Lyapunov Actor-Twin Critic (LATC)

See also

This document assumes you are familiar with the Lyapunov Actor-Critic (LAC) algorithm. It is not a comprehensive guide but mainly depicts the difference between the Lyapunov Actor-Twin Critic and Lyapunov Actor-Critic (LAC) algorithms. It is therefore meant to complement the LAC algorithm documentation.


Like the LAC algorithm, this LATC algorithm only guarantees stability in mean cost when trained on environments with a positive definite cost function (i.e. environments in which the cost is minimised). The opt_type argument can be set to maximise when training in environments where the reward is maximised. However, because the Lyapunov’s stability conditions are not satisfied, the LAC algorithm no longer guarantees stability in mean cost.


The Laypunov Actor-Twin Critic (LATC) algorithm is a successor to the LAC algorithm. In contrast to its predecessor, the LATC algorithm employs a dual-critic approach, aligning it more closely with the SAC algorithm upon which LAC was built initially. In the SAC framework, these dual critics served to counteract overestimation bias by selecting the minimum value from both critics for the actor updates. In our case, we employ the maximum to minimise the cost, thus addressing potential underestimation bias in Lyapunov values. For a deeper exploration of this concept, refer to the research paper by Haarnoja et. al 2019. For more information on the inner workings of the LAC algorithm, refer to the LAC algorithm documentation. Below only the differences between the LAC and LATC algorithms are discussed.

Differences with the LAC algorithm

Like its direct predecessor, the LATC algorithm also uses entropy regularisation to increase exploration and a Gaussian actor and value-critic to develop the best action. The main difference lies in the fact that the LyapunovActorTwinCritic contains two critic instead of one. These critics are identical to the critic used in the LAC algorithm but trained separately. Following their maximum is used to update the actor. Because of this the policy issues optimised according to

(1)\min_{\theta} \underE{s \sim \mathcal{D} \\ \xi \sim \mathcal{N}}{\lambda(\bm{L_{c_{max}}(s^{'}, f_{\theta}(\epsilon, s^{'})})-L_{c}(s, a) + \alpha_{3}c) + \mathcal{\alpha}\log \pi_{\theta}(f_{\theta}(\epsilon, s)|s) + \mathcal{H}_{t}}

Where L_{c_{max}} now represents the maximum of the two critics. The rest of the algorithm remains the same.


Because the LATC and LAC algorithms are so similar, the latc() is implemented as a wrapper around the lac() function. This wrapper only changes the actor-critic architecture to LyapunovActorTwinCritic. To prevent code duplication, the stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.policies.lyapunov_actor_critic.LyapunovActorCritic class was modified to use the maximum of the two critics when the LyapunovActorTwinCritic class is set as the actor-critic architecture.

Quick Fact

  • LATC is an off-policy algorithm.

  • It is guaranteed to be stable in mean cost.

  • The version of LATC implemented here can only be used for environments with continuous action spaces.

  • An alternate version of LATC, which slightly changes the policy update rule, can be implemented to handle discrete action spaces.

  • The SLC implementation of LATC does not support parallelisation.

Further Reading

For more information on the LATC algorithm, please check out the LAC documentation and the original paper of Han et al., 2020.


    \caption{Lyapunov-based Actor-Twin Critic (LATC)}
    \REQUIRE Maximum episode length $N$ and maximum update steps $M$
        \STATE Samples $s_{0}$ according to $\rho$
        \FOR{$t=1$ to $N$}
            \STATE Sample $a$ from $\pi(a|s)$ and step forward
            \STATE Observe $s'$, $c$ and store ($s$, $a$, $c$, $s'$) in $\mathcal{D}$
        \FOR{$i=1$ to $M$}
            \STATE Sample mini-batches of transitions from $D$ and update $L_{c}$, $L2_{c}$, $\pi$, Lagrance multipliers with eq. (7) and (14) of Han et al., 2020 and the new actor update rule described above
    \UNTIL{eq. 11 of Han et al., 2020 is satisfied}


You Should Know

In what follows, we give documentation for the PyTorch and TensorFlow implementations of LATC in SLC. They have nearly identical function calls and docstrings, except for details relating to model construction. However, we include both full docstrings for completeness.

Algorithm: PyTorch Version

stable_learning_control.algos.pytorch.latc.latc(env_fn, actor_critic=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Trains the LATC algorithm in a given environment.

  • env_fn – A function which creates a copy of the environment. The environment must satisfy the gymnasium API.

  • actor_critic (torch.nn.Module, optional) –

    The constructor method for a Torch Module with an act method, a pi module and several Q or L modules. The act method and pi module should accept batches of observations as inputs, and the Q* and L modules should accept a batch of observations and a batch of actions as inputs. When called, these modules should return:


    Output Shape



    (batch, act_dim)

    Numpy array of actions for each



    Tensor containing one current estimate
    of Q*/L for the provided
    observations and actions. (Critical:
    make sure to flatten this!)

    Calling pi should return:





    (batch, act_dim)

    Tensor containing actions from policy
    given observations.



    Tensor containing log probabilities of
    actions in a. Importantly:
    gradients should be able to flow back
    into a.

    Defaults to LyapunovActorTwinCritic

  • *args – The positional arguments to pass to the lac() method.

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the lac() method.


Wraps the lac() function so that the LyapunovActorTwinCritic architecture is used as the actor critic.

Saved Model Contents: PyTorch Version

The PyTorch version of the LATC algorithm is implemented by subclassing the torch.nn.Module class. Because of this and because the LATC algorithm is implemented as a wrapper around the LAC algorithm; the model weights are saved using the model_state dictionary ( state_dict). These saved weights can be found in the torch_save/ file. For an example of how to load a model using this file, see Experiment Outputs or the PyTorch documentation.

Algorithm: TensorFlow Version


The TensorFlow version is still experimental. It is not guaranteed to work, and it is not guaranteed to be up-to-date with the PyTorch version.

stable_learning_control.algos.tf2.latc.latc(env_fn, actor_critic=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Trains the LATC algorithm in a given environment.

  • env_fn – A function which creates a copy of the environment. The environment must satisfy the gymnasium API.

  • actor_critic (tf.Module, optional) –

    The constructor method for a TensorFlow Module with an act method, a pi module and several Q or L modules. The act method and pi module should accept batches of observations as inputs, and the Q* and L modules should accept a batch of observations and a batch of actions as inputs. When called, these modules should return:


    Output Shape



    (batch, act_dim)

    Numpy array of actions for each



    Tensor containing one current estimate
    of Q*/L for the provided
    observations and actions. (Critical:
    make sure to flatten this!)

    Calling pi should return:





    (batch, act_dim)

    Tensor containing actions from policy
    given observations.



    Tensor containing log probabilities of
    actions in a. Importantly:
    gradients should be able to flow back
    into a.

    Defaults to LyapunovActorTwinCritic

  • *args – The positional arguments to pass to the lac() method.

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the lac() method.


Wraps the lac() function so that the LyapunovActorTwinCritic architecture is used as the actor critic.

Saved Model Contents: TensorFlow Version

The TensorFlow version of the LATC algorithm is implemented by subclassing the tf.nn.Model class. As a result, both the full model and the current model weights are saved. The complete model can be found in the saved_model.pb file, while the current weights checkpoints are found in the tf_safe/weights_checkpoint* file. For an example of using these two methods, see Experiment Outputs or the TensorFlow documentation.