Source code for stable_learning_control.algos.common.helpers

"""Functions that are used in multiple Pytorch and TensorFlow algorithms."""

import importlib

import numpy as np
import scipy
import torch  # noqa:F401

from stable_learning_control.utils.gym_utils import (
from stable_learning_control.utils.import_utils import import_tf

[docs]tf = import_tf(frail=False) # Suppress import warning.
[docs]tensorflow = tf
[docs]def heuristic_target_entropy(action_space): """Returns a heuristic target entropy for a given action space using the method explained in `Haarnoja et al. 2019 <>`_. Args: action_space (:obj:`:obj:`gym.spaces``): The action space. Raises: NotImplementedError: If no heuristic target entropy has yet been implemented for the given action space. Returns: :obj:`numpy.int64`: The target entropy. """ if is_continuous_space(action_space): heuristic_target_entropy = action_space.shape ) # Maximum information (bits) contained in action space elif is_discrete_space(action_space): raise NotImplementedError( "The heuristic target entropy is not yet implement for discrete spaces." "Please open a feature/pull request on " " if you need " "this." ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The heuristic target entropy is not yet implement for " f"{type(action_space)} action spaces. Please open a feature/pull request" "on if you" "need this." ) return heuristic_target_entropy
[docs]def get_activation_function(activation_fn_name, backend="torch"): """Get a given torch activation function. Args: activation_fn_name (str): The name of the activation function you want to retrieve. backend (str): The machine learning backend you want to use. Options are ``torch`` or ``tf2``. By default ``torch``. Raises: ValueError: Thrown if the activation function does not exist within the backend. Returns: :obj:`torch.nn.modules.activation`: The torch activation function. """ if backend.lower() == "tf2": backend_prefix = ["tensorflow", "nn"] else: backend_prefix = ["torch", "nn"] # Retrieve activation function. if len(activation_fn_name.split(".")) == 1: activation_fn_name = ".".join(backend_prefix) + "." + activation_fn_name elif len(activation_fn_name.split(".")) == 2: if activation_fn_name.split(".")[0] == "nn": activation_fn_name = backend_prefix[0] + "." + activation_fn_name else: if activation_fn_name.split(".")[0] not in backend_prefix: raise ValueError( "'{}' is not a valid '{}' activation function.".format( activation_fn_name, backend_prefix[0] ) ) # Import activation function. try: return getattr( importlib.import_module(".".join(activation_fn_name.split(".")[:-1])), activation_fn_name.split(".")[-1], ) except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError): raise ValueError( "'{}' is not a valid '{}' activation function.".format( activation_fn_name, backend_prefix[0] ) )
[docs]def discount_cumsum(x, discount): """Calculate the discounted cumsum. .. seealso:: Magic from rllab for computing discounted cumulative sums of vectors. Input: vector x: [x0, x1, x2] Output: [x0 + discount * x1 + discount^2 * x2, x1 + discount * x2, x2] """ return scipy.signal.lfilter([1], [1, float(-discount)], x[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]