Source code for stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.policies.lyapunov_actor_critic

"""Lyapunov (soft) actor critic policy.

This module contains a Pytorch implementation of the Lyapunov Actor Critic policy of
`Han et al. 2020 <>`_.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# fmt: off
from stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.policies.actors.squashed_gaussian_actor import \
    SquashedGaussianActor  # noqa: E501
# fmt: on
from stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.policies.critics.L_critic import LCritic
from stable_learning_control.common.helpers import strict_dict_update
from stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.helpers import log_to_std_out

[docs]HIDDEN_SIZES_DEFAULT = {"actor": (256, 256), "critic": (256, 256)}
[docs]ACTIVATION_DEFAULT = {"actor": nn.ReLU, "critic": nn.ReLU}
[docs]OUTPUT_ACTIVATION_DEFAULT = { "actor": nn.ReLU, }
[docs]class LyapunovActorCritic(nn.Module): """Lyapunov (soft) Actor-Critic network. Attributes: self.pi (:class:`~stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.policies.actors.squashed_gaussian_actor.SquashedGaussianActor`): The squashed gaussian policy network (actor). self.L (:obj:`~stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.policies.critics.L_critic.LCritic`): The soft L-network (critic). """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, observation_space, action_space, hidden_sizes=HIDDEN_SIZES_DEFAULT, activation=ACTIVATION_DEFAULT, output_activation=OUTPUT_ACTIVATION_DEFAULT, ): """Initialise the LyapunovActorCritic object. Args: observation_space (:obj:``): A gymnasium observation space. action_space (:obj:``): A gymnasium action space. hidden_sizes (Union[dict, tuple, list], optional): Sizes of the hidden layers for the actor. Defaults to ``(256, 256)``. activation (Union[:obj:`dict`, :obj:`torch.nn.modules.activation`], optional): The (actor and critic) hidden layers activation function. Defaults to :class:`torch.nn.ReLU`. output_activation (Union[:obj:`dict`, :obj:`torch.nn.modules.activation`], optional): The (actor and critic) output activation function. Defaults to :class:`torch.nn.ReLU` for the actor and nn.Identity for the critic. .. note:: It is currently not possible to set the critic output activation function when using the LyapunovActorCritic. This is since it by design requires the critic output activation to by of type :meth:`torch.square`. """ # noqa: E501 super().__init__() obs_dim = observation_space.shape[0] act_dim = action_space.shape[0] # Parse hidden sizes, activation inputs arguments and action_limits hidden_sizes, _ = strict_dict_update(HIDDEN_SIZES_DEFAULT, hidden_sizes) activation, _ = strict_dict_update(ACTIVATION_DEFAULT, activation) output_activation, ignored = strict_dict_update( OUTPUT_ACTIVATION_DEFAULT, output_activation ) act_limits = {"low": action_space.low, "high": action_space.high} if "critic" in ignored: log_to_std_out( ( "The critic output activation function was ignored since it can " "not be set using the LyapunovActorCritic architecture. This is " "since it, by design, uses the 'torch.square' output activation " "function." ), type="warning", ) self.pi = SquashedGaussianActor( obs_dim=obs_dim, act_dim=act_dim, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes["actor"], activation=activation["actor"], output_activation=output_activation["actor"], act_limits=act_limits, ) self.L = LCritic( obs_dim=obs_dim, act_dim=act_dim, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes["critic"], activation=activation["critic"], )
[docs] def forward(self, obs, act, deterministic=False, with_logprob=True): """Performs a forward pass through all the networks (Actor and L critic). Args: obs (torch.Tensor): The tensor of observations. act (torch.Tensor): The tensor of actions. deterministic (bool, optional): Whether we want to use a deterministic policy (used at test time). When true the mean action of the stochastic policy is returned. If false the action is sampled from the stochastic policy. Defaults to ``False``. with_logprob (bool, optional): Whether we want to return the log probability of an action. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - pi_action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The actions given by the policy. - logp_pi (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The log probabilities of each of these actions. - L (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Critic L values. .. note:: Useful for when you want to print out the full network graph using TensorBoard. """ # noqa: E501 pi_action, logp_pi = self.pi( obs, deterministic=deterministic, with_logprob=with_logprob ) L = self.L(obs, act) return pi_action, logp_pi, L
[docs] def act(self, obs, deterministic=False): """Returns the action from the current state given the current policy. Args: obs (torch.Tensor): The current observation (state). deterministic (bool, optional): Whether we want to use a deterministic policy (used at test time). When true the mean action of the stochastic policy is returned. If ``False`` the action is sampled from the stochastic policy. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The action from the current state given the current policy. """ with torch.no_grad(): a, _ = self.pi(obs, deterministic, False) return a.cpu().numpy()