Source code for stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.helpers

"""Several logging related helper functions."""

import os.path as osp
import time

from gymnasium.utils import colorize as gym_colorize

from stable_learning_control.user_config import (
from stable_learning_control.utils.mpi_utils.mpi_tools import proc_id

[docs]LOG_TYPES = { "info": {"color": "green", "bold": True, "highlight": False, "prefix": "INFO: "}, "warning": { "color": "yellow", "bold": True, "highlight": False, "prefix": "WARNING: ", }, "error": {"color": "red", "bold": True, "highlight": False, "prefix": "ERROR: "}, }
[docs]def colorize(string, color, bold=False, highlight=False): """Colorize a string. .. seealso:: This function wraps the :meth:`gym.utils.colorize` function to make sure that it also works with empty color strings. Args: string (str): The string you want to colorize. color (str): The color you want to use. bold (bool, optional): Whether you want the text to be bold. Defaults to ``False``. highlight (bool, optional): Whether you want to highlight the text. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: str: Colorized string. """ if color: # If not empty. return gym_colorize(string, color, bold, highlight) else: return string
[docs]def log_to_std_out( msg, color="", bold=False, highlight=False, type=None, *args, **kwargs ): """Print a colorized message to stdout. Args: msg (str): Message you want to log. color (str, optional): Color you want the message to have. Defaults to ``""``. bold (bool, optional): Whether you want the text to be bold text has to be bold. highlight (bool, optional): Whether you want to highlight the text. Defaults to ``False``. type (str, optional): The log message type. Options are: ``info``, ``warning`` and ``error``. Defaults to ``None``. *args: All args to pass to the print function. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the print function. """ if proc_id() == 0: color = ( LOG_TYPES[type.lower()]["color"] if (type is not None and type.lower() in LOG_TYPES.keys()) else color ) bold = ( LOG_TYPES[type.lower()]["bold"] if (type is not None and type.lower() in LOG_TYPES.keys()) else bold ) highlight = ( LOG_TYPES[type.lower()]["highlight"] if (type is not None and type.lower() in LOG_TYPES.keys()) else highlight ) prefix = ( LOG_TYPES[type.lower()]["prefix"] if (type is not None and type.lower() in LOG_TYPES.keys()) else "" ) print( colorize((str(prefix) + str(msg)), color, bold=bold, highlight=highlight), *args, **kwargs, )
[docs]def setup_logger_kwargs( exp_name, seed=None, save_checkpoints=False, use_tensorboard=False, tb_log_freq="low", use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type=DEFAULT_WANDB_JOB_TYPE, wandb_project=DEFAULT_WANDB_PROJECT, wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None, quiet=False, verbose_fmt=DEFAULT_STD_OUT_TYPE, verbose_vars=[], data_dir=None, datestamp=False, ): """Sets up the output_dir for a logger and returns a dict for logger kwargs. If no seed is given and datestamp is false, :: output_dir = data_dir/exp_name If a seed is given and datestamp is false, :: output_dir = data_dir/exp_name/exp_name_s[seed] If datestamp is true, amend to :: output_dir = data_dir/YY-MM-DD_exp_name/YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_exp_name_s[seed] You can force datestamp=True by setting ``FORCE_DATESTAMP=True`` in ``stable_learning_control/``. Args: exp_name (str): Name for experiment. seed (int, optional): Seed for random number generators used by experiment. save_checkpoints (bool, optional): Save checkpoints during training. Defaults to ``False``. use_tensorboard (bool, optional): Whether you want to use TensorBoard. Defaults to ``True``. tb_log_freq (str, optional): The TensorBoard log frequency. Options are ``low`` (Recommended: logs at every epoch) and ``high`` (logs at every SGD update " batch). Defaults to ``low`` since this is less resource intensive. use_wandb (bool, optional): Whether you want to use Weights & Biases. Defaults to ``False``. wandb_job_type (str, optional): The Weights & Biases job type. Defaults to ``None``. wandb_project (str, optional): The name of the Weights & Biases project you want to log to. Defaults to ``None``. wandb_group (str, optional): The name of the Weights & Biases group you want to assign the run to. Defaults to ``None``. wandb_run_name (str, optional): The name of the Weights & Biases run. Defaults to ``None`` which means that the run name is automatically generated. quiet (bool, optional): Whether you want to suppress logging of the diagnostics to the stdout. Defaults to ``False``. verbose_fmt (str, optional): The format in which the diagnostics are displayed to the terminal. Options are ``table`` which supplies them as a table and ``line`` which prints them in one line. Defaults to ``line``. verbose_vars (list, optional): A list of variables you want to log to the stdout. By default all variables are logged. data_dir (str, optional): Path to folder where results should be saved. Default is the ``DEFAULT_DATA_DIR`` in ``stable_learning_control/``. Defaults to ``None``. datestamp (bool, optional): Whether to include a date and timestamp in the name of the save directory. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: dict: logger_kwargs A dict containing output_dir and exp_name. """ # Datestamp forcing. datestamp = datestamp or FORCE_DATESTAMP # Make base path. ymd_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_") if datestamp else "" relpath = "".join([ymd_time, exp_name]) # Make a seed-specific subfolder in the experiment directory. if seed is not None: if datestamp: hms_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") subfolder = "".join([hms_time, "-", exp_name, "_s", str(seed)]) else: subfolder = "".join([exp_name, "_s", str(seed)]) relpath = osp.join(relpath, subfolder) data_dir = data_dir or DEFAULT_DATA_DIR logger_kwargs = dict( output_dir=osp.join(data_dir, relpath), exp_name=exp_name, save_checkpoints=save_checkpoints, use_tensorboard=use_tensorboard, use_wandb=use_wandb, wandb_job_type=wandb_job_type, wandb_project=wandb_project, wandb_group=wandb_group, wandb_run_name=wandb_run_name, tb_log_freq=tb_log_freq, quiet=quiet, verbose_fmt=verbose_fmt, verbose_vars=verbose_vars, ) return logger_kwargs
[docs]def dict_to_mdtable(d, key="Name", val="Value"): """Convert a dictionary to a markdown table. Args: d (dict): The dictionary you want to convert. key (str, optional): The name of the key column. Defaults to ``"Name"``. val (str, optional): The name of the value column. Defaults to ``"Value"``. Returns: str: The markdown table. """ rows = [f"| {key} | {val} |"] rows += ["|--|--|"] rows += [f"| {k} | {v} |" for k, v in d.items()] return " \n".join(rows)