Source code for stable_learning_control.utils.eval_utils

"""Helper functions for evaluating the performance of trained agents."""

[docs]def test_agent(policy, env, num_episodes): """Evaluate the Performance of a agent in a separate test environment. Args: policy (Union[torch.nn.Module, tf.Module]): The policy you want to test. env (:obj:`gym.Env`): The environment in which you want to test the agent. num_episodes (int): The number of episodes you want to perform in the test environment. Returns: tuple: tuple containing: - ep_ret(:obj:`list`): Episode retentions. - ep_len(:obj:`list`): Episode lengths. """ test_ep_ret, test_ep_len = [], [] for _ in range(num_episodes): o, _ = env.reset() d, truncated, ep_ret, ep_len = False, False, 0, 0 while not (d or truncated): # Take deterministic actions at test time. o, r, d, truncated, _ = env.step(policy.get_action(o, True)) ep_ret += r ep_len += 1 test_ep_ret.append(ep_ret) test_ep_len.append(ep_len) return test_ep_ret, test_ep_len