
Using a Logger

SLC ships with basic logging tools, implemented in the classes Logger and EpochLogger. The Logger class contains most of the basic functionality for saving diagnostics, hyperparameter configurations, the state of a training run, and the trained model. The EpochLogger class adds a thin layer to make it easy to track a diagnostic’s average, standard deviation, min, and max value over each epoch and across MPI workers.

You Should Know

All SLC algorithm implementations use an EpochLogger.

These loggers allow you to write these diagnostics to the stdout, a csv/txt file, TensorBoard and/or Weights & Biases.


First, let’s look at a simple example of how an EpochLogger keeps track of a diagnostic value:

>>> from stable_learning_control.utils.logx import EpochLogger
>>> epoch_logger = EpochLogger()
>>> for i in range(10):
>>> epoch_logger.log_tabular('Test', with_min_and_max=True)
>>> epoch_logger.dump_tabular()
|     AverageTest |             4.5 |
|         StdTest |            2.87 |
|         MaxTest |               9 |
|         MinTest |               0 |

The store() method is used to save all values of Test to the EpochLogger’s internal state. Then, when log_tabular() is called, it computes the average, standard deviation, min, and max of Test over all of the values in the internal state. The internal state is wiped clean after the call to log_tabular() (to prevent leakage into the diagnostics at the next epoch). Finally, dump_tabular() is called to write the diagnostics to file, TensorBoard, Weights & Biases and/or stdout.

Next, let’s use the Pytorch Classifier tutorial to look at an entire training procedure with the logger embedded, to highlight configuration and model saving as well as diagnostic logging:

  1 import time
  2 import math
  4 import torch
  5 import torch.nn as nn
  6 import torch.nn.functional as F
  7 import torchvision
  8 import torch.optim as optim
  9 import torchvision.transforms as transforms
 10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 11 import numpy as np
 13 from stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.logx import EpochLogger
 16 class Net(nn.Module):
 17     def __init__(self):
 18         super(Net, self).__init__()
 19         self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
 20         self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
 21         self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
 22         self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
 23         self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
 24         self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
 26     def forward(self, x):
 27         x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
 28         x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
 29         x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)
 30         x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
 31         x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
 32         x = self.fc3(x)
 33         return x
 36 def imshow(img):
 37     img = img / 2 + 0.5  # unnormalize.
 38     npimg = img.numpy()
 39     plt.imshow(np.transpose(npimg, (1, 2, 0)))
 40     plt.show()
 42 # Simple script for training an CNN on CIFAR10.
 43 def train_cifar10(
 44     epochs=2,
 45     batch_size=4,
 46     lr=1e-3,
 47     logger_kwargs=dict(),
 48     save_freq=1,
 49 ):
 50     # Setup logger and save hyperparameters.
 51     logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs, verbose_fmt="tab")
 52     logger.save_config(locals())
 54     # Load and preprocess CIFAR10 data
 55     transform = transforms.Compose(
 56         [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]
 57     )
 58     trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(
 59         root="./data", train=True, download=True, transform=transform
 60     )
 61     trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
 62         trainset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2
 63     )
 64     classes = (
 65         "plane",
 66         "car",
 67         "bird",
 68         "cat",
 69         "deer",
 70         "dog",
 71         "frog",
 72         "horse",
 73         "ship",
 74         "truck",
 75     )
 77     # print information about the dataset.
 78     total_samples = len(trainset)
 79     n_iterations = math.ceil(total_samples / batch_size)
 80     logger.log(
 81         "We perform {} epochs on our dataset that contains {} samples ".format(
 82             epochs,
 83             total_samples,
 84         )
 85         + "and each epoch has {} iterations.".format(n_iterations),
 86         type="info",
 87     )
 89     # get some random training images.
 90     dataiter = iter(trainloader)
 91     images, labels = dataiter.next()
 93     # show images.
 94     imshow(torchvision.utils.make_grid(images))
 95     logger.log(
 96         "labels:" + " ".join("%5s" % classes[labels[j]] for j in range(4)), type="info"
 97     )  # print labels.
 99     # Define a Convolutional Neural Network.
100     net = Net()
102     # Define a Loss function and optimizer.
103     criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
104     optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=0.9)
106     # Setup model saving.
107     logger.setup_pytorch_saver(net)
109     # Run main training loop.
110     start_time = time.time()
111     for epoch in range(epochs):  # loop over the dataset multiple times.
112         running_loss = 0.0
113         correct = 0
114         for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
115             # get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]
116             inputs, labels = data
118             # zero the parameter gradients.
119             optimizer.zero_grad()
121             # forward + backward + optimize
122             outputs = net(inputs)
123             loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
124             logger.store(Loss=loss)
125             loss.backward()
126             optimizer.step()
128             # calculate accuracy and increment running loss.
129             _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)
130             correct += (predicted == labels).float().sum()
131             accuracy = 100 * correct / len(trainset)
132             running_loss += loss.item()
134             # print diagnostics.
135             running_loss += loss.item()
136             if i % 2000 == 1999:  # print every 2000 mini-batches
137                 logger.log(
138                     "[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f, acc: %.3f"
139                     % (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 2000, accuracy)
140                 )
141                 logger.store(Loss=loss, Acc=accuracy)
142                 running_loss = 0.0
143                 correct = 0
145         # Save model.
146         if (epoch % save_freq == 0) or (epoch == epochs - 1):
147             logger.save_state(state_dict=dict(), itr=None)
149         # Log info about epoch.
150         logger.log_tabular("Epoch", epoch, tb_write=True)
151         logger.log_tabular("Acc", with_min_and_max=True, tb_write=True)
152         logger.log_tabular("Loss", average_only=True, tb_write=True)
153         logger.log_tabular(
154             "TotalGradientSteps", (epoch + 1) * total_samples, tb_write=True
155         )
156         logger.log_tabular("Time", time.time() - start_time)
157         logger.dump_tabular()
159     logger.log("Finished Training")
161 if __name__ == "__main__":
162     train_cifar10()

In this example, observe that

  • on line 13, the EpochLogger class is imported.

  • On line 51, the EpochLogger object is initiated. We set the stdout format to the “tabular” format.

  • On line 52, save_config() is used to save the hyperparameter configuration to a JSON file.

  • On lines 80-87, 95-97, 137-140 and 159 we log information to the stdout. Additionally we can specify the use_wandb flag to log information to Weights & Biases.

  • On lines 107 setup_pytorch_saver() is used to prepare the logger to save the key elements of the CNN model.

  • On line 141, diagnostics are saved to the logger’s internal state via store().

  • On line 147, the CNN model saved once per epoch via save_state().

  • On lines 150-157, log_tabular() and dump_tabular() are used to write the epoch diagnostics to file. Note that the keys passed into log_tabular() are the same as the keys passed into store(). We use the tb_write=True option to enable TensorBoard logging.

After this script has finished, the following files should be added to a /tmp/experiments/<TIMESTAMP> folder:

  • events.out.tfevents.*: The TensorBoard event file containing the logged diagnostics (if TensorBoard logging is enabled).

  • progress.csv: Contains the logged diagnostics.

  • config.json: Contains the hyperparameter configuration.

  • vars.pkl: Contains some additional saved variables used for easy loading.

  • wandb: Contains the Weights & Biases logging files (if Weights & Biases logging is enabled).

  • pyt_save: Contains the saved PyTorch model (if PyTorch backend is used).

  • tf_save: Contains the saved TensorFlow model (if TensorFlow backend is used).

If you requested TensorBoard logging, you can use the tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/experiments command to see the diagnostics in TensorBoard. For Weights & Biases logging, you can use the wandb login command to log in to your Weights & Biases account. You can view your logged diagnostics on the Weights & Biases website.

Logging and TensorFlow

The preceding example was given in Pytorch. For TensorFlow, everything is the same except for L42-43: instead of setup_pytorch_saver(), you would use setup_tf_saver() and you would pass it a TensorFlow Module (the algorithm you train) as an argument.

The behavior of save_state() is the same as in the PyTorch case: each time it is called, it’ll save the latest version of the TensorFlow module.

Logging and MPI

You Should Know

Several RL algorithms are easily parallelized using MPI to average gradients and/or other key quantities. The SLC loggers are designed to be well-behaved when using MPI: things will only get written to stdout, file or TensorBoard from the process with rank 1. But information from other processes is preserved if you use the EpochLogger. 2. Everything passed into EpochLogger via store, regardless of which process 3. it’s stored in, gets used to compute average/std/min/max values for a diagnostic.

Logger Classes

class stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.logx.Logger(output_dir=None, output_fname='progress.csv', exp_name=None, quiet=False, verbose_fmt='line', verbose_vars=[], save_checkpoints=False, backend='torch', output_dir_exists_warning=True, use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type=None, wandb_project=None, wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None)[source]

A general-purpose logger.

Makes it easy to save diagnostics, hyperparameter configurations, the state of a training run, and the trained model.

__init__(output_dir=None, output_fname='progress.csv', exp_name=None, quiet=False, verbose_fmt='line', verbose_vars=[], save_checkpoints=False, backend='torch', output_dir_exists_warning=True, use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type=None, wandb_project=None, wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None)[source]

Initialise a Logger.

  • output_dir (str, optional) – A directory for saving results to. If None, defaults to a temp directory of the form /tmp/experiments/somerandomnumber.

  • output_fname (str, optional) – Name for the (comma/tab) separated-value file containing metrics logged throughout a training run. Defaults to to progress.csv which uses commas as separators.

  • exp_name (str, optional) – Experiment name. If you run multiple training runs and give them all the same exp_name, the plotter will know to group them. (Use case: if you run the same hyperparameter configuration with multiple random seeds, you should give them all the same exp_name.)

  • quiet (bool, optional) – Whether you want to suppress logging of the diagnostics to the stdout. Defaults to False.

  • verbose_fmt (str, optional) – The format in which the diagnostics are displayed to the terminal. Options are tab which supplies them as a table and line which prints them in one line. Default is set in the user_config file.

  • verbose_vars (list, optional) – A list of variables you want to log to the stdout. By default all variables are logged.

  • save_checkpoints (bool, optional) – Save checkpoints during training. Defaults to False.

  • backend (str, optional) – The backend you want to use for writing to TensorBoard. Options are: tf2 or torch. Defaults to torch.

  • output_dir_exists_warning (bool, optional) – Whether to print a warning when the output directory already exists. Defaults to True.

  • use_wandb (bool, optional) – Whether to use Weights & Biases for logging. Defaults to False.

  • wandb_job_type (str, optional) – The Weights & Biases job type. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_project (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases project. Defaults to None which means that the project name is automatically generated.

  • wandb_group (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases group you want to assign the run to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_run_name (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases run. Defaults to None which means that the run name is automatically generated.


A TensorBoard writer. This is only created when you log a variable to TensorBoard or set the Logger.use_tensorboard variable to True.




The directory in which the log data and models are saved.




The name of the file in which the progress data is saved.




Experiment name.




A Weights & Biases object. This is only created when you set the Logger.use_wandb variable to True.



log(msg, color='', bold=False, highlight=False, type=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a colorized message to stdout.

  • msg (str) – Message you want to log.

  • color (str, optional) – Color you want the message to have. Defaults to "".

  • bold (bool, optional) – Whether you want the text to be bold text has to be bold.

  • highlight (bool, optional) – Whether you want to highlight the text. Defaults to False.

  • type (str, optional) – The log message type. Options are: info, warning and error. Defaults to None.

  • *args – All args to pass to the print function.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the print function.

log_to_tb(key, val, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None, global_step=None)[source]

Log a value to TensorBoard.

  • key (str) – The name of the diagnostic.

  • val (object) – A value for the diagnostic.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.

  • global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.

log_tabular(key, val, tb_write=False, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None)[source]

Log a value of some diagnostic.

Call this only once for each diagnostic quantity, each iteration. After using log_tabular() to store values for each diagnostic, make sure to call dump_tabular() to write them out to file, TensorBoard and stdout (otherwise they will not get saved anywhere).

  • key (str) – The name of the diagnostic. If you are logging a diagnostic whose state has previously been saved with EpochLogger.store(), the key here has to match the key you used there.

  • val (object) – A value for the diagnostic. If you have previously saved values for this key via EpochLogger.store(), do not provide a val here.

  • tb_write (bool, optional) – Boolean specifying whether you also want to write the value to the TensorBoard logfile. Defaults to False.

  • tb_metrics (Union[list[str], str], optional) – List containing the metrics you want to write to TensorBoard. Options are [avg, std, min, max].`` Defaults to avg.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.


Write all of the diagnostics from the current iteration.

Writes both to stdout, TensorBoard and to the output file.


global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.

get_logdir(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Get Logger and TensorBoard SummaryWriter logdirs.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.


dict containing:

  • output_dir(str): Logger output directory.

  • tb_output_dir(str): TensorBoard writer output directory.

Return type:



Log an experiment configuration.

Call this once at the top of your experiment, passing in all important config vars as a dict. This will serialize the config to JSON, while handling anything which can’t be serialized in a graceful way (writing as informative a string as possible). The resulting JSON will be saved to the output directory, made available to TensorBoard and Weights & Biases and printed to stdout.


logger = EpochLogger(**logger_kwargs)

config (object) – Configuration Python object you want to save.

classmethod load_config(config_path)[source]

Loads an experiment configuration.


config_path (str) – Folder that contains the config files you want to load.


Object containing the loaded configuration.

Return type:


classmethod load_env(env_path)[source]

Loads a pickled environment.


config_path (str) – Folder that contains the pickled environment.


The gymnasium environment.

Return type:


save_to_json(input_object, output_filename, output_path=None)[source]

Save python object to Json file. This method will serialize the object to JSON, while handling anything which can’t be serialized in a graceful way (writing as informative a string as possible).

  • input_object (object) – The input object you want to save.

  • output_filename (str) – The output filename.

  • output_path (str) – The output path. By default the Logger.output_dir is used.


Load data from json file.


path (str) – The path of the json file you want to load.


The Json load object.

Return type:


save_state(state_dict, itr=None)[source]

Saves the state of an experiment.


To be clear: this is about saving state, not logging diagnostics. All diagnostic logging is separate from this function. This function will save whatever is in state_dict—usually just a copy of the environment—and the most recent parameters for the model you previously set up saving for with setup_tf_saver() or setup_pytorch_saver().

Call with any frequency you prefer. If you only want to maintain a single state and overwrite it at each call with the most recent version, leave itr=None. If you want to keep all of the states you save, provide unique (increasing) values for ‘itr’.

  • state_dict (dict) – Dictionary containing essential elements to describe the current state of training.

  • itr (Union[int, None]) – Current iteration of training (e.g. epoch). Defaults to None.


Set up easy model saving for a single Tensorlow model.


what_to_save (object) – Any Tensorflow model or serializable object containing TensorFlow models.


Set up easy model saving for a single PyTorch model.


what_to_save (object) – Any PyTorch model or serializable object containing PyTorch models.

property use_tensorboard[source]

Variable specifying whether the logger uses TensorBoard. A TensorBoard writer is created on the Logger.tb_writer attribute when use_tensorboard is set to True

property log_current_row[source]

Return the current row of the logger.


Watch model parameters in Weights & Biases.


model (torch.nn.Module) – Model to watch on Weights & Biases.

log_model_to_tb(model, input_to_model=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Add model to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_graph or tf.summary.graph (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits.

  • model (union[torch.nn.Module, tf.keras.Model]) – Model to add to the summary.

  • input_to_model (union[torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor]) – Input tensor to the model.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

add_tb_scalar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add scalar to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_scalar or tf.summary.scalar (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. These methods can be used to add a scalar to the summary.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

tb_scalar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for making the add_tb_scalar() method available directly under the scalar alias.

add_tb_histogram(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add histogram to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_histogram or tf.summary.histogram (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. These methods can be used to add a histogram to the summary.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

tb_histogram(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for making the add_tb_histogram() method available directly under the tb_histogram alias.

add_tb_image(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add image to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_image or tf.summary.image (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. These methods can be used to add a image to the summary.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

tb_image(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for making the add_tb_image() method available directly under the tb_image alias.

add_tb_text(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add text to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_text or tf.summary.add_text (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. These methods can be used to add text to the summary.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

tb_text(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for making the add_tb_text() method available directly under the text alias.

add_tb_graph(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Add graph to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_graph or tf.summary.add_graph (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. These methods can be used to add a graph to the summary.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

tb_graph(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for making the add_tb_graph() method available directly under the tb_graph alias.

add_tb_hparams(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Adds hyper parameters to tb summary.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.add_hparams method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. The add_hparams method adds a set of hyperparameters to be compared in TensorBoard.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.


NotImplementedError – Raised if you try to call this method when using the TensorFlow backend.

flush_tb_writer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Flush tb event file to disk.

Wrapper that calls the torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter.flush or tf.summary.flush (depending on the backend) method while first making sure a SummaryWriter object exits. These methods can be used to flush the event file to disk.

  • *args – All args to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the Summary/SummaryWriter object.

class stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.logx.EpochLogger(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Logger

A variant of Logger tailored for tracking average values over epochs.

Typical use case: there is some quantity which is calculated many times throughout an epoch, and at the end of the epoch, you would like to report the average/std/min/max value of that quantity.

With an EpochLogger, each time the quantity is calculated, you would use


to load it into the EpochLogger’s state. Then at the end of the epoch, you would use

epoch_logger.log_tabular(NameOfQuantity, **options)

to record the desired values.


Dictionary used to store variables you want to log into the EpochLogger current state.



store(tb_write=False, tb_aliases={}, extend=False, global_step=None, **kwargs)[source]

Save something into the EpochLogger’s current state.

Provide an arbitrary number of keyword arguments with numerical values.

  • tb_write (Union[bool, dict], optional) – Boolean or dict of key boolean pairs specifying whether you also want to write the value to the TensorBoard logfile. Defaults to False.

  • tb_aliases (dict, optional) – Dictionary that can be used to set aliases for the variables you want to store. Defaults to empty dict.

  • extend (bool, optional) – Boolean specifying whether you want to extend the values to the log buffer. By default False meaning the values are appended to the buffer.

  • global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.

log_to_tb(keys, val=None, with_min_and_max=False, average_only=False, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None, global_step=None)[source]

Log a diagnostic to TensorBoard. This function takes or a list of keys or a key-value pair. If only keys are supplied, averages will be calculated using the new data found in the Loggers internal storage. If a key-value pair is supplied, this pair will be directly logged to TensorBoard.

  • keys (Union[list[str], str]) – The name(s) of the diagnostic.

  • val – A value for the diagnostic.

  • with_min_and_max (bool) – If True, log min and max values of the diagnostic.

  • average_only (bool) – If True, do not log the standard deviation of the diagnostic.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.

  • global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.

log_tabular(key, val=None, with_min_and_max=False, average_only=False, tb_write=False, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None)[source]

Log a value or possibly the mean/std/min/max values of a diagnostic.

  • key (str) – The name of the diagnostic. If you are logging a diagnostic whose state has previously been saved with store(), the key here has to match the key you used there.

  • val – A value for the diagnostic. If you have previously saved values for this key via store(), do not provide a val here.

  • with_min_and_max (bool) – If True, log min and max values of the diagnostic over the epoch.

  • average_only (bool) – If True, do not log the standard deviation of the diagnostic over the epoch.

  • tb_write (bool, optional) – Boolean specifying whether you also want to write the value to the TensorBoard logfile. Defaults to False.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.

dump_tabular(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Small wrapper around the Logger.dump_tabular() method which makes sure that the TensorBoard index track dictionary is reset after the table is dumped.

  • *args – All args to pass to parent method.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to parent method.


Lets an algorithm ask the logger for mean/std/min/max of a diagnostic.


key (str) – The key for which you want to get the stats.


tuple containing:

  • mean(float): The current mean value.

  • std(float): The current mean standard deviation.

  • min(float): The current mean value.

  • max(float): The current mean value.

Return type:


Logger helper functions

stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.setup_logger_kwargs(exp_name, seed=None, save_checkpoints=False, use_tensorboard=False, tb_log_freq='low', use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type='train', wandb_project='stable-learning-control', wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None, quiet=False, verbose_fmt='line', verbose_vars=[], data_dir=None, datestamp=False)[source]

Sets up the output_dir for a logger and returns a dict for logger kwargs.

If no seed is given and datestamp is false,

output_dir = data_dir/exp_name

If a seed is given and datestamp is false,

output_dir = data_dir/exp_name/exp_name_s[seed]

If datestamp is true, amend to

output_dir = data_dir/YY-MM-DD_exp_name/YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_exp_name_s[seed]

You can force datestamp=True by setting FORCE_DATESTAMP=True in stable_learning_control/user_config.py.

  • exp_name (str) – Name for experiment.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed for random number generators used by experiment.

  • save_checkpoints (bool, optional) – Save checkpoints during training. Defaults to False.

  • use_tensorboard (bool, optional) – Whether you want to use TensorBoard. Defaults to True.

  • tb_log_freq (str, optional) – The TensorBoard log frequency. Options are low (Recommended: logs at every epoch) and high (logs at every SGD update ” batch). Defaults to low since this is less resource intensive.

  • use_wandb (bool, optional) – Whether you want to use Weights & Biases. Defaults to False.

  • wandb_job_type (str, optional) – The Weights & Biases job type. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_project (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases project you want to log to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_group (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases group you want to assign the run to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_run_name (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases run. Defaults to None which means that the run name is automatically generated.

  • quiet (bool, optional) – Whether you want to suppress logging of the diagnostics to the stdout. Defaults to False.

  • verbose_fmt (str, optional) – The format in which the diagnostics are displayed to the terminal. Options are table which supplies them as a table and line which prints them in one line. Defaults to line.

  • verbose_vars (list, optional) – A list of variables you want to log to the stdout. By default all variables are logged.

  • data_dir (str, optional) – Path to folder where results should be saved. Default is the DEFAULT_DATA_DIR in stable_learning_control/user_config.py. Defaults to None.

  • datestamp (bool, optional) – Whether to include a date and timestamp in the name of the save directory. Defaults to False.



A dict containing output_dir and exp_name.

Return type:
