"""This module contains several replay buffers that are used in multiple Pytorch and
TensorFlow algorithms.
import numpy as np
from stable_learning_control.algos.common.helpers import discount_cumsum
from stable_learning_control.common.helpers import atleast_2d, combine_shapes
from stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.helpers import log_to_std_out
[docs]class ReplayBuffer:
"""A simple first-in-first-out (FIFO) experience replay buffer.
obs_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the current state.
obs_next_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the next state.
act_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the current action.
rew_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the current reward.
done_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing information whether the episode was
terminated after the action was taken.
ptr (int): The current buffer index.
def __init__(self, obs_dim, act_dim, size):
"""Initialise the ReplayBuffer object.
obs_dim (tuple): The size of the observation space.
act_dim (tuple): The size of the action space.
size (int): The replay buffer size.
# Preallocate memory for experience buffer (s, s', a, r, d)
# NOTE: Squeeze is needed to remove length 1 axis.
[docs] self.obs_buf = atleast_2d(
np.zeros(combine_shapes(int(size), obs_dim), dtype=np.float32).squeeze()
[docs] self.obs_next_buf = atleast_2d(
np.zeros(combine_shapes(int(size), obs_dim), dtype=np.float32).squeeze()
[docs] self.act_buf = atleast_2d(
np.zeros(combine_shapes(int(size), act_dim), dtype=np.float32).squeeze()
[docs] self.rew_buf = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=np.float32)
[docs] self.done_buf = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=np.float32)
self.ptr, self.size, self._max_size = 0, 0, int(size)
[docs] def store(self, obs, act, rew, next_obs, done):
"""Add experience tuple to buffer.
obs (numpy.ndarray): Start state (observation).
act (numpy.ndarray): Action.
rew (:obj:`numpy.float64`): Reward.
next_obs (numpy.ndarray): Next state (observation)
done (bool): Boolean specifying whether the terminal state was reached.
self.obs_buf[self.ptr] = obs
self.obs_next_buf[self.ptr] = next_obs
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure you set the "
"ReplayBuffer 'obs_dim' equal to your environment 'observation_space'."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.act_buf[self.ptr] = act
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure you set the "
"ReplayBuffer 'act_dim' equal to your environment 'action_space'."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.rew_buf[self.ptr] = rew
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure your 'rew' ReplayBuffer "
"element is of dimension 1."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.done_buf[self.ptr] = done
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure your 'done' ReplayBuffer "
"element is of dimension 1."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
# Increase pointers based on buffer size (first in first out)
self.ptr = (self.ptr + 1) % self._max_size
self.size = min(self.size + 1, self._max_size)
[docs] def sample_batch(self, batch_size=32):
"""Retrieve a batch of experiences from buffer.
batch_size (int, optional): The batch size. Defaults to ``32``.
dict: A batch of experiences.
idxs = np.random.randint(0, self.size, size=batch_size)
batch = dict(
return batch
[docs]class FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer):
r"""A first-in-first-out (FIFO) experience replay buffer that also stores the
expected cumulative finite-horizon reward.
.. note::
The expected cumulative finite-horizon reward is calculated using the following
.. math::
L_{target}(s,a) = \sum_{t}^{t+N} \mathbb{E}_{c_{t}}
horizon_length (int): The length of the finite-horizon.
horizon_rew_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the expected cumulative
finite-horizon reward.
def __init__(self, obs_dim, act_dim, size, horizon_length):
"""Initialise the FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer object.
obs_dim (tuple): The size of the observation space.
act_dim (tuple): The size of the action space.
size (int): The replay buffer size.
horizon_length (int): The length of the finite-horizon.
super().__init__(obs_dim, act_dim, size)
# Throw error if horizon size is larger than buffer size.
if horizon_length > size:
raise ValueError(
f"Horizon size ({horizon_length}) cannot be larger than buffer size "
[docs] self.horizon_length = horizon_length
[docs] self._path_start_ptr = 0
# Preallocate memory for expected cumulative finite-horizon reward buffer.
[docs] self.horizon_rew_buf = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def store(self, obs, act, rew, next_obs, done, truncated):
"""Add experience tuple to buffer and calculate expected cumulative finite
horizon reward if the episode is done or truncated.
obs (numpy.ndarray): Start state (observation).
act (numpy.ndarray): Action.
rew (:obj:`numpy.float64`): Reward.
next_obs (numpy.ndarray): Next state (observation)
done (bool): Boolean specifying whether the terminal state was reached.
truncated (bool): Boolean specifying whether the episode was truncated.
super().store(obs, act, rew, next_obs, done)
self._path_length += 1
# Throw error if path length is larger than horizon size.
if self._path_length > self._max_size:
raise ValueError(
f"Path length ({self._path_length}) cannot be larger than buffer "
f"size ({self._max_size})."
# Compute the expected cumulative finite-horizon reward if done or truncated.
if done or truncated:
if self.ptr < self._path_start_ptr:
path_ptrs = np.concatenate(
np.arange(self._path_start_ptr, self._max_size),
np.arange(0, self.ptr % self._max_size),
path_ptrs = np.arange(self._path_start_ptr, self.ptr)
path_rew = self.rew_buf[path_ptrs]
# Calculate the expected cumulative finite-horizon reward.
path_rew = np.pad(path_rew, (0, self.horizon_length), mode="edge")
horizon_rew = [
np.sum(path_rew[i : i + self.horizon_length])
for i in range(len(path_ptrs))
# Store the expected cumulative finite-horizon reward.
self.horizon_rew_buf[path_ptrs] = horizon_rew
# Increase path variables.
self._path_length = 0
self._path_start_ptr = (
) # NOTE: Ptr was already increased by super().store().
[docs] def sample_batch(self, batch_size=32):
"""Retrieve a batch of experiences and their expected cumulative finite-horizon
reward from buffer.
batch_size (int, optional): The batch size. Defaults to ``32``.
dict: A batch of experiences.
idxs = np.random.randint(0, self.size, size=batch_size)
batch = dict(
return batch
# NOTE: It was created for a new monte-carlo algorithm we had in mind but currently not
# used.
[docs]class TrajectoryBuffer:
"""A simple FIFO trajectory buffer. It can store trajectories of varying lengths
for Monte Carlo or TD-N learning algorithms.
obs_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the current state.
obs_next_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the next state.
act_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the current action.
rew_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing the current reward.
done_buf (numpy.ndarray): Buffer containing information whether the episode was
terminated after the action was taken.
traj_lengths (list): List with the lengths of each trajectory in the
ptr (int): The current buffer index.
traj_ptr (int): The start index of the current trajectory.
traj_ptrs (list): The start indexes of each trajectory.
n_traj (int): The number of trajectories currently stored in the buffer.
.. warning::
This buffer has not be rigorously tested and should therefore still be regarded
as experimental.
def __init__(
"""Initialise the TrajectoryBuffer object.
obs_dim (tuple): The size of the observation space.
act_dim (tuple): The size of the action space.
size (int): The replay buffer size.
preempt (bool, optional): Whether the buffer can be retrieved before it is
full. Defaults to ``False``.
min_trajectory_size (int, optional): The minimum trajectory length that can
be stored in the buffer. Defaults to ``3``.
incomplete (int, optional): Whether the buffer can store incomplete
trajectories (i.e. trajectories which do not contain the final state).
Defaults to ``False``.
gamma (float, optional): The General Advantage Estimate (GAE) discount
factor (Always between 0 and 1). Defaults to ``0.99``.
lam (lam, optional): The GAE bias-variance trade-off factor (always between
0 and 1). Defaults to ``0.95``.
if min_trajectory_size < 3:
"A minimum trajectory length smaller than 3 steps is not recommended "
"since it makes the buffer incompatible with Lyapunov based RL "
# Main buffers.
[docs] self.obs_buf = atleast_2d(
np.zeros(combine_shapes(size, obs_dim), dtype=np.float32).squeeze()
[docs] self.obs_next_buf = atleast_2d(
np.zeros(combine_shapes(size, obs_dim), dtype=np.float32).squeeze()
[docs] self.act_buf = atleast_2d(
np.zeros(combine_shapes(size, act_dim), dtype=np.float32).squeeze()
[docs] self.rew_buf = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=np.float32)
[docs] self.done_buf = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=np.float32)
# Optional buffers.
[docs] self.adv_buf = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] self.ret_buf = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] self.val_buf = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] self.logp_buf = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
# Store buffer attributes.
self.ptr, self.traj_ptr, self.n_traj, self._max_size = 0, 0, 0, size
self._gamma, self._lam = gamma, lam
self._contains_vals, self._contains_logp = True, False
[docs] self._preempt = preempt
self._min_traj_size, self._min_traj_size_warn = min_trajectory_size, False
self._incomplete, self._incomplete_warn = incomplete, False
[docs] def store(self, obs, act, rew, next_obs, done, val=None, logp=None):
"""Append one timestep of agent-environment interaction to the buffer.
obs (numpy.ndarray): Start state (observation).
act (numpy.ndarray): Action.
rew (:obj:`numpy.float64`): Reward.
next_obs (numpy.ndarray): Next state (observation)
done (bool): Boolean specifying whether the terminal state was reached.
val (numpy.ndarray, optional): The (action) values. Defaults to ``None``.
logp (numpy.ndarray, optional): The log probabilities of the actions.
Defaults to ``None``.
assert self.ptr < self._max_size # buffer has to have room so you can store.
# Fill primary buffer.
self.obs_buf[self.ptr] = obs
self.obs_next_buf[self.ptr] = next_obs
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure you set the "
"TrajectoryBuffer 'obs_dim' equal to your environment "
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.act_buf[self.ptr] = act
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure you set the "
"TrajectoryBuffer 'act_dim' equal to your environment 'action_space'."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.rew_buf[self.ptr] = rew
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure your 'rew' "
"TrajectoryBuffer element is of dimension 1."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.done_buf[self.ptr] = done
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure your 'done' "
"TrajectoryBuffer element is of dimension 1."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
# Fill optional buffer.
if val:
self.val_buf[self.ptr] = val
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure your 'val' "
"TrajectoryBuffer element is of dimension 1."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self._contains_vals = True
if logp:
self.logp_buf[self.ptr] = logp
except ValueError as e:
error_msg = (
f"{e.args[0].capitalize()} please make sure your 'logp' "
"TrajectoryBuffer element is of dimension 1."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self._contains_logp = True
# Increase buffer pointers.
self.ptr += 1
[docs] def finish_path(self, last_val=0):
"""Call this at the end of a trajectory or when one gets cut off by an epoch
ends. This function increments the buffer pointers and calculates the advantage
and rewards-to-go if it contains (action) values.
.. note::
When (action) values are stored in the buffer, this function looks back in
the buffer to where the trajectory started and uses rewards and value
estimates from the whole trajectory to compute advantage estimates with
GAE-Lambda and compute the rewards-to-go for each state to use as the
targets for the value function.
The "last_val" argument should be 0 if the trajectory ended because the
agent reached a terminal state (died), and otherwise should be V(s_T), the
value function estimated for the last state. This allows us to bootstrap
the reward-to-go calculation to account for timesteps beyond the arbitrary
episode horizon (or epoch cutoff).
# Calculate the advantage and rewards-to-go if buffer contains vals
if self._contains_vals:
# Get the current trajectory.
path_slice = slice(self.traj_ptr, self.ptr)
rews = np.append(self.rew_buf[path_slice], last_val)
vals = np.append(self.val_buf[path_slice], last_val)
# the next two lines implement GAE-Lambda advantage calculation
deltas = rews[:-1] + self._gamma * vals[1:] - vals[:-1]
self.adv_buf[path_slice] = discount_cumsum(deltas, self._gamma * self._lam)
# the next line computes rewards-to-go, to be targets for the value function
self.ret_buf[path_slice] = discount_cumsum(rews, self._gamma)[:-1]
# Store trajectory length and update trajectory pointers.
self.traj_lengths.append(self.ptr - self.traj_ptr)
self.traj_ptr = self.ptr
self.n_traj += 1
[docs] def get(self, flat=False):
"""Retrieve the trajectory buffer.
Call this at the end of an epoch to get all of the data from
the buffer. Also, resets some pointers in the buffer.
flat (bool, optional): Retrieve a flat buffer (i.e. the trajectories are
concatenated). Defaults to ``False``.
.. note:
If you set flat to ``True`` all the trajectories will be concatenated into
one array. You can use the :attr:`~TrajectoryBuffer.traj_lengths` or
:attr:`traj_ptrs` attributes to split this array into distinct
dict: The trajectory buffer.
if not self._preempt: # Check if buffer was full.
assert self.ptr == self._max_size
# Remove incomplete trajectories.
if not self._incomplete and self.traj_ptr != self.ptr:
if not self._incomplete_warn:
"Incomplete trajectories have been removed from the buffer (i.e. "
"Trajectories that did not reach the final state).",
self._incomplete_warn = True
buffer_end_ptr = self.traj_ptr
buffer_end_ptr = self.ptr
# Remove trajectories that are to short.
if self.traj_lengths[-1] < self._min_traj_size:
if not self._min_traj_size_warn:
f"Trajectories shorter than {self._min_traj_size} have been "
"removed from the buffer."
self._min_traj_size_warn = True
buffer_end_ptr = self.traj_ptr - self.traj_lengths[-1]
self.traj_lengths = self.traj_lengths[:-1]
# Create trajectory buffer dictionary.
buff_slice = slice(0, buffer_end_ptr)
if flat:
data = dict(
if self._contains_vals:
data["adv"] = self.adv_buf[buff_slice]
data["ret"] = self.ret_buf[buff_slice]
if self._contains_logp:
data["lopg"] = self.logp_buf[buff_slice]
data = dict(
obs=np.split(self.obs_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:]),
next_obs=np.split(self.obs_next_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:]),
act=np.split(self.act_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:]),
rew=np.split(self.rew_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:]),
if self._contains_vals:
data["adv"] = np.split(self.adv_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:])
data["ret"] = np.split(self.ret_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:])
if self._contains_logp:
data["lopg"] = np.split(self.logp_buf[buff_slice], self.traj_ptrs[1:])
# Reset buffer and traj indexes.
self.ptr, self.traj_ptr, self.traj_ptrs, self.n_traj = 0, 0, [], 0
self.traj_lengths = []
# Return experience tuple.
return data