Source code for stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.common.get_lr_scheduler

"""Contains functions used for creating Pytorch learning rate schedulers."""

from decimal import Decimal

import numpy as np
import torch

import torch.optim

[docs]class ConstantLRScheduler(torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR): """A learning rate scheduler that keeps the learning rate constant.""" def __init__(self, optimizer): """Initialize the constant learning rate scheduler. Args: optimizer (:class:`torch.optim.Optimizer`): The wrapped optimizer. """ super().__init__(optimizer, lr_lambda=lambda step: np.longdouble(1.0))
[docs]def get_exponential_decay_rate(lr_start, lr_final, steps): """Calculates the exponential decay rate needed to go from a initial learning rate to a final learning rate in N steps. Args: lr_start (float): The starting learning rate. lr_final (float): The final learning rate. steps (int): The number of steps. Returns: decimal.Decimal: The exponential decay rate (high precision). """ gamma = (Decimal(lr_final) / Decimal(lr_start)) ** (Decimal(1.0) / Decimal(steps)) return gamma
[docs]def get_linear_decay_rate(lr_init, lr_final, steps): r"""Returns a linear decay factor (G) that enables a learning rate to transition from an initial value (`lr_init`) at step 0 to a final value (`lr_final`) at a specified step (N). This decay factor is compatible with the :class:`torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR` scheduler. The decay factor is calculated using the following formula: .. math:: lr_{terminal} = lr_{init} * (1.0 - G \cdot step) Args: lr_init (float): The initial learning rate. lr_final (float): The final learning rate you want to achieve. steps (int): The number of steps/epochs over which the learning rate should decay. This is equal to epochs -1. Returns: decimal.Decimal: Linear learning rate decay factor (G). """ # noqa: W605 return -( ((Decimal(lr_final) / Decimal(lr_init)) - Decimal(1.0)) / Decimal(max(steps, 1)) )
[docs]def get_lr_scheduler(optimizer, decaying_lr_type, lr_start, lr_final, steps): """Creates a learning rate scheduler. Args: optimizer (torch.optim.Adam): Wrapped optimizer. decaying_lr_type (str): The learning rate decay type that is used (options are: ``linear`` and ``exponential`` and ``constant``). lr_start (float): Initial learning rate. lr_final (float): Final learning rate. steps (int, optional): Number of steps/epochs used in the training. This includes the starting step/epoch. Returns: :obj:`torch.optim.lr_scheduler`: A learning rate scheduler object. .. seealso:: See the :torch:`pytorch <docs/stable/optim.html>` documentation on how to implement other decay options. """ # noqa: E501 if decaying_lr_type.lower() != "constant" and lr_start != lr_final: if decaying_lr_type.lower() == "exponential": exponential_decay_rate = get_exponential_decay_rate( lr_start, lr_final, (steps - 1.0) ) lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR( optimizer, np.float64(exponential_decay_rate) ) else: def lr_multiplier_function(step): """Returns a learning rate multiplier at each steps that makes the learning rate decay linearly. Returns: numpy.longdouble: A learning rate multiplier. """ return np.longdouble( Decimal(1.0) - ( get_linear_decay_rate(lr_start, lr_final, (steps - 1.0)) * Decimal(step) ) ) lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( optimizer, lr_lambda=lr_multiplier_function ) return lr_scheduler else: return ConstantLRScheduler(optimizer)
[docs]def estimate_step_learning_rate( lr_scheduler, lr_start, lr_final, update_after, total_steps, step ): """Estimates the learning rate at a given step. This function estimates the learning rate for a specific training step. It differs from the `get_last_lr` method of the learning rate scheduler, which returns the learning rate at the last scheduler step, not necessarily the current training step. Args: lr_scheduler (torch.optim.lr_scheduler): The learning rate scheduler. lr_start (float): The initial learning rate. update_after (int): The step number after which the learning rate should start decreasing. lr_final (float): The final learning rate. total_steps (int): The total number of steps/epochs in the training process. Excludes the initial step. step (int): The current step number. Excludes the initial step. Returns: float: The learning rate at the given step. """ if step < update_after or isinstance(lr_scheduler, ConstantLRScheduler): return lr_start # Estimate the learning rate at a given step for the lt_scheduler type. adjusted_step = step - update_after adjusted_total_steps = total_steps - update_after if isinstance(lr_scheduler, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR): decay_rate = get_linear_decay_rate(lr_start, lr_final, adjusted_total_steps) lr = float( Decimal(lr_start) * (Decimal(1.0) - decay_rate * Decimal(adjusted_step)) ) elif isinstance(lr_scheduler, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR): decay_rate = get_exponential_decay_rate( lr_start, lr_final, adjusted_total_steps ) lr = float(Decimal(lr_start) * (Decimal(decay_rate) ** Decimal(adjusted_step))) else: supported_schedulers = ["LambdaLR", "ExponentialLR"] raise ValueError( f"The learning rate scheduler is not supported for this function. " f"Supported schedulers are: {', '.join(supported_schedulers)}" ) return max(lr, lr_final)