Running Experiments

One of the best ways to get a feel for deep RL is to run the algorithms and see how they perform on different tasks. The SLC library makes small-scale (local) experiments easy to do, and in this section, we’ll discuss two ways to run them: either from the command line or through function calls in scripts.

Launching from the Command Line


Important Note: To run the examples in this section, you need to install the Gymnasium Mujoco environments package, including all its necessary dependencies. To do so, execute the following command:

pip install stable-learning-control[mujoco]

For more detailed information about the Gymnasium Mujoco environments package, please consult the documentation available here.

SLC ships with a convenient command line interface (CLI) that lets you quickly launch any algorithm (with any choices of hyperparameters) from the command line. It also serves as a thin wrapper over the utilities for watching/evaluating the trained policies and plotting. However, that functionality is not discussed on this page (for those details, see the pages on experiment outputs, robustness evaluation and Plotting Results).

The standard way to run an SLC algorithm from the command line is

python -m [algo name] [experiment flags]


python -m sac --env Walker2d-v4 --exp_name walker

You Should Know

If you are using ZShell: ZShell interprets square brackets as special characters. SLC uses square brackets in a few ways for command-line arguments; make sure to escape them or try the solution recommended here if you want to escape them by default.

Detailed Quickstart Guide

python -m sac --exp_name sac_ant --env Ant-v4 --clip_ratio 0.1 0.2
    --hid[h] [32,32] [64,32] --act torch.nn.Tanh --seed 0 10 20 --dt
    --data_dir path/to/data

runs the SAC algorithm in the Ant-v4 gymnasium environment, with various settings controlled by the flags.

By default, the PyTorch version will run. You can, however, substitute sac with sac_tf2 for the TensorFlow version.

clip_ratio, hid, and act are flags to set some algorithm hyperparameters. You can provide multiple values for hyperparameters to run multiple experiments. Check the docs to see what hyperparameters you can set (click here for the SAC documentation).

hid and act are special shortcut flags for setting the hidden sizes and activation function for the neural networks trained by the algorithm.

The seed flag sets the seed for the random number generator. RL algorithms have high variance, so try multiple seeds to get a feel for how performance varies.

The dt flag ensures that the save directory names will have timestamps in them (otherwise, they don’t, unless you set FORCE_DATESTAMP=True in stable_learning_control.user_config).

The data_dir flag allows you to set the save folder for results. The default value is set by DEFAULT_DATA_DIR in stable_learning_control.user_config, which will be a subfolder data in the stable_learning_control folder (unless you change it).

The Save directory names are based on exp_name and any flags which have multiple values. Instead of the full flag, a shorthand will appear in the directory name. Shorthands can be provided by the user in square brackets after the flag, like --hid[h]; otherwise, shorthands are substrings of the flag (clip_ratio becomes cli). To illustrate, the save directory for the run with clip_ratio=0.1, hid=[32,32], and seed=10 will be:


Choosing PyTorch or TensorFlow from the Command Line

To use a PyTorch version of an algorithm, run with

python -m [algo]_pytorch

To use a TensorFlow version of an algorithm, run with

python -m [algo]_tf2

If you run python -m [algo] without _pytorch or _tf2, the runner will look in stable_learning_control/ for which version it should default to that algorithm.


The TensorFlow version is still experimental. It is not guaranteed to work, and it is not guaranteed to be up-to-date with the PyTorch version.

Setting Hyperparameters from the Command Line

Every hyperparameter in every algorithm can be controlled directly from the command line. If kwarg is a valid keyword arg for the function call of an algorithm, you can set values for it with the flag --kwarg.

To find out what keyword args are available, see either the docs page for an algorithm, the API reference or try

python -m [algo name] --help

to see a readout of the docstring.

You Should Know

Values pass through safer_eval() before being used so that you can describe some functions and objects directly from the command line. For example:

python -m sac --env Walker2d-v4 --exp_name walker --act torch.nn.ReLU

sets torch.nn.ReLU as the activation function. (TensorFlow equivalent: run sac_tf with --act tf.nn.relu.)

You Should Know

There’s some excellent handling for kwargs that take dict values. Instead of having to provide

--key dict(v1=value_1, v2=value_2)

you can give

--key:v1 value_1 --key:v2 value_2

to get the same result.

Launching Multiple Experiments at Once

You can launch multiple experiments, to be executed in series, by simply providing more than one value for a given argument. (An experiment for each possible combination of values will be launched.)

For example, to launch otherwise-equivalent runs with different random seeds (0, 10, and 20), do:

python -m sac --env Walker2d-v4 --exp_name walker --seed 0 10 20

Experiments don’t launch in parallel because they soak up enough resources that executing several simultaneously wouldn’t get a speedup.

Special Flags

A few flags receive special treatment.

Environment Flags

--env, --env_name

str. The name of an environment in gymnasium. All SLC algorithms are implemented as functions that accept env_fn as an argument, where env_fn must be a callable function that builds a copy of the RL environment. Since the most common use case is gymnasium environments, though, all of which are built through gym.make(env_name), we allow you to specify env_name (or env for short) at the command line, which gets converted to a lambda-function that builds the correct gymnasium environment. You can prefix the environment name with a module name, separated by a colon, to specify a custom gymnasium environment (i.e. --env stable_gym:Oscillator-v1).

--env_k, --env_kwargs

object. Additional keyword arguments you want to pass to the gym environment. If you, for example, want to change the forward reward weight and healthy reward of the Walker2d-v4 environment, you can do so by passing --env_kwargs "{'forward_reward_weight': 0.5, 'healthy_reward': 0.5}" to the run command.

Algorithm Flags

General Flags
--save_cps, --save_checkpoints, default: False

bool. Only the most recent state of the agent and environment is saved by default. When the --save_checkpoints flag is supplied, a snapshot (checkpoint) of the agent and environment will be saved at each epoch. These snapshots are saved in a checkpoints folder inside the Logger output directory (for more information, see Saving and Loading Experiment Outputs).

Shortcut Flags

Some algorithm arguments are relatively long, and we enabled shortcuts for them:

--hid, --ac_kwargs:hidden_sizes

list of ints. Sets the sizes of the hidden layers in the neural networks of both the actor and critic.

--hid_a, --ac_kwargs:hidden_sizes:actor

list of ints. Sets the sizes of the hidden layers in the neural networks of the actor.

--hid_c, --ac_kwargs:hidden_sizes:critic

list of ints. Sets the sizes of the hidden layers in the neural networks of the critic.

--act, --ac_kwargs:activation

torch.nn or tf.nn. The activation function for the neural networks in the actor and critic.

--act_out, --ac_kwargs:output_activation

torch.nn or tf.nn. The activation function for the neural networks in the actor and critic.

--act_a, --ac_kwargs:activation:actor

torch.nn or tf.nn. The activation function for the neural networks in the actor.

--act_c, --ac_kwargs:activation:critic

torch.nn or tf.nn. The activation function for the neural networks in the critic.

--act_out_a, --ac_kwargs:output_activation:actor

torch.nn or tf.nn. The activation function for the output activation function of the actor.

--act_out_c, --ac_kwargs:output_activation:critic

torch.nn or tf.nn. The activation function for the output activation function of the critic.

These flags are valid for all current SLC algorithms.

Config Flags

These flags are not hyperparameters of any algorithm but change the experimental configuration in some way.

--cpu, --num_cpu

int. If this flag is set, the experiment is launched with this many processes, one per CPU, connected by MPI. Some algorithms are amenable to this sort of parallelization, but not all. If you try setting num_cpu > 1 for an incompatible algorithm, an error will be raised. You can also set --num_cpu auto, which will automatically use as many CPUs as are available on the machine.


str. The experiment name. This is used in naming the save directory for each experiment. The default is “cmd” + [algo name].


path str. Set the base save directory for this experiment or set of experiments. If none is given, the DEFAULT_DATA_DIR in stable_learning_control/ will be used.

--dt, --datestamp

bool. Include the date and time in the name for the save directory of the experiment.

Logger Flags

The CLI also contains several (shortcut) flags that can be used to change the behaviour of the stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.logx.EpochLogger.

--use_tb, --logger_kwargs:use_tensorboard, default=False

bool. Enables TensorBoard logging.

--tb_log_freq, --logger_kwargs:tb_log_freq, default='low'

str. The TensorBoard log frequency. Options are low (Recommended: logs at every epoch) and high (logs at every SGD update batch). Defaults to low since this is less resource intensive.

--use_wandb, --logger_kwargs:use_wandb, default=False

bool. Enables Weights & Biases logging.

--wandb_job_type, --logger_kwargs:wandb_job_type, default='train'

str. The Weights & Biases job type.

--wandb_project, --logger_kwargs:wandb_project, default='stable_learning_control'

str. The Weights & Biases project name.

--wandb_group, --logger_kwargs:wandb_group, default=None

str. The Weights & Biases group name.

--quiet, --logger_kwargs:quiet, default=False

bool. Suppress logging of diagnostics to the stdout.

--verbose_fmt, --logger_kwargs:verbose_fmt, default='line'

bool. The format in which the diagnostics are displayed to the terminal when quiet is False. Options are table, which supplies them as a table and line, which prints them in one line.

--verbose_vars, --logger_kwargs:verbose_vars, default=None

list. A list of variables you want to log to the stdout when quiet is False. The default None means that all variables are logged.


The verbose_vars list should be supplied as a list that can be evaluated in Python (e.g. --verbose_vars ["Lr_a", "Lr_c"]).

Using experimental configuration files (yaml)

The SLC CLI comes with a handy configuration file loader that can be used to load YAML configuration files. These configuration files provide a convenient way to store your experiments’ hyperparameter such that results can be reproduced. You can supply the CLI with an experiment configuration file using the --exp_cfg flag.


path str. Sets the path to the yml config file used for loading experiment hyperparameter.

For example, we can use the following command to train a SAC algorithm using the original hyperparameters used by Haarnoja et al., 2019.

python -m --exp_cfg ./experiments/haarnoja_et_al_2019.yml


Please note that if you want to run multiple hyperparameter variants, for example, multiple seeds or learning rates, you have to use comma/space-separated strings in your configuration file:

alg_name: lac
exp_name: my_experiment
seed: 0 12345 342699
    actor: [64, 64]
    critic: [256, 256, 16]
lr_a: "1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2"

Additionally, if you want to specify a on/off flag, you can supply an empty key.

Where Results are Saved

Results for a particular experiment (a single run of a configuration of hyperparameters) are stored in



  • data_dir is the value of the --data_dir flag (defaults to DEFAULT_DATA_DIR from stable_learning_control/ if --data_dir is not given),

  • the outer_prefix is a YY-MM-DD_ timestamp if the --datestamp flag is raised, otherwise nothing,

  • the inner_prefix is a YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS- timestamp if the --datestamp flag is raised, otherwise nothing,

  • and suffix is a special string based on the experiment hyperparameters.

How is Suffix Determined?

Suffixes are only included if you run multiple experiments at once, and they only have references to hyperparameters that differ across experiments, except for the random seed. The goal is to ensure that results for similar experiments (ones that share all parameters except the seed) are grouped in the same folder.

Suffixes are constructed by combining shorthands for hyperparameters with their values, where a shorthand is either 1) constructed automatically from the hyperparameter name or 2) supplied by the user. The user can write a shorthand 2) in square brackets after the kwarg flag.

For example, consider:

python -m sac_tf --env Hopper-v4 --hid[h] [300] [128,128] --act tf.nn.tanh tf.nn.relu

Here, the --hid flag is given a user-supplied shorthand, h. The user does not provide the --act flag with a shorthand, so one will be constructed for it automatically.

The suffixes produced in this case are:


Note that the h was given by the user. the ac-act shorthand was constructed from ac_kwargs:activation (the true name for the act flag).


You don’t actually Need to Know This One

Each individual algorithm is located in a file stable_learning_control/algos/BACKEND/ALGO_NAME/, and these files can be run directly from the command line with a limited set of arguments (some of which differ from what’s available to stable_learning_control/ However, the command line support in the individual algorithm files is vestigial, which is not a recommended way to perform experiments.

This documentation page will not describe those command line calls and only describe calls through stable_learning_control/

Use transfer learning

The start_policy command-line flag allows you to use an already trained algorithm as the starting point for your new algorithm:


str. This flag can be used to train your policy while taking an already-started policy as the starting point. It should contain the path to the folder where the already trained policy is found.

Using custom environments

The SLC package can be used with any Gymnasium-based environment. To use a custom environment, you need to ensure it inherits from the gym.Env class and implements the following methods:

  • reset(self): Reset the environment’s state. Returns observation, info.

  • step(self, action): Step the environment by one timestep. Returns observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info.

Additionally, you must ensure that your environment is registered in the Gymnasium registry. This can be done by adding the following lines to your environment file:

import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium.envs.registration import register


After these requirements are met, you can use it with the SLC package by passing the environment name to the --env command-line flag. For example, if your environment is called CustomEnv and is located in the file, you can run the SLC package with your environment by running:

python -m sac --env custom_env_module:CustomEnv-v1

Launching from Scripts

Each algorithm is implemented as a Python function, which can be imported directly from the stable_learning_control package, eg.

>>> from stable_learning_control.control import sac_pytorch as sac

See the documentation page for each algorithm for a complete account of possible arguments. These methods can be used to set up specialized custom experiments, for example:

from stable_learning_control.control import sac_tf2 as sac
import tensorflow as tf
import gymnasium as gym

env_fn = lambda : gym.make('LunarLander-v2')

ac_kwargs = dict(hidden_sizes=[64,64], activation=tf.nn.relu)

logger_kwargs = dict(output_dir='path/to/output_dir', exp_name='experiment_name')

sac(env_fn=env_fn, ac_kwargs=ac_kwargs, steps_per_epoch=5000, epochs=250, logger_kwargs=logger_kwargs)

Using ExperimentGrid

An easy way to find good hyperparameters is to run the same algorithm with many possible hyperparameters. LC ships with a simple tool for facilitating this, called ExperimentGrid.

Consider the example in stable_learning_control/examples/pytorch/

 1import argparse
 3import torch
 5# Import the RL agent you want to perform the grid search for.
 6from stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.sac import sac
 7from stable_learning_control.utils.run_utils import ExperimentGrid
 9# Scriptparameters.
10ENV_NAME = (
11    "stable_gym:Oscillator-v1"  # The environment on which you want to train the agent.
14if __name__ == "__main__":
15    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
16    parser.add_argument("--cpu", type=int, default=5)
17    parser.add_argument("--num_runs", type=int, default=1)
18    args = parser.parse_args()
20    # Setup Grid search parameters.
21    # NOTE: Here you can add the algorithm parameters you want using their name.
22    eg = ExperimentGrid(name="sac-grid-search")
23    eg.add("env_name", "stable_gym:Oscillator-v1", "", True)
24    eg.add("seed", [10 * i for i in range(args.num_runs)])
25    eg.add("epochs", 100)
26    eg.add("steps_per_epoch", 4000)
27    eg.add("ac_kwargs:hidden_sizes", [(32,), (64, 64)], "hid")
28    eg.add("ac_kwargs:activation", [torch.nn.ReLU, torch.nn.ReLU], "")
30    # Run the grid search.
31, num_cpu=args.cpu)

After making the ExperimentGrid object, parameters are added to it with

eg.add(param_name, values, shorthand, in_name)

where in_name forces a parameter to appear in the experiment name, even if it has the same value across all experiments.

After all parameters have been added,, **run_kwargs)

runs all experiments in the grid (one experiment per valid configuration), by providing the configurations as kwargs to the function thunk. uses a function named call_experiment to launch thunk, and **run_kwargs specify behaviors for call_experiment. See the documentation page for details.

Except for the absence of shortcut kwargs (you can’t use hid for ac_kwargs:hidden_sizes in ExperimentGrid), the basic behaviour of ExperimentGrid is the same as running things from the command line. (In fact, uses an ExperimentGrid under the hood.)


An equivalent TensorFlow example is available in stable_learning_control/examples/tf2/