Source code for stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.common.buffers

"""Contains several replay buffers used in the Pytorch algorithms."""

import torch

from stable_learning_control.algos.common.buffers import (
    FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer as CommonFiniteHorizonReplayBuffer,
from stable_learning_control.algos.common.buffers import (
    ReplayBuffer as CommonReplayBuffer,
from stable_learning_control.algos.common.buffers import (
    TrajectoryBuffer as CommonTrajectoryBuffer,
from stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.common.helpers import np_to_torch

[docs]class ReplayBuffer(CommonReplayBuffer): """Wrapper around the general FIFO :obj:`~stable_learning_control.common.buffers.ReplayBuffer` which makes sure a :obj:`torch.tensor` is returned when sampling. Attributes: device (str): The device the experiences are placed on (options: ``cpu``, ``gpu``, ``gpu:0``, ``gpu:1``, etc.). """ def __init__(self, device="cpu", *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the ReplayBuffer object. Args: device (str, optional): The computational device to put the sampled experiences on (options: ``cpu``, ``gpu``, ``gpu:0``, ``gpu:1``, etc.). Defaults to ``cpu``. *args: All args to pass to the :class:`ReplayBuffer` parent class. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the class:`ReplayBuffer` parent class. """ self.device = device super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sample_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Retrieve a batch of experiences from buffer. Args: *args: All args to pass to the :meth:`~ReplayBuffer.sample_batch` parent method. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the :meth:`~ReplayBuffer.sample_batch` parent method. Returns: dict: A batch of experiences. """ return np_to_torch( super().sample_batch(*args, **kwargs), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device, ) # Make sure output is a torch tensor.
[docs]class FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer(CommonFiniteHorizonReplayBuffer): """Wrapper around the general FIFO :obj:`~stable_learning_control.common.buffers.FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer` which makes sure a :obj:`torch.tensor` is returned when sampling. Attributes: device (str): The device the experiences are placed on (options: ``cpu``, ``gpu``, ``gpu:0``, ``gpu:1``, etc.). """ def __init__(self, device="cpu", *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer object. Args: device (str, optional): The computational device to put the sampled experiences on (options: ``cpu``, ``gpu``, ``gpu:0``, ``gpu:1``, etc.). Defaults to ``cpu``. *args: All args to pass to the :class:`FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer` parent class. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the class:`FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer` parent class. """ self.device = device super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sample_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Retrieve a batch of experiences from buffer. Args: *args: All args to pass to the :meth:`~FiniteHorizonReplayBuffer.sample_batch` parent method. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the :meth:`~ReplayBuffer.sample_batch` parent method. Returns: dict: A batch of experiences. """ return np_to_torch( super().sample_batch(*args, **kwargs), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device, ) # Make sure output is a torch tensor.
[docs]class TrajectoryBuffer(CommonTrajectoryBuffer): """Wrapper around the general :obj:`~stable_learning_control.common.buffers.TrajectoryBuffer` which makes sure a :obj:`torch.tensor` is returned when sampling. Attributes: device (str): The device the experiences are placed on (options: ``cpu``, ``gpu``, ``gpu:0``, ``gpu:1``, etc.). """ def __init__(self, device="cpu", *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the TrajectoryBuffer object. Args: device (str, optional): The computational device to put the sampled experiences on (options: ``cpu``, ``gpu``, ``gpu:0``, ``gpu:1``, etc.). Defaults to ``cpu``. *args: All args to pass to the :class:`TrajectoryBuffer` parent class. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the :class:`TrajectoryBuffer` parent class. """ self.device = device super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Retrieve the trajectory buffer. Call this at the end of an epoch to get all of the data from the buffer. Also, resets some pointers in the buffer. Args: *args: All args to pass to the :meth:`~TrajectoryBuffer.get` parent method. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the :meth:`~TrajectoryBuffer.get` parent method. Returns: dict: The trajectory buffer. """ return np_to_torch( super().get(*args, **kwargs), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) # Make sure output is a torch tensor.