
Contains a utility that can be used to evaluate the stability and robustness of an algorithm. See the Robustness Evaluation Documentation for more information.

Module Contents



Get a human readable label for a given disturber label.


Add a column that contains a disturbance label. This label will be created


Get all disturbers that are available in the stable_learning_control package.


Get a string with all available disturbers that are available in the


Print all available disturbers that are available in the


Load a given disturber. The disturber name can include an unloaded module in


Retrieves all disturber variants from the given disturber configuration

run_disturbed_policy(env, policy, disturber, ...[, ...])

Evaluates the disturbed policy inside a given gymnasium environment. This

plot_robustness_results(dataframe[, observations, ...])

Creates several useful plots out of a robustness evaluation dataframe that was




Get a human readable label for a given disturber label.


disturber_label (str) – The disturber label.


The human readable disturber label.

Return type:



Add a column that contains a disturbance label. This label will be created by concatenating all disturber parameters.


This function will not add a disturbance label if the dataframe already contains a disturbance label.


dataframe (pd.DataFrame) – The dataframe containing the disturber parameters.


The dataframe with the disturbance label column.

Return type:



ValueError – If the dataframe does not contain a ‘disturber’ column.


Get all disturbers that are available in the stable_learning_control package.


List with all available disturbers.

Return type:



Get a string with all available disturbers that are available in the stable_learning_control package.


String with all available disturbers.

Return type:



Print all available disturbers that are available in the stable_learning_control package.


Load a given disturber. The disturber name can include an unloaded module in “module:disturber_name” style. If no module is given, the disturber is loaded from the stable_learning_control.disturbers module.


disturber_id (str) – The name of the disturber you want to load.


The loaded disturber object.


Retrieves all disturber variants from the given disturber configuration dictionary. Variants are created by combining the key values over indexes.


disturber_range_dict (dict) – The disturber configuration dictionary.


List with all disturber variants.

Return type:


  • TypeError – Thrown when the values in the disturber configuration variables are not of type float, int or list.

  • ValueError – Thrown when the values in the disturber configuration variables do not have the same length.

stable_learning_control.utils.eval_robustness.run_disturbed_policy(env, policy, disturber, disturber_config, include_baseline=True, max_ep_len=None, num_episodes=100, render=True, deterministic=True, save_result=False, output_dir=None, use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type=None, wandb_project=None, wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None)[source]

Evaluates the disturbed policy inside a given gymnasium environment. This function loops to all the disturbances that are specified in the environment and outputs the results of all these episodes as a :obj:pandas.Dataframe`.

  • env (gym.env) – The gymnasium environment.

  • policy (Union[tf.keras.Model, torch.nn.Module]) – The policy.

  • (obj (disturber) – gym.Wrapper): The disturber you want to use.

  • disturber_config (dict) – The disturber configuration dictionary. Contains the variables that you want to pass to the disturber. It sets up the range of disturbances you wish to evaluate.

  • include_baseline (bool) – Whether you want to automatically add the baseline (i.e. zero disturbance) when it not present. Defaults to True.

  • max_ep_len (int, optional) – The maximum episode length. Defaults to None. Meaning the maximum episode length of the environment is used.

  • num_episodes (int, optional) – Number of episodes you want to perform in the environment. Defaults to 100.

  • render (bool, optional) – Whether you want to render the episode to the screen. Defaults to True.

  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Whether you want the action from the policy to be deterministic. Defaults to True.

  • save_result (bool, optional) – Whether you want to save the dataframe with the results to disk. Defaults to False.

  • output_dir (str, optional) – A directory for saving the diagnostics to. If None, defaults to a temp directory of the form /tmp/experiments/somerandomnumber.

  • use_wandb (bool, optional) – Whether to use Weights & Biases for logging. Defaults to False.

  • wandb_job_type (str, optional) – The type of job you are running. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_project (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases project. Defaults to None which means that the project name is automatically generated.

  • wandb_group (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases group you want to assign the run to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_run_name (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases run. Defaults to None which means that the run name is automatically generated.


Dataframe that contains information about all the

episodes and disturbances.

Return type:



AssertionError – Thrown when the environment or policy is not found.

stable_learning_control.utils.eval_robustness.plot_robustness_results(dataframe, observations=None, references=None, reference_errors=None, absolute_reference_errors=False, merge_reference_errors=False, use_subplots=False, use_time=False, save_plots=False, font_scale=1.5, figs_fmt='pdf', output_dir=None, use_wandb=False, wandb_job_type=None, wandb_project=None, wandb_group=None, wandb_run_name=None)[source]

Creates several useful plots out of a robustness evaluation dataframe that was collected in the run_disturbed_policy() method.

  • dataframe (pandas.DataFrame) – The data frame that contains the robustness evaluation information information.

  • observations (list) – The observations you want to show in the observations plot. By default for clarity only the first 6 observations are shown.

  • references (list) – The references you want to show in the reference plot. By default for clarity only the first references is shown.

  • reference_errors (list) – The reference errors you want to show in the reference error plot. By default for clarity only the first reference error is shown.

  • absolute_reference_errors (bool) – Whether you want to plot the absolute reference errors instead of relative reference errors. Defaults to False.

  • merge_reference_errors (bool) – Whether you want to merge the reference errors into one reference error. Defaults to False.

  • use_subplots (bool) – Whether you want to use subplots instead of separate figures. Defaults to False.

  • use_time (bool) – Whether you want to use the time as the x-axis. Defaults to False.

  • save_plots (bool) – Whether you want to save the created plots to disk. Defaults to False.

  • font_scale (int) – The font scale you want to use for the plot text. Defaults to 1.5.

  • figs_fmt (str, optional) – In which format you want to save the plots. Defaults to pdf.

  • output_dir (str, optional) – The directory where you want to save the output figures to. If None, defaults to a temp directory of the form /tmp/experiments/somerandomnumber.

  • use_wandb (bool, optional) – Whether to use Weights & Biases for logging. Defaults to False.

  • wandb_job_type (str, optional) – The type of job you are running. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_project (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases project. Defaults to None which means that the project name is automatically generated.

  • wandb_group (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases group you want to assign the run to. Defaults to None.

  • wandb_run_name (str, optional) – The name of the Weights & Biases run. Defaults to None which means that the run name is automatically generated.
