Source code for stable_learning_control.algos.tf2.policies.critics.Q_critic

"""Lyapunov actor critic policy.

This module contains a TensorFlow 2.x implementation of the Q Critic policy of
`Haarnoja et al. 2019 <>`_.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import nn

from stable_learning_control.algos.tf2.common.helpers import mlp

[docs]class QCritic(tf.keras.Model): """Soft Q critic network. Attributes: Q (tf.keras.Sequential): The layers of the network. """ def __init__( self, obs_dim, act_dim, hidden_sizes, activation=nn.relu, output_activation=None, name="q_critic", **kwargs, ): """Initialise the QCritic object. Args: obs_dim (int): Dimension of the observation space. act_dim (int): Dimension of the action space. hidden_sizes (list): Sizes of the hidden layers. activation (:obj:`tf.keras.activations`, optional): The activation function. Defaults to :obj:`tf.nn.relu`. output_activation (:obj:`tf.keras.activations`, optional): The activation function used for the output layers. Defaults to ``None`` which is equivalent to using the Identity activation function. name (str, optional): The Lyapunov critic name. Defaults to ``q_critic``. **kwargs: All kwargs to pass to the :mod:`tf.keras.Model`. Can be used to add additional inputs or outputs. """ super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.Q = mlp( [obs_dim + act_dim] + list(hidden_sizes) + [1], activation, output_activation, name=name, ) # Build the model to initialise the (trainable) variables., obs_dim + act_dim)) @tf.function
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """Perform forward pass through the network. Args: inputs (tuple): tuple containing: - obs (tf.Tensor): The tensor of observations. - act (tf.Tensor): The tensor of actions. Returns: tf.Tensor: The tensor containing the Q values of the input observations and actions. """ return tf.squeeze( self.Q(tf.concat(inputs, axis=-1)), axis=-1 ) # NOTE: Squeeze is critical to ensure q has right shape.