Source code for stable_learning_control.utils.mpi_utils.mpi_pytorch

"""Helper methods for managing Pytorch MPI processes.

.. note::
    This module is not yet used in any of the current algorithms, but is kept here for
    future reference.

import numpy as np
import torch

from stable_learning_control.utils.mpi_utils.mpi_tools import (  # proc_id,

[docs]def setup_pytorch_for_mpi(): """Avoid slowdowns caused by each separate process's PyTorch using more than its fair share of CPU resources. """ # print( # "Proc %d: Reporting original number of Torch threads as %d." # % (proc_id(), torch.get_num_threads()), # flush=True, # ) if torch.get_num_threads() == 1: return fair_num_threads = max(int(torch.get_num_threads() / num_procs()), 1) torch.set_num_threads(fair_num_threads)
# print( # "Proc %d: Reporting new number of Torch threads as %d." # % (proc_id(), torch.get_num_threads()), # flush=True, # )
[docs]def mpi_avg_grads(module): """Average contents of gradient buffers across MPI processes. Args: module (object): Python object for which you want to average the gradients. """ if num_procs() == 1: return # Sync torch module parameters. if hasattr(module, "parameters"): for p in module.parameters(): # Sync network grads. p_grad_numpy = p.grad.numpy() avg_p_grad = mpi_avg(p.grad) p_grad_numpy[:] = avg_p_grad[:] elif isinstance(module, torch.Tensor): # Sync network grads. p_grad_numpy = module.grad.numpy() avg_p_grad = mpi_avg(module.grad) if isinstance(avg_p_grad, list): p_grad_numpy[:] = avg_p_grad[:] else: p_grad_numpy = avg_p_grad else: raise TypeError( ( "The gradients of parameter with type {} could not be synced accord " "the MPI processes as objects of this type are not yet supported. " ).format(type(module)) )
[docs]def sync_params(module): """Sync all parameters of module across all MPI processes. Args: module (object): Python object for which you want to average the gradients. """ if num_procs() == 1: return # Sync torch module parameters. if hasattr(module, "parameters"): # Sync network parameters. for p in module.parameters(): p_numpy = broadcast(p_numpy) elif isinstance(module, torch.Tensor): # Sync pytorch parameter. p_numpy = broadcast(p_numpy) return elif isinstance(module, np.ndarray): # Sync numpy parameters. broadcast(module) else: raise TypeError( ( "Parameter of type {} could not be synced accord the MPI processes " "as objects of this type are not yet supported. " ).format(type(module)) )