Source code for stable_learning_control.disturbers.action_impulse_disturber

"""Contains a small gymnasium wrapper that can be used to disturb the action of
a gymnasium environment with a impulse applied at a certain time step (i.e.
``magnitude`` and ``time``).

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np

from stable_learning_control.common.helpers import friendly_err
from stable_learning_control.utils.log_utils.helpers import log_to_std_out

[docs]def get_time_attribute(env): """Get the time attribute of the environment. Args: env (gym.Env): The gymnasium environment. Returns: str: The time attribute of the environment. """ if hasattr(env.unwrapped, "time") or hasattr(env.unwrapped, "t"): return "time" if hasattr(env.unwrapped, "time") else "t" return None
[docs]def get_time_step_attribute(env): """Get the time step attribute of the environment. Args: env (gym.Env): The gymnasium environment. Returns: str: The time step attribute of the environment. """ if hasattr(env.unwrapped, "dt") or hasattr(env.unwrapped, "time_step"): return "dt" if hasattr(env.unwrapped, "dt") else "time_step" elif hasattr(env.unwrapped, "timestep"): return "timestep" elif hasattr(env.unwrapped, "tau"): return "tau" return None
[docs]class ActionImpulseDisturber(gym.ActionWrapper): """A gymnasium wrapper that can be used to disturb the action of a gymnasium environment with a impulse applied at a certain time step. Attributes: impulse_magnitude (float): The magnitude of the impulse. impulse_time (float): The time (s) at which to apply the impulse. """
[docs] time_warning = False
[docs] time_step_warning = False
def __init__(self, env, magnitude, time): """Initialise the ActionImpulseDisturber object. Args: env (gym.Env): The gymnasium environment. magnitude (float): The impulse magnitude to apply. time (float): The time (s) at which to apply the impulse. """ self._track_time = False self._time_step_attr = None self._time_attr = None super().__init__(env) self.magnitude = magnitude self.impulse_time = time # Check if the environment contains the time and or time step attributes. self._time_attr = get_time_attribute(env) self._time_step_attr = get_time_step_attribute(env) if self._time_attr is None: if not ActionImpulseDisturber.time_warning: log_to_std_out( ( "The environment does not contain a 'time' or 't' attribute. " "As a result, the time will be tracked within the " f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' disturber." ), type="warning", ) ActionImpulseDisturber.time_warning = True self._track_time = True self.t = 0 self._time_attr = "t" if self._time_step_attr is None: if not ActionImpulseDisturber.time_step_warning: log_to_std_out( ( "The environment does not contain a 'dt', 'time_step', " "'timestep', or 'tau' attribute. As a result, the time " "step will be assumed to be '1'." ), type="warning", ) ActionImpulseDisturber.time_step_warning = True self._time_step_attr = "dt" self.dt = 1 # Throw warning if the time_step is not within the environment's time. max_episode_steps = getattr(self.env.env, "_max_episode_steps", None) if max_episode_steps is not None: if self._time_step_attr is None: if self._time_attr is None and self.impulse_time > max_episode_steps: raise ValueError( friendly_err( f"The '{self.__class__.__name__}' disturber's time step " f"({self.impulse_time}) is larger than the " "environment's maximum episode steps " f"({max_episode_steps}).", prepend=False, ) ) elif self._time_attr is not None: log_to_std_out( ( "The environment does not contain a 'dt', 'time_step', " "'timestep', or 'tau' attribute. As a result, the maximum " "episode time could not be determined. Please ensure that " "the time step is less than the maximum episode time." ), type="warning", ) else: impulse_time_step = np.ceil( self.impulse_time / getattr(self.env.unwrapped, self._time_step_attr) ) if impulse_time_step >= max_episode_steps: raise ValueError( friendly_err( f"The '{self.__class__.__name__}' disturber's time step " f"({impulse_time_step}) is larger than the environment's " f"maximum episode steps ({max_episode_steps}).", prepend=False, ) )
[docs] def track_time(self): """Track the time of the environment.""" if self._track_time: self.t += getattr(self.env.unwrapped, self._time_step_attr)
[docs] def action(self, action): """Add a impulse to the action. Args: action (np.ndarray): The action. Returns: np.ndarray: The action with added impulse. """ self.track_time() # If time is greater than the the impulse time if getattr(self.env.unwrapped, self._time_attr) >= self.impulse_time and ( getattr(self.env.unwrapped, self._time_attr) <= self.impulse_time + getattr(self.env.unwrapped, self._time_step_attr) ): return action + self.magnitude return action