Source code for stable_learning_control.common.helpers

"""Contains several helper functions that are used throughout the SLC package."""

import itertools
import re
import string
from import Iterable, MutableMapping

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import torch

[docs]def atleast_2d(array, axis=1): """Similar to :meth:`numpy.atleast_2d` but with an additional ``axis`` argument which can be used to specify where the extra dimension should be-added. Args: array (numpy.ndarray): [description] axis (int, optional): Position in the expanded axes where the new axis (or axes) is placed if the dimension is smaller than 2. Defaults to ``1``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The 2D numpy array. """ # IMPROVE: Can be replaced with numpy.atleast_2d when # is merged. if array.ndim < 2: array = np.expand_dims(array, axis=axis) return array
[docs]def convert_to_tuple(input_var): """Converts input into a tuple. Args: input_arg (Union[int, float, list]): A input variable. Returns: tuple: A tuple. """ return ( input_var if isinstance(input_var, tuple) else tuple(input_var) if isinstance(input_var, list) else (input_var,) )
[docs]def flatten(items): """Flatten a list with any nested iterable. Args: items (list): A nested list. Returns: list: A flattened version of the list. """ for x in items: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): for sub_x in flatten(x): yield sub_x else: yield x
[docs]def get_unique_list(input_list, trim=True): """Removes non-unique items from a list. Args: input_list (list): The input list. trim (list, optional): Trim empty items. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: list: The new list containing only unique items. """ if trim: return list({item for item in input_list if item != ""}) else: return list({item for item in input_list})
[docs]def combine_shapes(*args, remove_none=False): """Combines multiple tuples/ints/floats into one tuple. Args: *args (Union[tuple,int,float]): Input arguments to combine. remove_none (bool, optional): Remove ``None`` values from the resulting tuple. Returns: Tuple: A tuple in which al the input arguments are combined. """ combined_tuple = tuple( itertools.chain( *[ ( [item] if (isinstance(item, (int, float)) or item is None) else list(item) ) for item in args ] ) ) return ( combined_tuple if not remove_none else tuple([item for item in combined_tuple if item is not None]) )
[docs]def strict_dict_update(input_dict, update_obj): """Updates a dictionary with values supplied in another :obj:`dict` or python :class:`object`. This function performs a strict update, meaning it does not add new keys to the original dictionary.Additionally, if a Python object is supplied, it will be applied to all keys in the dictionary. Args: input_dict (dict): The input dictionary. update_dict (Union[dict, list]): Dictionary or list containing the update values. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - input_dict(:obj:`list`): The new updated dictionary. - ignored (:obj:`str`): The ignored keys. """ ignored = [] if isinstance(update_obj, dict): for key, val in update_obj.items(): if key in input_dict.keys(): input_dict[key] = val else: ignored.append(key) # Ignore keys that are not in the dictionary. else: # Apply object to all keys in the dictionary. for key in input_dict: input_dict[key] = update_obj return input_dict, ignored
[docs]def valid_str(v): """Convert a value or values to a string which could go in a filepath. .. note:: Partly based on `this gist`_. .. _`this gist`: Args: v (list): List with values. """ if hasattr(v, "__name__"): return valid_str(v.__name__) if isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list): return "-".join([valid_str(x) for x in v]) # Valid characters are '-', '_', and alphanumeric. Replace invalid chars # with '-'. str_v = str(v).lower() valid_chars = "-_%s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits) str_v = "".join(c if c in valid_chars else "-" for c in str_v) return str_v
[docs]def all_bools(vals): """Check if list contains only strings. Args: vals (list): List with values. Returns: bool: Boolean specifying the result. """ return all([isinstance(v, bool) for v in vals])
[docs]def is_scalar(obj): """Recursive function that checks whether a input Args: obj (object): Object for which you want to check if it is a scalar. Returns: boole: Boolean specifying whether the object is a scalar. """ if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): return True elif np.isscalar(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): try: float(obj) return True except ValueError: return False else: return True elif isinstance(obj, np.array): if obj.shape == (1,): return is_scalar(obj[0]) else: return False elif isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): if len(obj.shape) == 0: try: float(obj) return True except ValueError: return False elif len(obj.shape) <= 1: if obj.shape[0] <= 1: return is_scalar(obj[0]) else: return False else: return False elif isinstance(obj, str): try: float(obj) return True except ValueError: return False else: return False
[docs]def get_env_id(env): """Returns the environment id of a given environment. Args: env (:obj:`gym.Env`): The environment. Returns: str: The environment id. """ if isinstance(env, gym.Env): return ( if hasattr(env.unwrapped.spec, "id") else type(env.unwrapped).__name__ ) return env
[docs]def get_env_class(env): """Get the environment class. Args: env (:obj:`gym.Env`): The environment. Returns: str: The environment class. """ if isinstance(env, gym.Env): return "{}.{}".format( env.unwrapped.__module__, env.unwrapped.__class__.__name__ ) return env
[docs]def parse_config_env_key(config): """Replace environment objects (i.e. gym.Env) with their id and class path if they are present in the config. Also removes the 'env_fn' from the config. Args: config (dict): The configuration dictionary. Returns: dict: The parsed configuration dictionary. """ parsed_config = {} for key, val in config.items(): if key == "env" and isinstance(val, gym.Env): parsed_config[key] = get_env_id(val) parsed_config["env_class"] = get_env_class(val) elif key == "env_fn": # Remove env_fn from config. continue else: parsed_config[key] = val return parsed_config
[docs]def convert_to_snake_case(input_str): """Converts a string from camel/pascal case to snake case. Args: input_str (str): The input string. Returns: str: The converted string. """ return re.sub( "([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", input_str), ).lower()
[docs]def friendly_err(err_msg, prepend=True, append=True): """Add whitespace line to error message to make it more readable. Args: err_msg (str): Error message. prepend (bool, optional): whether to prepend empty whitespace line before the string. Defaults to ``True``. append (bool, optional): Whether to append empty whitespace line after the string. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: str: Error message with extra whitespace line. """ return ("\n\n" if prepend else "") + err_msg + ("\n\n" if append else "")
[docs]def flatten_dict(d, parent_key="", sep="."): """Flattens a nested dictionary. Args: d (dict): The input dictionary. parent_key (str, optional): The parent key. Defaults to ``""``. sep (str, optional): The separator. Defaults to ``"."``. Returns: dict: The flattened dictionary. """ items = [] for k, v in d.items(): new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, MutableMapping): items.extend(flatten_dict(v, new_key, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
[docs]def convert_to_wandb_config(config): """Transform the config to a format that looks better on Weights & Biases. Args: config (dict): The config that should be transformed. Returns: dict: The transformed config. """ wandb_config = {} for key, value in config.items(): if ( key in [ "env_fn", "output_dir", "use_wandb", "wandb_job_type", "wandb_project", "wandb_group", "wandb_run_name", ] or value is None ): # Filter keys. continue elif key in ["policy", "disturber"]: # Transform policy object to policy id. value = "{}.{}".format(value.__module__, value.__class__.__name__) elif key == "env" and isinstance(value, gym.Env): wandb_config["env_class"] = get_env_class(value) value = get_env_id(value) wandb_config[key] = value return wandb_config
[docs]def convert_to_tb_config(config): """Transform the config to a format that looks better on TensorBoard. Args: config (dict): The config that should be transformed. Returns: dict: The transformed config. """ tb_config = {} for key, value in config.items(): if key in ["env_fn"]: # Skip env_fn. continue elif key == "env" and isinstance(value, gym.Env): tb_config["env_class"] = get_env_class(value) value = get_env_id(value) tb_config[key] = value return flatten_dict(tb_config)