Source code for stable_learning_control.utils.import_utils

"""Contains functions that can be used to import modules and classes while repressing
the :class`ImportError` when a module is not found.

import importlib
import sys

from stable_learning_control.common.helpers import friendly_err

[docs]def lazy_importer(module_name, class_name=None, frail=False): """A simple lazy importer tries to import a module/class but is too lazy to complain when it is not found. This function can be used to (lazily) load modules and classes, meaning only loading them if available. Args: module_name (str): The python module you want to import (eg. tensorflow.nn). class_name (str): The python class you want to import from a given python module by default ``None``. frail (bool, optional): Throw ImportError when module can not be imported. Defaults to ``False``. Raises: ImportError: A custom import error that is raised when the module is not installed and ``frail`` is ``True``. Returns: module: The imported (class) module. Returns ``None`` if the module is not found. """ # Return module if it is already imported. if module_name in sys.modules: if class_name is None: return sys.modules[module_name] else: return getattr(sys.modules[module_name], class_name) # Try to import module or class. try: if class_name is None: return importlib.import_module(module_name) else: return getattr(importlib.import_module(module_name), class_name) except ImportError: if frail: import_msg = f"No module named '{module_name}'." if "tensorflow" in module_name: import_msg += " Did you run the `pip install .[tf2]` command?" raise ImportError(friendly_err(import_msg))
[docs]def tf_installed(): """Checks if TensorFlow is installed. Returns: bool: Returns ``True`` if TensorFlow is installed. """ if "tensorflow" in sys.modules: return True elif importlib.util.find_spec("tensorflow") is not None: return True else: return False
[docs]def import_tf(module_name=None, class_name=None, frail=True): """Tries to import TensorFlow and throws custom warning if TensorFlow is not installed. Args: module_name (str, optional): The tensorflow python module you want to import (eg. tensorflow.nn). By default ``None``, meaning the TensorFlow package is imported. class_name (str): The python class you want to import from the tensorflow python module (eg. Adam from :mod:`tensorflow.keras.optimizers`). By default ``None``. frail (bool, optional): Throw :class:`ImportError` when TensorFlow can not be imported. Defaults to ``True``. Raises: ImportError: A custom import error if TensorFlow is not installed. Returns: module: The imported (class) module. """ module_name = "tensorflow" if module_name is None else module_name if "tensorflow" not in module_name: raise ValueError( f"Expected module name to contain 'tensorflow' but got '{module_name}'." ) return lazy_importer(module_name, class_name, frail)