
Contains utilities and helper functions/classes that can be used for calling experiments.


This module was based on spinningup repository.

Module Contents



Tool for running many experiments given hyperparameter ranges.


call_experiment(exp_name, thunk[, seed, num_cpu, ...])

Run a function (thunk) with hyperparameters (kwargs), plus configuration.



stable_learning_control.utils.run_utils.DIV_LINE_WIDTH = 80[source]
stable_learning_control.utils.run_utils.call_experiment(exp_name, thunk, seed=0, num_cpu=1, data_dir=None, datestamp=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run a function (thunk) with hyperparameters (kwargs), plus configuration.

This wraps a few pieces of functionality which are useful when you want to run many experiments in sequence, including logger configuration and splitting into multiple processes for MPI.

There’s also a SpinningUp-specific convenience added into executing the thunk: if env_name is one of the kwargs passed to call_experiment, it’s assumed that the thunk accepts an argument called env_fn, and that the env_fn should make a gymnasium environment with the given env_name.

The way the experiment is actually executed is slightly complicated: the function is serialised to a string, and then is executed in a subprocess call with the serialised string as an argument. unserializes the function call and executes it. We choose to do it this way—instead of just calling the function directly here—to avoid leaking state between successive experiments.

  • exp_name (str) – Name for experiment.

  • thunk (callable) – A python function.

  • seed (int) – Seed for random number generators.

  • num_cpu (int) – Number of MPI processes to split into. Also accepts ‘auto’, which will set up as many procs as there are cpus on the machine.

  • data_dir (str) – Used in configuring the logger, to decide where to store experiment results. Note: if left as None, data_dir will default to DEFAULT_DATA_DIR from stable_learning_control.user_config.

  • datestamp (bool) – Whether a datestamp should be added to the experiment name.

  • kwargs – All kwargs to pass to thunk.

class stable_learning_control.utils.run_utils.ExperimentGrid(name='')[source]

Tool for running many experiments given hyperparameter ranges.

Initialise the ExperimentGrid object.


name (str) – Experimental grid id.


Validate grid id.


_name (object) – Input object.


Print a helpful report about the experiment grid.


Create grid key shorthands.

Create a default shorthand for the key, built from the first three letters of each colon-separated part. But if the first three letters contains something which isn’t alphanumeric, shear that off.


key (str) – Full grid key name.


Generated shorthand.

Return type:


add(key, vals, shorthand=None, in_name=False)[source]

Add a parameter (key) to the grid config, with potential values (vals).

By default, if a shorthand isn’t given, one is automatically generated from the key using the first three letters of each colon-separated term. To disable this behavior, change DEFAULT_SHORTHAND in the stable_learning_control.user_config file to False.

  • key (str) – Name of parameter.

  • vals (value or list of values) – Allowed values of parameter.

  • shorthand (str) – Optional, shortened name of parameter. For example, maybe the parameter steps_per_epoch is shortened to steps.

  • in_name (bool) – When constructing variant names, force the inclusion of this parameter into the name.


Given a variant (dict of valid param/value pairs), make an exp_name.

A variant’s name is constructed as the grid name (if you’ve given it one), plus param names (or shorthands if available) and values separated by underscores.

Note: if seed is a parameter, it is not included in the name.


variant (str) – The variant name.

_variants(keys, vals)[source]

Recursively builds list of valid variants.

  • keys (object) – Hyperparameter key name.

  • vals (object) – Grid value.


List of valid variants.

Return type:



Makes a list of dicts, where each dict is a valid config in the grid.

There is special handling for variant parameters whose names take the form


The colons are taken to indicate that these parameters should have a nested dict structure. eg, if there are two params,







the variant dict will have the structure

variant = {
    base: {
        param : {
            a : 1,
            b : 2
run(thunk, num_cpu=1, data_dir=None, datestamp=False)[source]

Run each variant in the grid with function ‘thunk’.

Note: ‘thunk’ must be either a callable function, or a string. If it is a string, it must be the name of a parameter whose values are all callable functions.

Uses call_experiment() to actually launch each experiment, and gives each variant a name using variant_name().

Maintenance note: the args for should track closely to the args for call_experiment. However, seed is omitted because we presume the user may add it as a parameter in the grid.

  • thunk (callable) – A python function.

  • seed (int) – Seed for random number generators.

  • num_cpu (int) – Number of MPI processes to split into. Also accepts ‘auto’, which will set up as many procs as there are cpus on the machine.

  • data_dir (str) – Used in configuring the logger, to decide where to store experiment results. Note: if left as None, data_dir will default to DEFAULT_DATA_DIR from stable_learning_control.user_config.

  • datestamp (bool) – Whether a datestamp should be added to the experiment name.