Source code for stable_learning_control.disturbers.observation_random_noise_disturber

"""Contains a small gymnasium wrapper that can be used to disturb the observation of
a gymnasium environment with normally distributed random noise (i.e. ``mean`` and

import gymnasium as gym

[docs]class ObservationRandomNoiseDisturber(gym.ObservationWrapper): """A gymnasium wrapper that can be used to disturb the observation of a gymnasium environment with normally distributed random noise. Attributes: mean (float): The mean of the noise normal distribution. std (float): The standard deviation of the noise normal distribution. """ def __init__(self, env, mean, std): """Initialise the ObservationRandomNoiseDisturber object. Args: env (gym.Env): The gymnasium environment. mean (float): The mean of the noise normal distribution. std (float): The standard deviation of the noise normal distribution. """ super().__init__(env) self.mean = mean self.std = std
[docs] def observation(self, observation): """Add normally distributed random noise to the observation. Args: observation (np.ndarray): The observation. Returns: np.ndarray: The observation with added noise. """ return observation + super().np_random.normal( self.mean, self.std, observation.shape )