct version of CUDA and cuDNN are installed on your system.

Installing gymnasium environments

The algorithms in the SLC package are designed to work with any gymnasium based environment with a continuous action space. However, stability and performance of stable RL algorithms like LAC are only guaranteed for environments with a positive definite cost function (i.e., environments where a cost is minimised). As a result, even though the opt_type algorithm variable can be used to train on standard gymnasium and Mujoco environments in which the reward is maximised stability guarantees no longer hold. We, however, provide a set of custom environments which are compatible with the stable algorithms:

  • stable-gym: Several gymnasium environments with cost functions compatible with (stable) RL agents (i.e. positive definite).

  • ros-gazebo-gym packages: A framework for training RL algorithms on ROS Gazebo robots that can return positive definite cost functions (i.e. when positive_reward is set to True).

Please refer to the documentation of these packages for more information on installing these environments. After you install these environments or any custom environment, you can use them in the SLC package by specifying the module name of the environment in the –env_name argument of the SLC command line interface. For example, if you want to train the LAC algorithm on the CartPoleCost-v1 environment of the stable-gym package, you can use the following command:

python -m lac --env_name stable_gym:CartPoleCost-v1