Source code for stable_learning_control.disturbers.env_attributes_disturber

"""Contains a small gymnasium wrapper that can be used to disturb a physics parameter of
a gymnasium environment.

import gymnasium as gym

[docs]class EnvAttributesDisturber(gym.Wrapper): """A gymnasium wrapper that can be used to disturb a physics parameter of a gymnasium environment. Attributes: disturbance_label (str): A label for the disturbance that can be used for logging or plotting. Used in the :mod:`~stable_learning_control.utils.eval_robustness` utility. """ def __init__(self, env, attributes, values): """Initialise the EnvAttributesDisturber object. Args: env (gym.Env): The gymnasium environment. attributes (list): A list of attributes to disturb. values (list): A list of values to set the parameters to. Raises: ValueError: The number of parameters and values must be the same. AttributeError: The parameter does not exist in the environment. """ attributes = attributes if isinstance(attributes, list) else [attributes] values = values if isinstance(values, list) else [values] super().__init__(env) # Throw a warning if params and values are not of the same length. if len(attributes) != len(values): raise ValueError( "The number of parameters and values must be the same. " "Got {} parameters and {} values.".format(len(attributes), len(values)) ) # Try to update the parameter value. for attribute, value in zip(attributes, values): try: setattr(self.env, attribute, value) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "The parameter '{}' does not exist in the environment.".format( attribute ) ) # Disturbance label. if len(attributes) == 1: self.disturbance_label = "{}_{}".format(attributes[0], values[0]) else: disturbance_label = [] for idx, (attribute, value) in enumerate(zip(attributes, values)): disturbance_label.append("attr{}_{}".format(idx + 1, round(value, 2))) self.disturbance_label = "_".join(disturbance_label)