
Several utilities and helper functions used for logging.


This module was based on spinningup repository.


Package Contents



A variant of Logger tailored for tracking average values over epochs.


colorize(string, color[, bold, highlight])

Colorize a string.

dict_to_mdtable(d[, key, val])

Convert a dictionary to a markdown table.

log_to_std_out(msg[, color, bold, highlight, type])

Print a colorized message to stdout.

setup_logger_kwargs(exp_name[, seed, ...])

Sets up the output_dir for a logger and returns a dict for logger kwargs.

stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.colorize(string, color, bold=False, highlight=False)[source]

Colorize a string.

See also

This function wraps the gym.utils.colorize() function to make sure that it also works with empty color strings.

  • string (str) – The string you want to colorize.

  • color (str) – The color you want to use.

  • bold (bool, optional) – Whether you want the text to be bold. Defaults to False.

  • highlight (bool, optional) – Whether you want to highlight the text. Defaults to False.


Colorized string.

Return type:


stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.dict_to_mdtable(d, key='Name', val='Value')[source]

Convert a dictionary to a markdown table.

  • d (dict) – The dictionary you want to convert.

  • key (str, optional) – The name of the key column. Defaults to "Name".

  • val (str, optional) – The name of the value column. Defaults to "Value".


The markdown table.

Return type:


stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.log_to_std_out(msg, color='', bold=False, highlight=False, type=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Print a colorized message to stdout.

  • msg (str) – Message you want to log.

  • color (str, optional) – Color you want the message to have. Defaults to "".

  • bold (bool, optional) – Whether you want the text to be bold text has to be bold.

  • highlight (bool, optional) – Whether you want to highlight the text. Defaults to False.

  • type (str, optional) – The log message type. Options are: info, warning and error. Defaults to None.

  • *args – All args to pass to the print function.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to the print function.

stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.setup_logger_kwargs(exp_name, seed=None, save_checkpoints=False, use_tensorboard=False, tb_log_freq='low', use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type=DEFAULT_WANDB_JOB_TYPE, wandb_project=DEFAULT_WANDB_PROJECT, wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None, quiet=False, verbose_fmt=DEFAULT_STD_OUT_TYPE, verbose_vars=[], data_dir=None, datestamp=False)[source]

Sets up the output_dir for a logger and returns a dict for logger kwargs.

If no seed is given and datestamp is false,

output_dir = data_dir/exp_name

If a seed is given and datestamp is false,

output_dir = data_dir/exp_name/exp_name_s[seed]

If datestamp is true, amend to

output_dir = data_dir/YY-MM-DD_exp_name/YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_exp_name_s[seed]

You can force datestamp=True by setting FORCE_DATESTAMP=True in stable_learning_control/

  • exp_name (str) – Name for experiment.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed for random number generators used by experiment.

  • save_checkpoints (bool, optional) – Save checkpoints during training. Defaults to False.

  • use_tensorboard (bool, optional) – Whether you want to use TensorBoard. Defaults to True.

  • tb_log_freq (str, optional) – The TensorBoard log frequency. Options are low (Recommended: logs at every epoch) and high (logs at every SGD update ” batch). Defaults to low since this is less resource intensive.

  • use_wandb (bool, optional) – Whether you want to use Weights & Biases. Defaults to False.

  • wandb_job_type (str, optional) – The Weights & Biases job type. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_project (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases project you want to log to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_group (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases group you want to assign the run to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_run_name (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases run. Defaults to None which means that the run name is automatically generated.

  • quiet (bool, optional) – Whether you want to suppress logging of the diagnostics to the stdout. Defaults to False.

  • verbose_fmt (str, optional) – The format in which the diagnostics are displayed to the terminal. Options are table which supplies them as a table and line which prints them in one line. Defaults to line.

  • verbose_vars (list, optional) – A list of variables you want to log to the stdout. By default all variables are logged.

  • data_dir (str, optional) – Path to folder where results should be saved. Default is the DEFAULT_DATA_DIR in stable_learning_control/ Defaults to None.

  • datestamp (bool, optional) – Whether to include a date and timestamp in the name of the save directory. Defaults to False.



A dict containing output_dir and exp_name.

Return type:


class stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.EpochLogger(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Logger

A variant of Logger tailored for tracking average values over epochs.

Typical use case: there is some quantity which is calculated many times throughout an epoch, and at the end of the epoch, you would like to report the average/std/min/max value of that quantity.

With an EpochLogger, each time the quantity is calculated, you would use

to load it into the EpochLogger’s state. Then at the end of the epoch, you would use

epoch_logger.log_tabular(NameOfQuantity, **options)

to record the desired values.


Dictionary used to store variables you want to log into the EpochLogger current state.



Initialise a EpochLogger.

store(tb_write=False, tb_aliases=dict(), extend=False, global_step=None, **kwargs)[source]

Save something into the EpochLogger’s current state.

Provide an arbitrary number of keyword arguments with numerical values.

  • tb_write (Union[bool, dict], optional) – Boolean or dict of key boolean pairs specifying whether you also want to write the value to the TensorBoard logfile. Defaults to False.

  • tb_aliases (dict, optional) – Dictionary that can be used to set aliases for the variables you want to store. Defaults to empty dict.

  • extend (bool, optional) – Boolean specifying whether you want to extend the values to the log buffer. By default False meaning the values are appended to the buffer.

  • global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.

log_to_tb(keys, val=None, with_min_and_max=False, average_only=False, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None, global_step=None)[source]

Log a diagnostic to TensorBoard. This function takes or a list of keys or a key-value pair. If only keys are supplied, averages will be calculated using the new data found in the Loggers internal storage. If a key-value pair is supplied, this pair will be directly logged to TensorBoard.

  • keys (Union[list[str], str]) – The name(s) of the diagnostic.

  • val – A value for the diagnostic.

  • with_min_and_max (bool) – If True, log min and max values of the diagnostic.

  • average_only (bool) – If True, do not log the standard deviation of the diagnostic.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.

  • global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.

log_tabular(key, val=None, with_min_and_max=False, average_only=False, tb_write=False, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None)[source]

Log a value or possibly the mean/std/min/max values of a diagnostic.

  • key (str) – The name of the diagnostic. If you are logging a diagnostic whose state has previously been saved with store(), the key here has to match the key you used there.

  • val – A value for the diagnostic. If you have previously saved values for this key via store(), do not provide a val here.

  • with_min_and_max (bool) – If True, log min and max values of the diagnostic over the epoch.

  • average_only (bool) – If True, do not log the standard deviation of the diagnostic over the epoch.

  • tb_write (bool, optional) – Boolean specifying whether you also want to write the value to the TensorBoard logfile. Defaults to False.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.

dump_tabular(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Small wrapper around the Logger.dump_tabular() method which makes sure that the TensorBoard index track dictionary is reset after the table is dumped.

  • *args – All args to pass to parent method.

  • **kwargs – All kwargs to pass to parent method.


Lets an algorithm ask the logger for mean/std/min/max of a diagnostic.


key (str) – The key for which you want to get the stats.


tuple containing:

  • mean(float): The current mean value.

  • std(float): The current mean standard deviation.

  • min(float): The current mean value.

  • max(float): The current mean value.

Return type:


_log_tb_diagnostics(key, with_min_and_max=False, average_only=False, tb_prefix=None, tb_alias=None, global_step=None)[source]

Calculates the diagnostics of a given key from all the new data found in the Loggers internal storage.

  • key (Union[list[str], str]) – The name of the diagnostic.

  • with_min_and_max (bool) – If True, log min and max values of the diagnostic.

  • average_only (bool) – If True, do not log the standard deviation of the diagnostic.

  • tb_prefix (str, optional) – A prefix which can be added to group the variables.

  • tb_alias (str, optional) – A tb alias for the variable you want to store store. Defaults to empty dict. If not supplied the variable name is used.

  • global_step (int, optional) – Global step value to record. Uses internal step counter if global step is not supplied.